got pulled over by the pigs today

I would report this guy. No way in H E double hockey sticks do you get a warning for 11 miles over. However, this could open a can of shite you don't want opened.

The only time I reported a cop was in the 11th grade. The fucker hit me in the chest and then threatened me with all sorts of hell.

Then he actually came up to me and literally apologized for his actions. I actually thought he was going to arrest me....he literally said: I am sorry for my actions. I acted inappropriately. I will never forget it.

yeah... I know man.. it's so bizarre. I don't kn ow what his angle was. I'm thinking he realized he fucked up with radar or something and had no choice but to let me go but made it seem like I was given a break even though he had jack shit on me. He came out of no where, he was initially sort of in front of me and did a uturn to get behind me, that's why I was so confused, I don't think he had a good spot on me. I really don't know what he was doing tbh
my son got a ticket for going 135 in a 55 on his motorcycle.......

i know a guy that was going 15 over through virginia, he has no record, didn't matter. Immediately arrested, he ended up in jail for 60 days. And that was after a plea deal. The south doesn't play.
ok so usually when I have been pulled over, sometimes I know I fucked up, other times I thinking I'm not guilty but understand why I was pulled over. This was the first time in my life where I was legit like "wtf?"

and the cop didn't even explain why I was pulled over initially. He was also pissed because I thought I was so innocent I didn't even pull over right away.. like I legit thought there was no way I was getting pulled over, that's how innocent I thought I was. So it took me a minute to be like "oh... he actually wants me to pull over"

So I am just sitting in my car wondering why the fuck I was pulled. When the cop came up to my window he was pretty mad, yelling at me for not pulling over initially, I was very calm, cool, collected, and explained my reasoning, always being polite and addressing him as officer and sir. Once I did that, he chilled out a bit and realized it was a misunderstanding.

Then after all that, pulling me over, yelling at me, making me sweat for 10 minutes, he gives me only a warning. On the warning he has me going 41 in a 30.

I can only think that's complete bullshit because usually there is no way you are getting out of a ticket if you went 11 miles over. I think he was just in a bad mood?

So the moral of this thread is... if I was a retarded like most police haters, I could have just started going off on the officer, yelling, calling him names, arguing etc... but I am not a retard. I apologized, acted like a fine upstanding citizen, and in return I was treated like a fine upstanding citizen. if you respect police, they will respect you back.

So in conclusion, I was supposedly 11 miles over the speed limit. No ticket. I rule.

I have friends that get really pissed off, if they're pulled over, and I've tried to tell them to remain cool and just "flip the script"; because Officers are told to remain in control of the situation and that usually means they're going to ask questions that will only help them.

Once you get them to the point of being NOT in control; because the ones who already have an attitude, don't know what to do.

An example:

How would some of you answer the following question?

Do you know how fast you were going?
as for being over the speedlimit, I think it might have been a speed trap cause I was coming up a hill and the speed limit probably just changed. There was no way I was like blazing down the road or anything like that. The officer must have realized his case was shotty because there is no way usually you get a warning for being 11 mph over.

There's also the good chance that you weren't even speeding and he was just using that as justification for stopping you and then when he realized that between the two of you, he's the one that was "out of control", he made the decision to just drop the entire thing.
i just looked up the mass law. I was warned for a 90/17... which means that in theory not only should I have been fined, but I should have been fined double. I'm telling you... something weird happened. maybe he thought I was sus for another reason and then realized all he had was fake news :thinking:
i know a guy that was going 15 over through virginia, he has no record, didn't matter. Immediately arrested, he ended up in jail for 60 days. And that was after a plea deal. The south doesn't play.

true story......his buddy was riding with him......he went home parked his bike in front of the house and went inside......ten minutes later the cops pulled up......they charged him with speeding and fleeing and eluding.......he fought it in court.......told the judge he didn't even know they were chasing him......said if he had he wouldn't have been stupid enough to leave his bike out front of his house.......the judge agreed........

on the other hand nobody goes to jail for 60 days for a speeding ticket.......I expect you didn't mention that there was a bench warrant out for his arrest on another matter.......or perhaps that while driving 15 over he ran over the sheriff's mother in law.......
There's also the good chance that you weren't even speeding and he was just using that as justification for stopping you and then when he realized that between the two of you, he's the one that was "out of control", he made the decision to just drop the entire thing.

that very well could be the case. My charming demeanor probably saved me. I truly abide at all times.
and people wonder why I strive to be so chill. Getting out of speeding tickets is one such reason. I was so so chill today. You have no idea.
I have friends that get really pissed off, if they're pulled over, and I've tried to tell them to remain cool and just "flip the script"; because Officers are told to remain in control of the situation and that usually means they're going to ask questions that will only help them.

Once you get them to the point of being NOT in control; because the ones who already have an attitude, don't know what to do.

An example:

How would some of you answer the following question?

Do you know how fast you were going?

"how fast, officer?" :thinking:

treat it like it's rhetorical and the officer already knows the answer. This helps on multiple fronts because first, you aren't admitting guilty.. which could come in handy later, and also you aren't saying "I don't know" which also harms you later if you are trying to contest and they have you on record being clueless.
i just looked up the mass law. I was warned for a 90/17... which means that in theory not only should I have been fined, but I should have been fined double. I'm telling you... something weird happened. maybe he thought I was sus for another reason and then realized all he had was fake news :thinking:

The Complete Guide to Massachusetts Speeding Tickets

Massachusetts drivers have a reputation for driving fast, particularly around Boston. That doesn’t mean that you can get away with speeding, however. Esurance ranks Massachusetts in its top 10 states that give out the most speeding tickets (Massachusetts came in at #9, just above Connecticut). Keep in mind that “keeping up with traffic” does not work as a good excuse in court if you try to appeal a ticket, so it’s a good idea to keep your speed in check even if other drivers are way above the speed limit. Driving safely is particularly important because in Massachusetts speeding points are automatically linked to insurance premiums. Your rate will go up by a prescribed amount if you are convicted of a speeding violation.

How Much Does a Massachusetts Speeding Ticket Cost?

Traffic ticket fines are consistent throughout Massachusetts, so speeding will cost you the same amount whether it’s in Boston or New Bedford. What will make a difference is how fast you were driving. Massachusetts charges a flat $50 for speeding 10 mph over the speed limit or less. There is also a flat $50 fine for each ticket that goes to the state’s Head Injury Treatment Services Trust Fund. In addition, MA charges $10 per mph more than 10 mph over the speed limit. For example, if you were driving 45 mph in a 30 mph zone (15 mph over the speed limit), you’d be charged an additional $50 for a total of $150.

Your ticket could have cost you $110 and his "explanation" for pulling you over, was more then likely bogus.
"how fast, officer?" :thinking:

treat it like it's rhetorical and the officer already knows the answer. This helps on multiple fronts because first, you aren't admitting guilty.. which could come in handy later, and also you aren't saying "I don't know" which also harms you later if you are trying to contest and they have you on record being clueless.
You don’t have to answer at all, you give him your license and remain silent. It’s your right.
The Complete Guide to Massachusetts Speeding Tickets

Massachusetts drivers have a reputation for driving fast, particularly around Boston. That doesn’t mean that you can get away with speeding, however. Esurance ranks Massachusetts in its top 10 states that give out the most speeding tickets (Massachusetts came in at #9, just above Connecticut). Keep in mind that “keeping up with traffic” does not work as a good excuse in court if you try to appeal a ticket, so it’s a good idea to keep your speed in check even if other drivers are way above the speed limit. Driving safely is particularly important because in Massachusetts speeding points are automatically linked to insurance premiums. Your rate will go up by a prescribed amount if you are convicted of a speeding violation.

How Much Does a Massachusetts Speeding Ticket Cost?

Traffic ticket fines are consistent throughout Massachusetts, so speeding will cost you the same amount whether it’s in Boston or New Bedford. What will make a difference is how fast you were driving. Massachusetts charges a flat $50 for speeding 10 mph over the speed limit or less. There is also a flat $50 fine for each ticket that goes to the state’s Head Injury Treatment Services Trust Fund. In addition, MA charges $10 per mph more than 10 mph over the speed limit. For example, if you were driving 45 mph in a 30 mph zone (15 mph over the speed limit), you’d be charged an additional $50 for a total of $150.

Your ticket could have cost you $110 and his "explanation" for pulling you over, was more then likely bogus.

yeah i thought it was weird. and he approached me immediately with attitude too. maybe he thought I was someone else or something and then realized he fucked up
You don’t have to answer at all, you give him your license and remain silent. It’s your right.

yes I know, but sometimes you can try to finesse your situation. my solution doesn't admit guilt, while also coming off amicable. You don't have to play in the middle of the lines like me because you are a woman and can just flirt or cry and you are golden. Us guys have to use more creative means.
"how fast, officer?" :thinking:

treat it like it's rhetorical and the officer already knows the answer. This helps on multiple fronts because first, you aren't admitting guilty.. which could come in handy later, and also you aren't saying "I don't know" which also harms you later if you are trying to contest and they have you on record being clueless.

The last time I was pulled over, my answer was:

"Office, you know that is a loaded question and if I tell you NO and this goes to Court, the first words out of your mouth are going to be "Your honor I asked him if he know how fast he was going and he admitted that he had no idea'".

I then followed it up with:

"And if I say YES and this goes to Court, the first words out your mouth are going to be "Your honor I asked him if he know how fast he was going and he admitted that he did'".

I could see the frustration building, in his face, and the rest of his attempt went down hill from there.

End result, NO TICKET.
yeah i thought it was weird. and he approached me immediately with attitude too. maybe he thought I was someone else or something and then realized he fucked up

I don't know what kind of vehicle you drive; but you could be exactly correct and after he approached you, he realized that he fucked up.

He probably didn't even have his radar gun turned on.
I don't know what kind of vehicle you drive; but you could be exactly correct and after he approached you, he realized that he fucked up.

He probably didn't even have his radar gun turned on.

he checked the radar box on the warning. but if he knows im not going to court over a warning he could put whatever lie he wants on there
ok so usually when I have been pulled over, sometimes I know I fucked up, other times I thinking I'm not guilty but understand why I was pulled over. This was the first time in my life where I was legit like "wtf?"

and the cop didn't even explain why I was pulled over initially. He was also pissed because I thought I was so innocent I didn't even pull over right away.. like I legit thought there was no way I was getting pulled over, that's how innocent I thought I was. So it took me a minute to be like "oh... he actually wants me to pull over"

So I am just sitting in my car wondering why the fuck I was pulled. When the cop came up to my window he was pretty mad, yelling at me for not pulling over initially, I was very calm, cool, collected, and explained my reasoning, always being polite and addressing him as officer and sir. Once I did that, he chilled out a bit and realized it was a misunderstanding.

Then after all that, pulling me over, yelling at me, making me sweat for 10 minutes, he gives me only a warning. On the warning he has me going 41 in a 30.

I can only think that's complete bullshit because usually there is no way you are getting out of a ticket if you went 11 miles over. I think he was just in a bad mood?

So the moral of this thread is... if I was a retarded like most police haters, I could have just started going off on the officer, yelling, calling him names, arguing etc... but I am not a retard. I apologized, acted like a fine upstanding citizen, and in return I was treated like a fine upstanding citizen. if you respect police, they will respect you back.

So in conclusion, I was supposedly 11 miles over the speed limit. No ticket. I rule.

Yes, you pathetic cunt, 11 miles over will usually get anyone a ticket.

I think it may have been the fact that you blew him that got you (and him) off.