Greatest Persons in History

George Washington fought and won against a vastly superior enemy and he did this for the freedom of others not for his own lust for power.

george washington is not the greatest person in the history of the world. this is just america-centric bullshit. whoop de fucking do there have been lots of underdogs that have won throughout history
george washington is not the greatest person in the history of the world. this is just america-centric bullshit. whoop de fucking do there have been lots of underdogs that have won throughout history
Who else won independence from the greatest naval and military power at the time?
george washington is not the greatest person in the history of the world. this is just america-centric bullshit. whoop de fucking do there have been lots of underdogs that have won throughout history
Dude, he took a rag-tag bunch and beat the world's largest empire at their own game. If Alexander is on the list, then George Washington deserves to be there.
george washington is not the greatest person in the history of the world. this is just america-centric bullshit. whoop de fucking do there have been lots of underdogs that have won throughout history
This is true, but the Greatness of Washington isn't his victory, it's his self imposed retirement. After the war he simply wanted to go back to a normal life. He also stepped down voluntarily after a second term as president. His greatness lie in his restraint and modesty.
Dude, he took a rag-tag bunch and beat the world's largest empire at their own game. If Alexander is on the list, than George Washington deserves to be there.

The American revolution would have failed with the intervention of France and the French military.

There are far greater examples of under dogs besting military super powers. It’s laughable to put Washington on some epic and virtually unparalled pedestal of military performance.

Some pissed off afghan tribesmen defeated the greatest empire and military power of the 19th century, and then defeated a 20th century super power. And in both cases, not only bested them; but had those f*ckers fleeing in full retreat. Those pissed off tribesmen didn’t sit down to sign some nice little treaty or ceasefire with their occupiers.

Personally, I think Greenpeace in their little zodiac rafts against big ass japanese whaling ships during Whale Wars deserves props for underdogs kicking ass.:clink:
Regarding the suggestions of Alexander and Caesar, I hate them both. Men who bring empire-building usually do not earn my respect. Caesar is my least favorite man in all of human history because he committed the single greatest sin: he killed a republic.
This is true, but the Greatness of Washington isn't his victory, it's his self imposed retirement. After the war he simply wanted to go back to a normal life. He also stepped down voluntarily after a second term as president. His greatness lie in his restraint and modesty.

Billy Boy hates babies so he avoids doing anything that might result in one, in other words, he has never screwed a woman.
The American revolution would have failed with the intervention of France and the French military.

There are far greater examples of under dogs besting military super powers. It’s laughable to put Washington on some epic and virtually unparalled pedestal of military performance.

Some pissed off afghan tribesmen defeated the greatest empire and military power of the 19th century, and then defeated a 20th century super power. And in both cases, not only bested them; but had those f*ckers fleeing in full retreat. Those pissed off tribesmen didn’t sit down to sign some nice little treaty or ceasefire with their occupiers.

Personally, I think Greenpeace in their little zodiac rafts against big ass japanese whaling ships during Whale Wars deserves props for underdogs kicking ass.:clink:
Even with the French, et al, the Army they fought against was superior in every way, except in gaining victory... If we're adding Generals then George Washington definitely deserves to be on the list. Now if Greenpeace actually gets them to stop whaling, then they get props for victory, for now they get props for having HUGE Juevos...
AOI, I must admit, you are far more manly than most typical Brits. While I may disagree with you often, know that you sir, have my respect.

As for greatest man in humanity.... I have a few suggestions.

Karamojo Bell
John Moses Browning
Ghengis Khan
George Washinton
Simo Hayett

Most Brits are like me, in fact I would consider myself mild.

You Americans have been watching too much Brideshead Revisited for your views on Brits. We are a very war-like people. Ask the Argies, or visit any city/town centre on a friday or saturday night.

Leonidas was a great man, but he lost, which is why he wouldn't be on a list with Caesar or Alexander.

Same reason Napoleon wouldn't make it. Lost twice.
Dude, he took a rag-tag bunch and beat the world's largest empire at their own game. If Alexander is on the list, then George Washington deserves to be there.
Not to mention he perfected guerrilla tactics and spying, both modern staples of military conflict.:good4u:
Regarding the suggestions of Alexander and Caesar, I hate them both. Men who bring empire-building usually do not earn my respect. Caesar is my least favorite man in all of human history because he committed the single greatest sin: he killed a republic.

The Republic was dead long before Caesar.

Marius and Sulla inflicted the fatal wounds.

Caesar was a man who wouldn't let the state powers crush his dignitas (the Roman version).

And as a soldier, I think he would only be rivalled by Alexander...
The American revolution would have failed with the intervention of France and the French military.

True, but that shouldn't detract from Washington's achievements. He used what was available to him to win, be that or not the French.

I wouldn't rate him alongside Caesar or Alexander but he is up there. Certainly amongst the top two Americans, alongside Lincoln.
Lost? No. He did die before his victory could be completed, but it was still a victory.

I'm sure Pausanias would disagree that Leonidas won Plataea.

The idea of a battle is to win and stay alive.

Leonidas was a great man, a man of huge personal valour, integrity and determination.

But not on the pantheon of the all time greats...
Why did this turn into who is the greatest mass murderer? There is no accomplishment in war. Even a defensive war is no accomplishment as it can only be successful in preventing greater destruction.

I would say Washington was a great man, but it had little to do with battlefield success.
I'm sure Pausanias would disagree that Leonidas won Plataea.

The idea of a battle is to win and stay alive.

Leonidas was a great man, a man of huge personal valour, integrity and determination.

But not on the pantheon of the all time greats...

Leonidas saved Western civilization, because Greece was doomed without him standing firm at Marathon and halting the Persian horde.