Götterdämmerung -- The Twilight of the Gods

In a dark season of pestilence, COVID has reduced to tatters the illusion of American exceptionalism. At the height of the crisis, with more than 2,000 dying each day, Americans found themselves members of a failed state, ruled by a dysfunctional and incompetent government largely responsible for death rates that added a tragic coda to America’s claim to supremacy in the world.

For the first time, the international community felt compelled to send disaster relief to Washington. For more than two centuries, reported the Irish Times, “the United States has stirred a very wide range of feelings in the rest of the world: love and hatred, fear and hope, envy and contempt, awe and anger. But there is one emotion that has never been directed towards the U.S. until now: pity.” As American doctors and nurses eagerly awaited emergency airlifts of basic supplies from China, the hinge of history opened to the Asian century.


Thanks for the link. It was a decent read even though Wade Davis, a Canadian-Columbian, seems to not only be sampling his psychoactive drugs but also trots out every Democrat trope of the 21st Century:

"Odious as he may be, Trump is less the cause of America’s decline than a product of its descent. As they stare into the mirror and perceive only the myth of their exceptionalism, Americans remain almost bizarrely incapable of seeing what has actually become of their country. The republic that defined the free flow of information as the life blood of democracy, today ranks 45th among nations when it comes to press freedom. In a land that once welcomed the huddled masses of the world, more people today favor building a wall along the southern border than supporting health care and protection for the undocumented mothers and children arriving in desperation at its doors. In a complete abandonment of the collective good, U.S. laws define freedom as an individual’s inalienable right to own a personal arsenal of weaponry, a natural entitlement that trumps even the safety of children; in the past decade alone 346 American students and teachers have been shot on school grounds.

The American cult of the individual denies not just community but the very idea of society. No one owes anything to anyone. All must be prepared to fight for everything: education, shelter, food, medical care. What every prosperous and successful democracy deems to be fundamental rights — universal health care, equal access to quality public education, a social safety net for the weak, elderly, and infirmed — America dismisses as socialist indulgences, as if so many signs of weakness."

I'm inclined to recall Mark Twain's comment "The report of my death was an exaggeration." The United States may, indeed, have peaked from WWII to the end of the Cold War, but it's not dead or dying. It's too large, too robust for that to happen. Additionally there is the factor Fareed Zakaria brought up in his book "The Post-American World". Zakaria points out immediate in the book:

This is a book not about the decline of America but rather about the rise of everyone else. It is about the great transformation taking place around the world, a transformation that, though often discussed, remains poorly understood. This is natural. Changes, even sea changes, take place gradually. Though we talk about a new era, the world seems to be one with which we are familiar. But in fact, it is very different.​

Yes, the world is changing and the US must change with it. Yes, the US is no longer the leader in everything on the planet, but that doesn't mean it will fall to the bottom or give way to some other nation. IMO, it means the US will be sharing the stage with all the other nations which have caught up to the United States.
Even the lefty "fact checking" site that is really just a lefty spin machine admits Trump never called the virus itself a hoax. They had to mix in some other propaganda in order to make it look like the notion that Trump called the virus itself a hoax is a a "mixture" of truth, but they still admitted the fact that the notion is bullshit.

What fact checking are you referring to?????????????????????
Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
In a dark season of pestilence, COVID has reduced to tatters the illusion of American exceptionalism. At the height of the crisis, with more than 2,000 dying each day, Americans found themselves members of a failed state, ruled by a dysfunctional and incompetent government largely responsible for death rates that added a tragic coda to America’s claim to supremacy in the world.

our problems will end when the demmycrats lose the House......
Even the lefty "fact checking" site that is really just a lefty spin machine admits Trump never called the virus itself a hoax. They had to mix in some other propaganda in order to make it look like the notion that Trump called the virus itself a hoax is a a "mixture" of truth, but they still admitted the fact that the notion is bullshit.

He referred to the (D) criticism of his non-response to the virus as a hoax. You Reichwingers are never happy, are you? You made a claim, I backed it up, and you're *still* bitching. You are why we can't have nice things.

Like a functional, prosperous, free nation.
In a dark season of pestilence, COVID has reduced to tatters the illusion of American exceptionalism. At the height of the crisis, with more than 2,000 dying each day, Americans found themselves members of a failed state, ruled by a dysfunctional and incompetent government largely responsible for death rates that added a tragic coda to America’s claim to supremacy in the world.

For the first time, the international community felt compelled to send disaster relief to Washington. For more than two centuries, reported the Irish Times, “the United States has stirred a very wide range of feelings in the rest of the world: love and hatred, fear and hope, envy and contempt, awe and anger. But there is one emotion that has never been directed towards the U.S. until now: pity.” As American doctors and nurses eagerly awaited emergency airlifts of basic supplies from China, the hinge of history opened to the Asian century.

Pity, it’s the first time I have felt this way about my country as well and embarrassment, lots of embarrassment.
It is dishonest to perpetuate the notion that Trump ever called the virus itself a hoax. You are trying to marginalize the fear mongering that was really what Trump was calling a hoax.

While there is truth in that, let's not forget that Trump often likes to dance around without ever taking responsibilty for anything negative, bad or which has failed.

Example; I could say "A lot of RWNJ's mothers were whores". Did I call your mother a whore? No. Did I say you were a RWNJ? No. Even if I did, that still doesn't mean I called your mother a whore because I said "a lot of..." not "all". See how that works? That's exactly how Trump often works. Sure, he never said the words "The virus is a hoax", but he sure danced around the idea a lot and he also keeps calling it "the China virus" like that makes it okay for him to botch handling it here in the US.
Wrong on all counts.

No amount of tap dancing, temper tantrums, crying are going to change these very simple facts:

Donald Trump, with the encouragement of his millions of fan boys, spent critical months downplaying, minimizing, denying the nature and scope of the risk we faced.

Agreed. Trump loves to pussyfoot around topics without actually incriminating himself. He's a lying draft-dodging coward and both his lying and cowardice didn't end with the war in Vietnam. It continues to this day.
He referred to the (D) criticism of his non-response to the virus as a hoax. You Reichwingers are never happy, are you? You made a claim, I backed it up, and you're *still* bitching. You are why we can't have nice things.

Like a functional, prosperous, free nation.

You did a fine job of setting cypress straight. In his first response to your thread, he was perpetuating the notion that Trump called the virus itself a hoax, which you set straight with that snopes thing.
While there is truth in that, let's not forget that Trump often likes to dance around without ever taking responsibilty for anything negative, bad or which has failed.

Example; I could say "A lot of RWNJ's mothers were whores". Did I call your mother a whore? No. Did I say you were a RWNJ? No. Even if I did, that still doesn't mean I called your mother a whore because I said "a lot of..." not "all". See how that works? That's exactly how Trump often works. Sure, he never said the words "The virus is a hoax", but he sure danced around the idea a lot and he also keeps calling it "the China virus" like that makes it okay for him to botch handling it here in the US.
This is exactly what he does, using phrases like, “it may or may not”.

He also thinks it’s just going to disappear. I see no indication of that at this time. He basis his inaction on this false notion.
Lol, I see you decided to give up on the bolded portion of what you just quoted of me after owl posted the snopes thing that shot down your dishonestly. Again, it is dishonest to perpetuate the notion that Trump called the virus itself a hoax, so thank you for abandoning your attempts to do that.
You have not disputed that you and Trump spent critical months downplaying the nature of the risk.

You and Trump do not understand what the definition of hoax is.

What was the deliberate and malicious deception in Democrats and the world health comnunity stating that this pandemic was a deadly serious risk which required decisive action to ameliorate?
Agreed. Trump loves to pussyfoot around topics without actually incriminating himself. He's a lying draft-dodging coward and both his lying and cowardice didn't end with the war in Vietnam. It continues to this day.

Owl posted the snopes thing where they admit that Trump NEVER called the virus itself a hoax. Cypress tried to perpetuate the notion that Trump called the virus itself a hoax if you read his first response to this thread.
You have not disputed that you and Trump spent critical months downplaying the nature of the risk.

You and Trump do not understand what the definition of hoax is.

What was the deliberate and malicious deception in Democrats and the world health comnunity stating that this pandemic was a deadly serious risk which required decisive action to ameliorate?

You dishonesty tried to perpetuate the notion that Trump called the virus itself a hoax, and now you are dishonestly evading that you tried to do that.
It did not have to be like this. The first step should have been to take this deadly serious, and decisively prepared to minimize the risk of transmission and spread.

What we had instead was a president and large parts of one of our major political parties calling it a Democratic hoax, that it was no different than the common cold, and chuckling about face masks and social distancing being for wimps

This virus itself is not a democratic hoax, but it very often has the same symptoms as the common cold.
Owl posted the snopes thing where they admit that Trump NEVER called the virus itself a hoax. Cypress tried to perpetuate the notion that Trump called the virus itself a hoax if you read his first response to this thread.

So? What did I say? Where is my post wrong in your opinion?...or are you agreeing with me? Stop pussyfooting around. Only fucking liars and cowards to that.
This virus itself is not a democratic hoax, but it very often has the same symptoms as the common cold.

You still have not explained how stating that COVID19 is a deadly serious risk requiring a decisive national response is a deliberate and malicious deception.

It is like you and Trump simply do not know what the definition of the word hoax is.
You still have not explained how stating that COVID19 is a deadly serious risk requiring a decisive national response is a deliberate and malicious deception.

It is like you and Trump simply do not know what the definition of the word hoax is.

I'd like to see an honest answer to that one too but do not expect anything other than evasion, diversion and lies.
In a dark season of pestilence, COVID has reduced to tatters the illusion of American exceptionalism. At the height of the crisis, with more than 2,000 dying each day, Americans found themselves members of a failed state, ruled by a dysfunctional and incompetent government largely responsible for death rates that added a tragic coda to America’s claim to supremacy in the world.

For the first time, the international community felt compelled to send disaster relief to Washington. For more than two centuries, reported the Irish Times, “the United States has stirred a very wide range of feelings in the rest of the world: love and hatred, fear and hope, envy and contempt, awe and anger. But there is one emotion that has never been directed towards the U.S. until now: pity.” As American doctors and nurses eagerly awaited emergency airlifts of basic supplies from China, the hinge of history opened to the Asian century.


So you want to go back to the 1950's. Understood. Leave it to Beaver , Father Knows Best, and Ozzie and Harriet were great times. MAGA.
Yes, the world is changing and the US must change with it. Yes, the US is no longer the leader in everything on the planet, but that doesn't mean it will fall to the bottom or give way to some other nation. IMO, it means the US will be sharing the stage with all the other nations which have caught up to the United States.

As long as we pretend we are still #1 w/o doing anything to BE #1, and elect ppl who want to shut off trade and relations with other nations, we will continue to lose prestige, influence, and respect. Right now we are the world's pariah and our citizens are not welcomed in most of the planet's countries.