Germany is a capitalist nation you fucking idiot
Germany is a Socialistic nation you dimwitted crack whore.
Germany is a capitalist nation you fucking idiot
socialism will NEVER work as a system
Hello guno,
Called it in post 6:
"This is the kind of thread which is usually scrolled off into oblivion in short order. Nobody wants to admit the downsides to capitalism or that we may have better options for part of our economy. If anybody comments, it will be the old meme that we have to choose between capitalism or socialism."
Capitalism and socialism work together to give us a better economy that neither could give us alone.
That has already been happening.
If Trump is supposed to be making America great again, when exactly did he think America was great in the past?
In the 1920's, which lead up to the Great Depression?
The 30's with soup lines and bums with no work?
How about the 40s? The world at war.
How about the 1950's when the USA was king of the world after WWII?
Bingo. That's when America was great.
Lotsa socialism then. We taxed the rich at 90%. We built hospitals, airports and interstate highways with the money. Those things made America great. Work that paid so much one earner could support a family, buy a house, have savings, take vacations, have health care and retirement. And all the time paying SOCIAL Security. Things were so great we had a baby boom. Even WITH the socialism. Minimum wage, forced overtime pay. 40 hour work week. And on and on. Socialism and capitalism working hand in hand. We used our government to TELL TV Networks they HAD to put on the news, even though it was not profitable then. They didn't do it for the money. They did it because the government FORCED them to.
I'll tell ya what screwed up the news.
As soon as it began to turn profits.
Up until then it was just the information.
This happened. That happened. Done. Back to the Jack Par show.
Germany practices capitalism
see how stupid these idiots are to claim a program in a capitalist nation that is socialistic will destroy their capitalism
they cant give us a SINGLE example of the bullshit they hinge their whole world view on
but fuck are racists brain damaged shit statues
Germany is a Socialistic nation you dimwitted crack whore.
They are a Federal Republic asshole
I thought you liked REPUBLICS?
Yeah, and we rejected English rule and their establishment.
That last point, hard to figure.
You would think they would figure out what Henry Ford did a long time ago. Pay the workers well and they turn into your customers. A wealthy populace leads to a great economy and lots of profits for the owners of big business.
I think the problem is the 'wealthy populace' idea is part of win/win philosophy. Most capitalists are really win/lose kinda people. They think in order for one person to do well in a deal that the other has to lose. They think there can only be one winner in every deal. The way Trump thinks.
They don't believe in win/win philosophy.
In college I had a buddy who was really good at chess. Whupped my butt every time. I kept trying but I was no match. Then he began to give me pointers. I would start to make a move and he would let me know why I didn't want to do that. If I did that, the game would be over real quick, he'd say. Told me about the center four squares. You can instantly be better than any opponent who doesn't know about the center four squares. The first thing you want to do is try to control the center four squares. If you have control of the center four squares, you have a huge advantage from there on out. You'll probably win over somebody who doesn't know that. He told me this, fully knowing it would make me a better chess player. After that I was able to beat him sometimes.
I asked him why he did that. He explained about win/win philosophy. If you help your opponent, and they get better, it forces you to get better. It's a win/win deal. If he never helped me, he would have always been able to win, but that would have been boring for him, and he would not be challenged, nor do any improvement himself. So he helped me and it helped him.
I got a lot more than a chess lesson out of that. I realized the implications in life. The win/win philosophy is always better in society. We don't want to go around screwing each other. That's boring and it's not going to challenge us or promote improvement. We would sort of plateau out as a society. We don't make the world better by tearing down others. We don't make the country great by putting down others. We make it great by recognizing unique talents and helping others to achieve their potential. If that dips into our profits a bit, no problem. It forces us to get even more creative ourselves and motivates us to find a more efficient way of doing things. Win/win works in the business world just as much as it does in chess or anything else.
Greedy Corporations with institutionalized rip-offs take advantage of unsuspecting customers. Extracting wealth for the sake of extracting wealth is not good for society. It is better to find a unique way of building products or selling them that offers better value. That is the win/win way to make lots of money and help society. Ripping people off is a detriment.
Some markets are not really markets at all. Like health care. That's not a market. That's institutionalized rip off. The capitalist model breaks down there. It hurts society. That's why we need socialized health care. For the good of society and all that comes from having a very healthy nation. A healthy nation is more productive! That's win/win.
Do you know when healthcare ceased to be a market ?Some markets are not really markets at all. Like health care. That's not a market. That's institutionalized rip off. The capitalist model breaks down there. It hurts society. That's why we need socialized health care. For the good of society and all that comes from having a very healthy nation. A healthy nation is more productive! That's win/win.
Using you and Politalker as the example, I would say that the population has not been educated, but rather, indoctrinated.
Having healthcare paid for by someone else will never make anyone healthy. Health is a matter of proper diet and exercise. Are you going to force people to eat better, stop smoking and exercise?
Example 1:
I was in a KMart store back when they still had one in my parts and I wanted a small bottle of Propane Fuel. These are used for camp stoves and also as a tool for a propane torch. What I found was an awakening. Propane bottles were offered in both sections of the store, camping supplies and the tools area. But the same product was priced differently depending on which isle it was displayed on!
If a customer is handy with tools and uses these for both work and camping, the lower price could be found in the tool section. If the customer is not smart enough to know the product has dual usage, and only thinks of it as a camping need, that customer pays a higher price for the same exact product.
KMart corporation was perfectly willing to take advantage of the stupidity of any customer who didn't know the difference.
Example 2:
I have been in grocery and other stores where a product is displayed at one price, but when taken up to the register, it rings at a higher price. If a customer is not smart enough to verify that the product was falsely displayed, that customer pays more than needed.
Example 3:
I looked something up online and found a local store in which it was available for pickup at Target. I went to the store and found the item, but it was priced higher than the website price. If the item is taken to the register, it rings at the higher price. The store is perfectly willing to take advantage of any unsuspecting customer who did not check the online price.
In all of the above examples, if the customer goes to the service counter and complains, the store will relent and then offer the lower price. But the customer has to be savvy and hold them to task in order to get the best price. Dumb customers who don't do this are routinely taken advantage of. The greedy corporation will gladly pocket the difference.
These are just examples that I have encountered as one person. I have no doubt they are indicative of a far wider problem. These merchants do not have your better interest in mind. They are trying to rip you off. And they will gladly do it with a smile and tell you to have a nice day. They have their marketing systems all set in place to do exactly that, and the only way it doesn't happen is if you hold them to task. It is systematic wealth extraction from the unsuspecting.
It is not enough for them to play fair in the free market and simply offer the best competitive price to all customers. That would be the neighborly thing to do. No. This is raw greed. Taking shameless advantage of the stupid. It is immoral.
This is the dark side of capitalism. We certainly don't need this kind of mentality in our health care, our education, nor in our prisons. We, the people, need to get the best price.
We should all also routinely get the best price for our electricity, internet, phone service, and basic banking. Most people use all of these things and consider them a basic part of a comfortable modern life. These are not things we should be allowing big greedy corporations to systematically take advantage of the stupid. Allowing such systematic greed is part of what keeps the poor poor. These practices contribute to wealth inequality and hurt the USA. Greed does not make America great. It makes America chintzy.
We can use our government to our advantage and ALL GET THE BEST PRICE for common everyday needs. All we have to do is make up our minds that we are tired of getting ripped off for being so stupid. It's time to wise up, America. We can take care of ourselves. We have the power. All we have to do is get organized and see the potential. Better prices everyday does not have to come from an entity which is trying to profit from you, rip you off, and has their own better interest in mind.
Our government is not something we need to hate at all. It is a tool.
Tools are wonderful, but they don't do anything for you just sitting there. You know how to use them. You have to utilize them in their most useful way. We could have such a finer country. There are a few areas in which we should reject capitalism and embrace a single-source method of delivering services. I don't think the government should be in the retail product business, but I do believe some services should be done by we the people and we can save a lot of money by cutting out greedy middle men and capitalist profiteers.
I heard that South Korea has internet that is like ten times faster than what we have. And they only pay like $15 a month.
People who walked into a store and found a product they liked at a price they thought was fair were happy to buy that product. They were happy then. But that happiness vanishes the moment they learn they paid too much and got ripped off.
We are getting ripped off for lots of things. We just don't know it. We like our capitalism just the way it is and we think we are doing well if we get a good deal where possible. But then later, if we found out we were paying too much, we don't like that deal so much any more.
We are paying too much for health care, energy, education, prisons, and basic banking.
We don't even have to nationalize any of the companies offering these things. We can let them continue to offer what they have at whatever prices they have. All we have to do is create public options. We can do this for health care and all the other things. The Post Office can offer basic banking. (That's why Republicans are continually attacking the US Postal Service. They want it dead and not a threat to banking.)
But the public option idea introduces a problem.
If we have the non-profit government in competition with for-profit greedy corporations, they are not going to just sit idly by and compete fairly. They have already shown they have no interest in fair competition. They will use all their resources to undermine the government programs to try to make them fail so they can say: 'told ya so,' and get their peachy rip-off golden goose business back. They LIKE taking greedy advantage of the stupid. We are talking about big money here. We have to be united in this. I wish I could find a way to get people to understand the possibilities which are available to us. You have to get past your hatred and simply consider the possibilities and choices we have.
Those who hate the government are never going to go along with this. Hatred is a powerful motivator. Those types of minds will come up with every kind of obfuscation they can to kill these ideas at any step of the way. Take this thread, for instance. We know exactly what is going to happen. I will get called all kinds of horrible things, and anybody who agrees with me will be insulted as well.
But then, you have to ask yourself.
Are insults really an intelligent argument?
Or are they nothing but a distraction to try to get the emotions riled up and cloud reason and logic out of your thinking. If you don't have a good argument, the common retort is to inject emotion, change the subject, make it about insults and personal attacks. Mark my words. There were no posts in this thread when I wrote this. But you know it's coming. People who don't have a good response will lash out and try to kill an intelligent conversation that they are afraid of. Especially if it makes too much sense. Can't argue with sense? Then INSULT. Make it PERSONAL. Make a Distraction. Change the discussion away from what you don't want to hear.
Just like the president is doing. Big mess at the border that he created, so he insults women of color in Congress. It's a DISTRACTION, folks. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. They great Oz has spoken.
TD: "Using you and Politalker as the example, I would say that the population has not been educated, but rather, indoctrinated."
Jack: Do you support an educational system that is based on payment? Every quarter needs to be paid for in advance?
TD: "Having healthcare paid for by someone else will never make anyone healthy."
Jack: Like Public Schools, Public Health would be paid for by everybody.
Do you know when healthcare ceased to be a market ?
Look up the price spiral and you will see it correlates to the advent of Medicare.
Government is the problem, not the solution.
You want the benefit of smart shopping without the effort. Convenience comes at a cost.
I support a National Health Plan. The other industrialized nations do as well.
National Health Care may be the 'Big' issue in the next Election.
In each of your examples, you clearly show it was the fault of the customer. If someone is as stupid as you indicate, they deserve to pay more.
Do you know when healthcare ceased to be a market ?
Look up the price spiral and you will see it correlates to the advent of Medicare.
Government is the problem, not the solution.
You want the benefit of smart shopping without the effort. Convenience comes at a cost.
link to your claims with some provable facts to verify them
you have proven in the past to NOT DEAL IN FACTS
link to your claims with some provable facts to verify them
you have proven in the past to NOT DEAL IN FACTS
Notice how they avoid the question of who is forcing anyone to buy those goods or services or work for less than they think they are worth?
What would a lying leftist hack like you know about facts??
Government Policy
Between 1960 and 1965, health care spending increased by an average of 8.9 percent a year. That's because health insurance expanded. As it covered more people, the demand for health care services rose. By 1965, households paid out-of-pocket for 44 percent of all medical expenses. Health insurance paid for 24 percent.
From 1966 to 1973, health care spending rose by an average of 11.9 percent a year. Medicare and Medicaid covered more people and allowed them to use more health care services. Medicaid allowed seniors citizens to move into expensive nursing home facilities. As demand increased, so did prices. Health care providers put more money into research. It created more innovative, but expensive, technologies.
Medicare helped create an overreliance on hospital care. Emergency room treatment is very expensive, making up one-third of all health care costs in America. By 2011, there were 136 million emergency room visits. An astonishing one out of five adults use the emergency room each year.