Government and Income Inequality

dude if there is semen on your puooty then its your own asshole.

it cant travel through the internets.

maybe its your dog since you likely are dry as a bone in the sack of marbles
Nice fail. Answer my question Taft. How long did it take Walmart to produce 80 billion in after tax profits for the owners of the corporation?

Or just run like you usually do.

Really; this statement alone illustrates you haven't the slightest clue what you are talking about, or what point you are trying to make.

Where did you get your degree? Did you ever go to college?

The wealth of Walmart members is not based on after tax income they receive from the company. It comes from the stock ownership that accumulates and whose value is determined by the stock market based on financial performance. They pay taxes on any dividends received on these investments and pay a capital gains whenever they sell shares.

It is a paper value that can dissolve just as quickly as it appreciates. There is a risk associated with these stocks as well.

Wallmart has been one of the most successful retailers in the world. It got there by providing value to the consumers who voluntarily spend their money there based on that value perception. This company has revived many communities that were in decline. It employs hundreds of thousands of people and provides opportunity for career growth and training for those with little education and training. Wallmart also buys services and products from thousands of small and local businesses as well as employ Construction contractors who pay high wages for good jobs.

Wallmart has given back billions to local communities they serve and paid billions in Federal taxes, State and local taxes. The irrational Union thug war on Wallmart is parroted by morons like you who are clueless uneducated dullards that have no idea how the real world works and are economic ass clowns.

Government, whom clueless buffoons like you look to as arbiters of what is fair destroys jobs. Government cannot do anything without first taking money by force from those who earn it and create jobs.

As evidenced by this inexperienced inept buffoon of a President low information fools elected, an economy cannot grow or expand when burdened by massive Government stimulus spending, which does nothing more than accumulate debt, and class envy Marxist rhetoric impugning those who accumulate capital and risk it to create new companies.

Since Obama has taken office and when Democrats controlled the House and the Senate, they has spent us into trillion dollar deficits on leftist stimulus boondoggles and a massive takeover of our healthcare system based on lies and today, we have 1.3 million fewer participating in the labor force.

If you account for those who have been entering the labor force and unable to find work, the real unemployment rate exceeds 13%. These dire economic figures are not improving and honest economists only see continued malaise to the end of Obamas second term. Yet gullible low information fools fall for his Marxist rhetoric and gullibly believe that Republicans are the problem and not this buffoon of a President.

Bravo; you have removed all doubt that you are a clueless idiot.
Hardly. We are not talking about accounting methods. You are attempting to deny that Walmart would be profitable if it's employees were paid a living wage.
I have proved you are incorrect as usual. Since we both know you are not wrong because you are stupid, the only other possibility is that you are lying.

The question is why? Why do you lie to protect what you aspire to yet have no chance of achieving, to the detriment of all society, including yourself?
Why does the term useful idiot keep popping into my head?

The living wage argument is the argument of fools and gullible morons.

But then, you're an idiot, how would you even begin to comprehend how stupid this claim is.

Let me help you; Wallmart is a retailer that hires basically entry level workers with few job skills and education. Therefore, most who work as sales clerks are not trying to earn enough to "live" on, but are students, retirees, second job earners, and the young. If you think you can work in a retail position ANYWHERE and earn enough to live on and support a family, you just might be an idiot.

Next; what is meant by "living" wage? What is a living wage? Is it $15 an hour? Is it $25 an hour? If you are going to erroneously claim we should all earn this arbitrary "living wage" I would say that one cannot live in too many areas of Califormia on less than $50K.

Hugo Chavez had similar views based on ignorance and has succeeded in destroying Venezuelas economy even though it is an oil rich nation.

The correct wage paid is what workers are willing to give up their labor for doing a specific job. Setting arbitrary minimum wage rates has NEVER resulted in anyone earning more or doing better. You do that by gaining experience in the labor market, learning a valuable trade and getting an education or starting a business. Only gullible low information fools think you get there by demanding companies pay an arbitrary minimum wage rate set by Government fools pandering to ignoramuses. Only idiots think that people working at McDonalds should be earning enough to support a family.

It's official; you're an idiot.
these are cold hard fact you fact adverse fool

You removed all doubt you were an idiot when you first posted this; the second time you merely reinforced this view.

Continually posting something you have proven you have no clue what it means is a serious sign of mental retardation.

Where did you get your degree in economics?

Dismissed dumbass; you're living proof that an inexperienced buffoon like Obama could only get elected by clueless low information fools who gullibly fell for meaningless slogans like hope and change.
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prove your claim with FACTS not bluster

My commentary was based economic facts; you're too dense, too uneducated, too stupid and too gullibly entrenched in leftist ideological buffoonery to comprehend it.

You're an incredibly vulgar dullard who spends incredible amounts of time on a political blog desperately trying to prove what an empty headed fool you are. Congrats, you have succeeded.

You're a testament of why it is fruitless to argue with an idiot.
you don't understand this data do you?

It is you who cannot comprehend your trite cut and paste job from wikipedia in a laughably retarded claim that Republicans start recessions. But because you are an uneducated dullard devoted to vulgar nonsense, trying to explain why you are so incredibly stupid and wrong would be an exercise in futility.

Now run along ignorant little ass clown; go bother someone who would be dumb enough to want to engage you in the never ending circle of stupidity you wallow in. Dumbasses like you wouldn't know a fact if it walked up and introduced itself to you.
Listen dickfuck you simple piece of shit, she is obviously referring to the devastating recession of the last decade, which would not have been possible without Phil Graham repealing Glass Steagle.

Stop obfuscating and start dealing with the truth.

Another brain dead simpleton who thinks regulations prevent bad decisions and corrupt behavior.

There were regulations and regulators in place when Mortgage giants like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mak engaged in their reckless behavior. In House hearings, Democrats attacked the regulator trying to warn them of the reckless behavior and exclaimed nothing was wrong and inferring these efforts were racially motivated. Would you like to see the video again?

But alas, you're a clueless dullard who thinks Big Government is the solution and not the problem.
Sorry ass-fuck, but the topic is wage inequality (check the thread title moron), NOT whatever your present distraction tactic is.

Debate 101 anybody? (Taft) you fucking retard.

This coming from the brain dead retard that thinks the vulgar little cretin Evince has a clue of what she is talking about and spams threads with off topic drivel.

Youre not even an amusing ass clown; you're offensively stupid.
insult away you turd bucket.

use some real facts once in awhile though

You ranting about using facts is comedic. It's almost as amusing as the notion that you could comprehend facts.

You don't use facts in any of your posts; your dullard claims are based on talking points, hyperbole, innuendo laced with vulgar insults.

I don't take anything you post serious because your posts are not intended for serious consumption or honest debate, they are intended to remove all doubt you are a provocative asshat.
You ranting about using facts is comedic. It's almost as amusing as the notion that you could comprehend facts.

You don't use facts in any of your posts; your dullard claims are based on talking points, hyperbole, innuendo laced with vulgar insults.

I don't take anything you post serious because your posts are not intended for serious consumption or honest debate, they are intended to remove all doubt you are a provocative asshat.

enjoy your new status of fucking liar.

well not really new