Greatest Persons in History


Atheist Missionary
Greatest Individuals in History?

Alexander of Macedon. Undefeated in battle, united the Greeks, conquered the known world, all by the age of 32.

Caius Iulius Caesar. Undefeated in battle, defeated his peers including Pompey Magnus, created the Roman Principate.
Greatest Individuals in History?

Alexander of Macedon. Undefeated in battle, united the Greeks, conquered the known world, all by the age of 32.

Caius Iulius Caesar. Undefeated in battle, defeated his peers including Pompey Magnus, created the Roman Principate.

Bob Marley
Ben Harper
Cheech and Chong

Warriors are gaylords, getting pussy beats having a war:clink:
Greatest Individuals in History?

Alexander of Macedon. Undefeated in battle, united the Greeks, conquered the known world, all by the age of 32.

Caius Iulius Caesar. Undefeated in battle, defeated his peers including Pompey Magnus, created the Roman Principate.
George Washington fought and won against a vastly superior enemy and he did this for the freedom of others not for his own lust for power.
Anyone can get pussy. Even retards fuck.

To defeat your peers is the greatest achievement.

Killing if you believe in god will have you pretty hot in the afterlife.

I have nothing against retards, pussy faux hardcore wannabees is who I have a beef with.:clink:
Killing if you believe in god will have you pretty hot in the afterlife.

Luckily God is fiction...

I have nothing against retards, pussy faux hardcore wannabees is who I have a beef with.

Caesar and Alexander, pussy faux hardcore wannabee? Ha ha ha
Killing if you believe in god will have you pretty hot in the afterlife.

Luckily God is fiction...

I have nothing against retards, pussy faux hardcore wannabees is who I have a beef with.

Caesar and Alexander, pussy faux hardcore wannabee? Ha ha ha

thier nutsucking fans are the wannabee, got a mirror
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Liberachi called, he thinks southern man is gay
Greatest Individuals in History?

Alexander of Macedon. Undefeated in battle, united the Greeks, conquered the known world, all by the age of 32.

Caius Iulius Caesar. Undefeated in battle, defeated his peers including Pompey Magnus, created the Roman Principate.

Why are mass murderers always lauded as great people?

that's ill.

The wonders of the world too take a different pallor when you really study the circumstances of their construction. They're usually massive monuments to ego based on the labor of slaves who died in their construction.

If controlling society = greatness and society itself is a mere standardization of martial and otherwise abusive relationships then being great is being anti-human.

I rocked a syllo-jism and gave you a load didn't i?
Why are mass murderers always lauded as great people?

Soldiers are mass-murders now?

Caesar and Alexander fought against their peers. Equal contests.

Why is the modern world so hand-wringingly soft?
southern gaylord would need a car, man to man I beat him sensless like a rented mule. Then let his slut wife blow me.
Why are mass murderers always lauded as great people?

Soldiers are mass-murders now?

Mass killers. Sorry mister language. Don't be a niggling whore please. Thanks.
Caesar and Alexander fought against their peers. Equal contests.
So that makes mass death and violence cool?

Why is the modern world so hand-wringingly soft?

Sorry not everybody is up to your level of violence worship.

Go kill a dog or something. Maybe that will take the edge off. Or shoot up whatever it is you death cultists do these day$.
southern gaylord would need a car, man to man I beat him sensless like a rented mule. Then let his slut wife blow me.
Your wife called again and asked me to tell you to unlock the bathroom, stop masturbating and fantasizing about my wife and young children.

Your wife seems like a nice woman Topshit, so why keep shaming her like this?