T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
He supports global suicide.
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No, I support what works. Solar and wind are major losers. Things like the New Green Deal are nothing but quasi-Marxist nonsense disguised as environmentalism.
What works is natural gas to nuclear plus hydrogen (N2N+H). That gets the CO2 reduction. It gets us cheap plentiful electrical power that is highly reliable and doesn't need a "smart grid." Hydrogen gets us a portable fuel that removes the need for gasoline and diesel and at the same time is both practical, portable, integrates into existing delivery systems, and completely makes useless, expense battery cars unnecessary.
Which is smarter?
A parking lot full of these:

or a single pump at a gas station that can do as many cars in the same time?
Top that off with intelligent routing systems and self-driving cars and most public transit becomes obsolete. No more buses, less light fail...err... rail. No need for idiotic choo choo trains no matter how fast that nobody uses (at least in the US).
Sure, all of that completely demolishes the radical Left's energy and transportation plans and ideas, but that's a good thing since they're a bunch of retards to begin with.