Greatest Persons in History

lol...i thought you were kidding watermark....your neg rep....shit can't stop laughing...proves otherwise....

do you really think a podcast a scholar makes? i thought you were in college or something....
In this day and age... yeah it can. It's another method of information dispersion, I don't see why it couldn't be a valuable research tool.
the podcast is not my only source as I've been naturally interested in that time period since i was younger, but it does serve as a great foundation and I would highly recommend it to anyone that is interested in the history of rome.
lol...i thought you were kidding watermark....your neg rep....shit can't stop laughing...proves otherwise....

do you really think a podcast a scholar makes? i thought you were in college or something....

A person with a bachelor's degree isn't a scholar. Usually they're someone on their way to being a lawyer, and didn't pay attention in their class anyway and just cheated on the test. Anyone who studies Rome on their own time purely for personal enjoyment will probably know more than a history major in a couple of months.
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A person with a bachelor's degree isn't a scholar. Usually they're someone on their way to being a lawyer, and didn't pay attention in their class anyway and just cheated on the test. Anyone who studies Rome on their own time purely for personal enjoyment will probably know more than a history major in a couple of months. must go to shitty colleges

i would never make your assumptions, completely idiotic and without merit... and most history majors read on their own time for personal enjoyment...a history major isn't the hottest major career wise
In this day and age... yeah it can. It's another method of information dispersion, I don't see why it couldn't be a valuable research tool.

i never said grind couldn't know or be knowledgeable...but watermark's assumption is that just because grind listens to podcasts he expects grind to know more than a history major...there is no foundation for such an assumption, most history majors take the major because they have a personal fascination with history, you don't take history to go out and quickly make money like engineering must go to shitty colleges

All colleges are shitty.

i would never make your assumptions, completely idiotic and without merit...

It just goes to show how much of an idiot you are that you don't realize the reality.

and most history majors read on their own time for personal enjoyment...

Most history majors are trying to get a degree so they can go to some professional school. The professors (and that's teaching assistants if you go to a "good" university) don't care. The students don't care. You're an idiot if you don't understand the worthlessness of modern collegiate education. If you were surprised by anything you were "taught" you need to be declared a retard, shot, and drug into a ditch. But that should already happen to you because you're a conservative. Fucking idiot prole.

a history major isn't the hottest major career wise

Which is why practically no one chooses it who isn't planning to go onto something different and completely unrelated.
OTE=Messenger of God;668899]All colleges are shitty.

no they are not...that you think that is proof you go to shitty colleges...

It just goes to show how much of an idiot you are that you don't realize the reality.

what reality watermark? that you go to shitty colleges and therefore make assumptions based on that....there are numerous colleges that are uni level, yet they don't have all the required programs, sports....etc....

Most history majors are trying to get a degree so they can go to some professional school. The professors (and that's teaching assistants if you go to a "good" university) don't care. The students don't care. You're an idiot if you don't understand the worthlessness of modern collegiate education. If you were surprised by anything you were "taught" you need to be declared a retard, shot, and drug into a ditch. But that should already happen to you because you're a conservative. Fucking idiot prole.

do you attend an underrated college? i don't believe you're actually in a four year college or uni....let me're in junior college....

Which is why practically no one chooses it who isn't planning to go onto something different and completely unrelated.

which bolsters my point....those who study history as a major do so for personal reasons, like grind reading ASSume that just because grind reads podcasts he knows more than a history major is ignorant
What has been accomplished by any nation that has simply allowed another to roll over them?

Who said anything about that. I am not saying there is no value in defending yourself, but there really can be no gain made from it. It's value is in damage prevention not a step forward, an accomplishment or any real achievement. It is only necessary because some other asshole wants to start shit and even if you win you will likely be worse off than before.
Freedom has been accomplished by war, as stated. Give war a chance.

Freedom is not accomplished by war. It is accomplished through peace. Defensive war may prevent limits on freedom. That is, it can prevent a negative and therefore may be necessary, but it is not a positive in itself. Again, even a defensive war preserving freedom is going to leave us worse off. We may be better off than if we had lost, but...

Basically, there is no winner in a war. Just one side that did not lose as badly.
Freedom is not accomplished by war. It is accomplished through peace. Defensive war may prevent limits on freedom. That is, it can prevent a negative and therefore may be necessary, but it is not a positive in itself. Again, even a defensive war preserving freedom is going to leave us worse off. We may be better off than if we had lost, but...

Basically, there is no winner in a war. Just one side that did not lose as badly.

and the side that didn't lose as badly is the winner. Sometimes the temporary hardship is worth the freedom gained. But our globetrotting war for israel nonsense needs to stop, i agree.
Aristotle, Bacon and the Muslim scholars that developed and refined the scientific method are the greatest people in history.
Freedom is not accomplished by war. It is accomplished through peace. Defensive war may prevent limits on freedom. That is, it can prevent a negative and therefore may be necessary, but it is not a positive in itself. Again, even a defensive war preserving freedom is going to leave us worse off. We may be better off than if we had lost, but...

Basically, there is no winner in a war. Just one side that did not lose as badly.
In a war run by lib-tards maybe. But in a real war the enemy is brought to his knees and forced to surrender unconditionally, give up his weapons and vehicles which are then destroyed. Only then will there be peace.
In a war run by lib-tards maybe. But in a real war the enemy is brought to his knees and forced to surrender unconditionally, give up his weapons and vehicles which are then destroyed. Only then will there be peace.
Look who's talking! A guy who voted twice for "W" the biggest fuck up as commander in chief in US history! Mwahahahahaha oh now that's comedy! LOL LOL LOL