Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Excellent reference, ma'm, and true.Ra-men, Brother Dutch, ra-men. "We have met the enemy, and he is us." -- Pogo
Excellent reference, ma'm, and true.Ra-men, Brother Dutch, ra-men. "We have met the enemy, and he is us." -- Pogo
Well back to the strawman....... There are far more than two sides.... We have well over 300 million ppl & to say we get only two choices is ludicrous.. Small countries like Japan, Israel, Germany etc get a lot more choices.... THAT IS A LIE PERPETUATED BY THOSE TWO PARTIES....... fuck them both!!!
There is no civil war, you been listening to to much hate radio & tv.......... Get out on your own side of the road & make up your own damn mind.........
The world aint black & white......
Sad you listed off all the forces you believe are destroying the economy, but left off the one that has repeatedly destroyed it-wallstreet, the bankers etc.... The same ones that sold our jobs to china...........
Smell the roses along the way, enjoy your journey, one never knows when it may end..........View attachment 16483
Indeed, fuck both parties. There are only two sides in this war though, the political landscape is not what it once was.
Very, very well said, thank you..............View attachment 16482
Feel rather sad about it but it is what it is
Howard Zinn the late great Historian use to ask, "why can't we just be #2" in this or that, like military, we can still destroy the planet two or three times...
Now we are @ the doorstep looking in, not how I envisioned it, & honestly not gave it a lot of thought up till the last several months.
Que sera sera...
For most of recorded history Asia, & more specifically China & India have been responsible for about half the world's GDP, arguably.. So perhaps it was inevitable??
It seems likely to late to alter the trajectory of their economies~or our own..
Hopefully it will come about peacefully..
The USA/west spent the last 20+ years wasting treasure in the ME/Central Asia while ASEAN, China & India have continually expanded their economies, ironically w/ the help of US & other corporations.........
Very well put, thank you................
It is an excellent article, particularly for the historical aspects. Think what you will of Trump, but 'the rot' was here long before he got here.
Okay you can forget about that invite to the Redwoods & Yosemite..........![]()
Yep......... They want this & that, they just don't wanna pay for it.........
If you proposed those rates today these fools would have a heart attack from moving so fast for their guns.....
Then they'll drive to work on the roads our parents & grandparents built w/ those taxes & bitch about potholes when they are to fuckin stingy to pay to fix them..
Okay you can forget about that invite to the Redwoods & Yosemite..........![]()
There was once a time when we all could get along, even if we were from opposite sides of the aisle. Political identifiers like Democrat, progressive, centrist, moderate, Republican, socialist, communist, commie, and such actually meant different things back in those days too. In our current political landscape, we only have two sides of a civil war, and everybody is either a lefty or a righty. I know what all the old political identifiers mean, but they are now meaningless in our polarized politics. It only takes a moment to see if a person is on the side of Marxism, violence, defunding police, BLM, violent protests accompanied by "peaceful" accomplices, fake news, welfare, and overblown pandemic panic to destroy the economy. When I hear a lefty who sounds like he is going to vote for this chaos, I know in an instant that he is effectively voting for ALL of it.
Thanks. I wish it didn't need to be said, but there you go. In the immortal words of the vapid empty suit in our White House: "It is what it is."
I talked with my best friend from nursing school today. She's still working FT at a suburban hospital just outside St. Louis MO. She said in the beginning, they kept the COVID patients in their own wing, and staff were not assigned but could volunteer to be stationed there. Now there are so many COVID pts that they are spread throughout the hospital (which at least has private rooms, thank the gods). So she might have half virus patients, half something-else patients on a shift. They do get N95 masks -- but are expected to wear them for the entire 12 hours of their shifts -- and for four or five shifts. They re-use disposable PPE as well. What could go wrong?
But yeah, it is what it is.
That's vacation, not living there. Although I'm sure Newsome will find a way to tax me.
Yep. I think the days where the national mindset was "We're all in this together; a rising tide floats all boats; etc." are long, long behind us.
Yo, Semite!?
Yet oddly enough, those ppl on the far left see YOU as the enemy. They see that you favor fascism, authoritarianism, racism, hatred, bigotry, the biggest wealth disparity in American history, corruption, bribing other countries to get our favored candidate elected, kowtowing to despicable dictators and America's enemies. You hate science, knowledge, intelligence, ethics, morality, and freedom. You want an all-white all-Xtian all-males-in-charge world.
That's how many of you Reichwingers are seen. Even the most moderate and centrist of we lefties despair at ever being able to come to the table in agreement with the likes of you alt-rightwing nutjobs.
Fortunately your side isn't all like you, nor is my side "commie Marxist" boogeymen. Only a low-IQ poor-quality mind would believe that. Do you have a poor-quality mind?
Yea, I fully understand, our hospitals ran out of stuff & started making their own.
One of my daughters mother-in-law just retired from that....... She was the head nurse of that section but they eventually closed it do to lack of patients...... I dunno if it is reopened or not as she retired 2 seeks ago...... Glad she got out of there, I was very concerned about them & grandkids
Lefties don't know anything about me, they only know what they are told by the MSM. Either way, we are on opposite sides of the war.
I don't doubt that. I am terrified for my youngest daughter, who is a special ed. teacher... with MS.
We used to joke around in nursing labs -- where we learned to calculate and calibrate IV drips manually, among other dosage calculations -- that they were training us for employment in third world countries. For some reason that's not as funny any more.
I wish her well.Thanks. I wish it didn't need to be said, but there you go. In the immortal words of the vapid empty suit in our White House: "It is what it is."
I talked with my best friend from nursing school today. She's still working FT at a suburban hospital just outside St. Louis MO. She said in the beginning, they kept the COVID patients in their own wing, and staff were not assigned but could volunteer to be stationed there. Now there are so many COVID pts that they are spread throughout the hospital (which at least has private rooms, thank the gods). So she might have half virus patients, half something-else patients on a shift. They do get N95 masks -- but are expected to wear them for the entire 12 hours of their shifts -- and for four or five shifts. They re-use disposable PPE as well. What could go wrong?
But yeah, it is what it is.