Greta Thunberg Meme

You are ridiculing her by calling her mentally disabled.

It's important that we recognize those that are disabled and give them the help they need. If you don't recognize those with Down's Syndrome as being afflicted with it and treat them like anyone else they will always be thought of as being stupid or dumb. We need to work with those with disabilities so they can achieve their best.
It's important that we recognize those that are disabled and give them the help they need. If you don't recognize those with Down's Syndrome as being afflicted with it and treat them like anyone else they will always be thought of as being stupid or dumb. We need to work with those with disabilities so they can achieve their best.

She's fine. She doesn't have Down's syndrome.
It's important that we recognize those that are disabled and give them the help they need. If you don't recognize those with Down's Syndrome as being afflicted with it and treat them like anyone else they will always be thought of as being stupid or dumb. We need to work with those with disabilities so they can achieve their best.

Isn't she Swedish? Don't they have a great health care system? I doubt she has anything to worry about.

Why are so many people concerned about a Swedish schoolgirl? Or their Healthcare system?
Higher than a combined IQ of a front row of Trump supporters.

LOL. I truly do fail to understand why this 16 year old Swedish schoolgirl in pigtails causes the far Right to soil their trousers. They really need to lighten the fuck up.

Already did. The closest you can claim is FAS.

Epicanthic folds, abnormally small teeth, upward slanting almond shaped eyes, underdeveloped mandible, low muscle tone , short and small stature. She has Down's Syndrome.

She also suffers from depression. She stated that she lost her childhood and has no future due to weather changes . This is not normal.
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She shouldn't. But there are powerful and well financed organizations exploiting her disabilities.

I don't think they're exploiting her disabilities as much as her youth and innocence. She plays their part as an innocent teenage girl scared of her future. They have no shame.
Yes indeed...not all that long one wants to see her regress, I'm sure. Right?
(It's incredibly sad that so many don't seem to know her story....and how desperately ill she was....How easy it would be for her to regress....She does need help...)