Greta Thunberg Meme

Isn't it though? When they start demanding the release of immigrant kids in cages, public aid for already-born children, and an end to mass shootings in school, maybe then we can stop laughing at their faux concern for Ms. Thunberg.


Excellent observation about the Republican view on "sanctity of life".

Agreed they are serious but most are 1) mentally ill and 2) harmless. A few might make the news one day doing something extremely stupid and violent but most are content to take their meds and alcohol in the safety of their assigned room or apartment.

Well, the ones I see posting that nonsense seem to be regular everyday ppl. You can tell that they listen to/watch/read the same Reichwing media sources though because they all use the same phrasing.

Oh, left one out. It's my favorite. Did you know that the coronavirus vaccine is going to come with microchips? Yes! Bill Gates is in cahoots with the NWO and the Deep State to develop tracking microchips that will be secretly installed in every one of us who opts for the vaccine. So DON'T GET THE VACCINE! :rolleyes:

I have a feeling that Stretch can provide us with more information about this outrage.
We can laugh at them, but they are deadly serious and they are legion. Our local NBC affiliate posts daily COVID stats and other news on their social media platforms. The comments from regular ppl are eye-opening. You tend to think of the insane as mostly living here, but they're *everywhere.* COVID was deliberately engineered (by the Chinese, by (D)s, by some shadow organizations trying to take our freedumbs, etc.). Stay-at-home orders are just like house arrest only they cheaped out and didn't give us ankle bracelets. Having to wear masks in a store is just like being sent to Buchenwald. Not being able to get your nails done is TORTURE. All the (D) governors are Nazi plants trying to take our freedumbs. The virus is no worse than the flu or common cold; the media is trying to make it look bad to get Trump. Etc. etc.


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Well, the ones I see posting that nonsense seem to be regular everyday ppl. You can tell that they listen to/watch/read the same Reichwing media sources though because they all use the same phrasing.

Oh, left one out. It's my favorite. Did you know that the coronavirus vaccine is going to come with microchips? Yes! Bill Gates is in cahoots with the NWO and the Deep State to develop tracking microchips that will be secretly installed in every one of us who opts for the vaccine. So DON'T GET THE VACCINE! :rolleyes:

I have a feeling that Stretch can provide us with more information about this outrage.
Good point about how they all suddenly show up like lemmings screeching the catchphrase of the day (or week).

Cable news surfing gave insights. Some shows were good, factual but others were wacko. Wolfe Blitzer and “The Five” came on at the same time last week. Both are idiotic with their emotions amped up to a “NewZ” level. Like Alex Jones, the Infotainment NewZ industry is the primary source for IBS - Internet Bull Shit.

The conspiracy theories too. You can see them saying “It was on television, so it must be true!”
I am beginning to think that those posters are projecting their mental illness and depression into a young girl from afar.
I am beginning to think that those posters are projecting their mental illness and depression into a young girl from afar.

"Beginning"? They've been using Ms. Thunberg as an outlet since she first started speaking out. "Oh look how compassion we are, sticking up for the dumb retarded girl who's being used by the mean awful Lefties and her abusive horrible parents." lol
Good point about how they all suddenly show up like lemmings screeching the catchphrase of the day (or week).

Cable news surfing gave insights. Some shows were good, factual but others were wacko. Wolfe Blitzer and “The Five” came on at the same time last week. Both are idiotic with their emotions amped up to a “NewZ” level. Like Alex Jones, the Infotainment NewZ industry is the primary source for IBS - Internet Bull Shit.

The conspiracy theories too. You can see them saying “It was on television, so it must be true!”

Yep. I know a few on the left who believe the nonsense the pundits promote. But even so, NOTHING near the numbers of the willfully-ignorant fools on the right.

I wonder how many of the 'tards will follow in #COVID45's tiny footsteps and pressure their doctors into prescribing that drug for them?

Caveat: He's lying about taking it. No ethical practitioner is going to prescribe that for someone who doesn't need it, especially if the patient is the IMPOTUS.
Good point about how they all suddenly show up like lemmings screeching the catchphrase of the day (or week).

Cable news surfing gave insights. Some shows were good, factual but others were wacko. Wolfe Blitzer and “The Five” came on at the same time last week. Both are idiotic with their emotions amped up to a “NewZ” level. Like Alex Jones, the Infotainment NewZ industry is the primary source for IBS - Internet Bull Shit.

The conspiracy theories too. You can see them saying “It was on television, so it must be true!”

The worst isn't TV news it's the online sites of sewer news and sensationalist tripe. Alex Jones isn't the only intellect defiling mouthpiece out there.
Yep. I know a few on the left who believe the nonsense the pundits promote. But even so, NOTHING near the numbers of the willfully-ignorant fools on the right.

I wonder how many of the 'tards will follow in #COVID45's tiny footsteps and pressure their doctors into prescribing that drug for them?

Caveat: He's lying about taking it. No ethical practitioner is going to prescribe that for someone who doesn't need it, especially if the patient is the IMPOTUS.
I fully support volunteers to test out the drug. :)
The worst isn't TV news it's the online sites of sewer news and sensationalist tripe. Alex Jones isn't the only intellect defiling mouthpiece out there.
True. IMO, understanding what sources a person relies upon can be used as a combination IQ and sanity test. :)
It's an old, out-of-patient drug that has been used for decades to treat malaria, lupus, and some forms of arthritis. It has serious side effects including vision damage and heart arrhythmias.

TBH, I’d be more interested if it caused death 10% of the time. Evolution in Action rocks!
Not fair. From her physical appearance she obviously has a mild degree of Down's Syndrome. She obviously suffers from depression. She's autistic. The left is abusing her mental disabilities.
She needs help.
The left is using this mentally deranged dummy as a prompt
Oops.. been a while! I guess my creepy little unibrow stalker needs a gentle reminder. :laugh:

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