Greta Thunberg Meme

Wow, claims to have an IQ of 145 and still spouts bollocks.

Meh. Proud Lefty is mediocre on bollocks spouting. When it comes to spouting bollocks, you can't beat this guy:

I don't think they're exploiting her disabilities as much as her youth and innocence. She plays their part as an innocent teenage girl scared of her future. They have no shame.

Who is "they"? George Soros Jews? The NWO? The secret squirrel Chinese biolab agents who spread COVID-19 around the planet just to fuck with Trump?
You know autism doesn't equal depression, right?

Moose, H. Moron, et al just can't stop hating on this kid. I'm sure our fake "special ed" teacher will be along at some point in this thread to mansplain to us how Ms. Thunberg "needs help," is "unwell," "should be home studying," and has abusive parents.

It's just AMAZING how some of these haters can diagnose mental issues from afar, isn't it? Well, except for IMPOTUS; there's not a thing wrong with *that* sociopath. :laugh:
It's incrediby sad that so many don't seem to know her story....and how desperately ill she was....How easy it would be for her to regress....She does need help...

And there we have it.

Toxic (n): Internet vampire who claims to be a retired special ed teacher, who never misses a chance to use said fictitious credentials to attack allegedly "mentally ill" celebrities. :laugh:
Lemme guess; Greta is funded by the Jew Liberal Soros as part of the NWO!!!! Amirite?

Ever notice how anyone who rises to acclaim on the left is always well-funded by shady wealthy figures who must not be named? But groups of drooling tards marching at state capitols with their bang-bangs demanding more COVID or less taxes or blue skies or unicorns are entirely spontaneous and grassroots freedum fighters? :laugh:
Such similar posting styles/scripts/"memes"'s just uncanny isn't it?

That's true. Your many socks DO sound very much like you -- not very bright, dripping with venom and snark, overflowing with envy and bitterness. And often drunk as a lord. :rofl2:
Ever notice how anyone who rises to acclaim on the left is always well-funded by shady wealthy figures who must not be named? But groups of drooling tards marching at state capitols with their bang-bangs demanding more COVID or less taxes or blue skies or unicorns are entirely spontaneous and grassroots freedum fighters? :laugh:

Agreed. FWIW, I find the conspiracy theorist nutjobs to be the most entertaining aspect of political forums. Kinda like Trump is for late night comedy writers.

Agreed. FWIW, I find the conspiracy theorist nutjobs to be the most entertaining aspect of political forums. Kinda like Trump is for late night comedy writers.

We can laugh at them, but they are deadly serious and they are legion. Our local NBC affiliate posts daily COVID stats and other news on their social media platforms. The comments from regular ppl are eye-opening. You tend to think of the insane as mostly living here, but they're *everywhere.* COVID was deliberately engineered (by the Chinese, by (D)s, by some shadow organizations trying to take our freedumbs, etc.). Stay-at-home orders are just like house arrest only they cheaped out and didn't give us ankle bracelets. Having to wear masks in a store is just like being sent to Buchenwald. Not being able to get your nails done is TORTURE. All the (D) governors are Nazi plants trying to take our freedumbs. The virus is no worse than the flu or common cold; the media is trying to make it look bad to get Trump. Etc. etc.
Moose, H. Moron, et al just can't stop hating on this kid. I'm sure our fake "special ed" teacher will be along at some point in this thread to mansplain to us how Ms. Thunberg "needs help," is "unwell," "should be home studying," and has abusive parents.

It's just AMAZING how some of these haters can diagnose mental issues from afar, isn't it? Well, except for IMPOTUS; there's not a thing wrong with *that* sociopath. :laugh:

It's funny how they support Trump and zero gun control, but then pretend to care about a child being exploited.
It's funny how they support Trump and zero gun control, but then pretend to care about a child being exploited.

Isn't it though? When they start demanding the release of immigrant kids in cages, public aid for already-born children, and an end to mass shootings in school, maybe then we can stop laughing at their faux concern for Ms. Thunberg.

We can laugh at them, but they are deadly serious and they are legion. Our local NBC affiliate posts daily COVID stats and other news on their social media platforms. The comments from regular ppl are eye-opening. You tend to think of the insane as mostly living here, but they're *everywhere.* COVID was deliberately engineered (by the Chinese, by (D)s, by some shadow organizations trying to take our freedumbs, etc.). Stay-at-home orders are just like house arrest only they cheaped out and didn't give us ankle bracelets. Having to wear masks in a store is just like being sent to Buchenwald. Not being able to get your nails done is TORTURE. All the (D) governors are Nazi plants trying to take our freedumbs. The virus is no worse than the flu or common cold; the media is trying to make it look bad to get Trump. Etc. etc.

Agreed they are serious but most are 1) mentally ill and 2) harmless. A few might make the news one day doing something extremely stupid and violent but most are content to take their meds and alcohol in the safety of their assigned room or apartment.