Greatest Persons in History

Look who's talking! A guy who voted twice for "W" the biggest fuck up as commander in chief in US history! Mwahahahahaha oh now that's comedy! LOL LOL LOL
Appeal to ridicule and a red herring. Classic Moot failure.

Have you gotten over your thrashing about your racist accusations?
Who said anything about that. I am not saying there is no value in defending yourself, but there really can be no gain made from it. It's value is in damage prevention not a step forward, an accomplishment or any real achievement. It is only necessary because some other asshole wants to start shit and even if you win you will likely be worse off than before.
I disagree. Often in defense you can gain in land and influence. Do you think WWI and WWII (I believe the "two" wars were really one long extended war) had anything to do with the US becoming both a military and economic superpower?

I think saying all "war" is bad or wrong and that you will always "lose" is a simplistic view. For instance, extending the Roman empire brought some things to Europe that would have taken centuries to develop otherwise, or the gain of the Sinai allowed Israel and Egypt to come to later terms. In some ways you are worse, but sometimes in some ways you are better.
I disagree. Often in defense you can gain in land and influence. Do you think WWI and WWII (I believe the "two" wars were really one long extended war) had anything to do with the US becoming both a military and economic superpower?

Sure, because they left Europe in ruins. But, these are not real gains, but relative ones. We also gained advantage from entering the war later than most. Still, the cost of both wars was huge and we would have been better off without it.

I think saying all "war" is bad or wrong and that you will always "lose" is a simplistic view. For instance, extending the Roman empire brought some things to Europe that would have taken centuries to develop otherwise, or the gain of the Sinai allowed Israel and Egypt to come to later terms. In some ways you are worse, but sometimes in some ways you are better.

That's all in hindsight and is really just confirmation bias. If you want to find some silver lining you will find one. There is no reason Roman influence in a great many things could not have been spread through trade rather than warfare.

There have been no great accomplishments made through war. It's a destructive enterprise and worse than a zero sum game.
Sure, because they left Europe in ruins. But, these are not real gains, but relative ones. We also gained advantage from entering the war later than most. Still, the cost of both wars was huge and we would have been better off without it.

That's all in hindsight and is really just confirmation bias. If you want to find some silver lining you will find one. There is no reason Roman influence in a great many things could not have been spread through trade rather than warfare.

There have been no great accomplishments made through war. It's a destructive enterprise and worse than a zero sum game.

You're foolish stringfield. Trade occurs in a context and with rules dictated by the guys with the nastiest guns.
You're right, trade is evil. Unless its barter.

I didn't say trade is evil. It can be evil if not in the proper context. Like selling humans is trade, but we generally consider slavery to be evil, due to other considerations. Trade must function in a framework of other considerations, just like all facets of life. It's called balance, common sense, and reality. Check into all of them.
I disagree. Often in defense you can gain in land and influence. Do you think WWI and WWII (I believe the "two" wars were really one long extended war) had anything to do with the US becoming both a military and economic superpower?

I think saying all "war" is bad or wrong and that you will always "lose" is a simplistic view. For instance, extending the Roman empire brought some things to Europe that would have taken centuries to develop otherwise, or the gain of the Sinai allowed Israel and Egypt to come to later terms. In some ways you are worse, but sometimes in some ways you are better.

Anyone who is happy with the rise of neopaganism, neoliberalism, neoconservatism, the success of postmodern thought and expression, the growth of nihilism and materialism, or any other new age form of rubbish can thank Hitler for destroying the old order. Yet another reason why he should be burning in hell.