Greta Thunberg Meme

Oops.. been a while! I guess my creepy little unibrow stalker needs a gentle reminder. :laugh:

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Nobody believes that bullshit, Joanie. Your ego is way too inflated to just ignore anyone. Oh and you still haven't apologised over Fastlane you lying fucking witch!

There is a huge PR network behind her, the proles really do believe that she's just on her own. Even Michael Moore gets it, fuckwits like Joanie are too dim to see how manipulated they are by the likes of Tom Steyer, Al Gordo and George Soros.

Is that what you do all day at your Thai bathhouse cum-stain cleaning job? Fantasize about global Jewish conspiracies using a 17 year old girl as as their leader?
And yet she has managed to trigger a lot of far right people. :laugh:

As an adult I don't need a 12 year shot nosed kid who cant wipe their own ass lecturing me. Clearly however you dumbass sheople on the left need such a leader. Kind of reflects the intellectual level of the left.
As an adult I don't need a 12 year shot nosed kid who cant wipe their own ass lecturing me. Clearly however you dumbass sheople on the left need such a leader. Kind of reflects the intellectual level of the left.

Um she's 17. The fact that she triggers you so much indicates your intellectual level.
As an adult I don't need a 12 year shot nosed kid who cant wipe their own ass lecturing me. Clearly however you dumbass sheople on the left need such a leader. Kind of reflects the intellectual level of the left.

Use your remote to change channels. WTF is the problem? Are you trying to tell everyone else what they should watch?

Personally, I think she's overrated but that's not her fault anymore than Nikki Sandmann or the McCloskey's becoming a RW celebrities who all spoke this week at the RNC convention. They're all overrated and I observe them with mild amusement.
