got pulled over by the pigs today

I got stalked by some fairies working for famous peopl again today, trying to cause me a heart attack wiff the disruptive frequencies of their runny holes. Is there a difference?

Fuck off.

You're more annoying then Desh or the constant Amazon bickering.

yes I know, but sometimes you can try to finesse your situation. my solution doesn't admit guilt, while also coming off amicable. You don't have to play in the middle of the lines like me because you are a woman and can just flirt or cry and you are golden. Us guys have to use more creative means.
I have never cried nor flirted.
No, he’s lived a very sheltered white life.

He thinks a black person would ever consider talking back to a cop, or hazing them? If he was a black, that means the police would be dealing with a black stoner. I wonder how that would go down. Not good, is for sure anyway
ok so usually when I have been pulled over, sometimes I know I fucked up, other times I thinking I'm not guilty but understand why I was pulled over. This was the first time in my life where I was legit like "wtf?"

and the cop didn't even explain why I was pulled over initially. He was also pissed because I thought I was so innocent I didn't even pull over right away.. like I legit thought there was no way I was getting pulled over, that's how innocent I thought I was. So it took me a minute to be like "oh... he actually wants me to pull over"

So I am just sitting in my car wondering why the fuck I was pulled. When the cop came up to my window he was pretty mad, yelling at me for not pulling over initially, I was very calm, cool, collected, and explained my reasoning, always being polite and addressing him as officer and sir. Once I did that, he chilled out a bit and realized it was a misunderstanding.

Then after all that, pulling me over, yelling at me, making me sweat for 10 minutes, he gives me only a warning. On the warning he has me going 41 in a 30.

I can only think that's complete bullshit because usually there is no way you are getting out of a ticket if you went 11 miles over. I think he was just in a bad mood?

So the moral of this thread is... if I was a retarded like most police haters, I could have just started going off on the officer, yelling, calling him names, arguing etc... but I am not a retard. I apologized, acted like a fine upstanding citizen, and in return I was treated like a fine upstanding citizen. if you respect police, they will respect you back.

So in conclusion, I was supposedly 11 miles over the speed limit. No ticket. I rule.

Way to go dude. You must be getting older to chill like that.

Last time I was pulled I was doing 14 over in a 45, Business 40 in Winston-Salem. I exited to go downtown and the blue lights came on. This was like 1999 and I was driving a one year old Mustang GT, gorgeous in Laser Red. I pushed the switch to get the window down and the young officer looked at me and asked "you have no idea on why I pulled you over do you?".

I explained to him that I was "doing my 4 over", and he corrected me that the speed limit had changed from 55 to 45.

"Wut!?" I said. "Yeah" he said. Dude gave me a warning.

Cops love me, man.
yeah... I know man.. it's so bizarre. I don't kn ow what his angle was. I'm thinking he realized he fucked up with radar or something and had no choice but to let me go but made it seem like I was given a break even though he had jack shit on me. He came out of no where, he was initially sort of in front of me and did a uturn to get behind me, that's why I was so confused, I don't think he had a good spot on me. I really don't know what he was doing tbh

I'm guessing no cam....