Greta Thunberg

Of course the problem with nuclear is the incredibly dangerous waste. Nuclear isn't practical until we can figure out fusion.

Actually that isn't that much of a problem. The waste is almost entirely long lived alpha and beta emitters that decay at a very slow rate. Stored in a repository like Yucca Mountain, this waste poses no hazard. The casks for storage are nearly indestructible. On top of that, if we really wanted to, we could reprocess the waste into usable materials like the French already do.
Jesus wept, how many times has some idiot said the wind is free? What is the working life of those huge offshore turbines, the environment is incredibly hostile. I can't see them lasting more than 20 years at most, wind turbines are found to lose 1.6 ± 0.2% of their output per year, with average load factors declining from 28.5% when new to 21% at age 19. Then there is the question of decommissioning and disposal of huge glass fibre blades.

I wasn't educated as an engineer but it seems to me that if we're going the non-fossil fuel offshore route maybe tidal generators are something to look at and develop.
Actually that isn't that much of a problem. The waste is almost entirely long lived alpha and beta emitters that decay at a very slow rate. Stored in a repository like Yucca Mountain, this waste poses no hazard. The casks for storage are nearly indestructible. On top of that, if we really wanted to, we could reprocess the waste into usable materials like the French already do.

Fourth gen nuclear will be able to use nuclear waste aka partially spent fuel. It's amazing the number of idiots that just spout the same old bollocks over and over!
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Greta Thunberg

'This is me at the age of 2. The picture was taken 2005 in France.
Since then about one third of ALL the world’s fossil fuel CO2 emissions have occurred. Over half of our CO2 emissions have taken place since 1990.

Troll trap. Here they come ;

What a lying cunt!! How the fuck did you think you could get away with such massive lies? Did you think you could sand blast them away?

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Of course the problem with nuclear is the incredibly dangerous waste. Nuclear isn't practical until we can figure out fusion.

It's never been practical. Its costs are astronomical and waste disposal costs even more than that- if you can discover the safe places to put it that don't exist.
What a lying cunt? How the fuck did you think you could get away with such a massive lie? Did you think you could sand blast them?

You're yesterday's gutter-crawler, Comrade maggot, locked into profiteering negativity and ecocidal practices. Stay anonymous. The kids will be looking for you.
It's never been practical. Its costs are astronomical and waste disposal costs even more than that- if you can discover the safe places to put it that don't exist.

Yucca Mountain is both safe and available, NIMBY cunts like Harry Reid stopped it being used. In future partially spent fuel, often referred to incorrectly as nuclear waste, will be used in 4th Gen reactors.
This, you lying toad!!

Since then about one third of ALL the world’s fossil fuel CO2 emissions have occurred. Over half of our CO2 emissions have taken place since 1990.

I didn't say that, you demented old duffer- and reams of swervy excuses will never let you off the hook for claiming that I did. Hoist by your own petard.

It belongs in the realms of your ' 737 Max is a safe aircraft ', ' there is no pandemic ', ' there is no global warming ' and solar panels are cleaned by sand-blasting maggot-dung.

Haw, haw, haw, haw...........................haw.

Apologise to the forum for telling such massive lies, shit for brains!

Good idea, Comrade maggot. Let's hear you .
I didn't say that, you demented old duffer- and reams of swervy excuses will never let you off the hook for claiming that I did. Hoist by your own petard.

It belongs in the realms of your ' 737 Max is a safe aircraft ', ' there is no pandemic ', ' there is no global warming ' and solar panels are cleaned by sand-blasting maggot-dung.

Haw, haw, haw, haw...........................haw.

Good idea, Comrade maggot. Let's hear you .

You're such a slimy worm, fuck off!
I didn't say that, you demented old duffer- and reams of swervy excuses will never let you off the hook for claiming that I did. Hoist by your own petard.

It belongs in the realms of your ' 737 Max is a safe aircraft ', ' there is no pandemic ', ' there is no global warming ' and solar panels are cleaned by sand-blasting maggot-dung.

Haw, haw, haw, haw...........................haw.

Good idea, Comrade maggot. Let's hear you .

• You just proved my point that Greta Gobshite is both naive and ignorant. Pretty much also proved that her supporters are truly stupid and mathematically challenged. Wriggle as much as you like scumbag but you posted it so own it!!

• The 737 is fundamentally safe and will be returned to service shortly.

• Never said there is no global warming, another lie from the lying cunt on steroids!

• Large solar plants have proved to be fundamentally useless and unfit for purpose. Witness Solyndra, Ivanpah and Crescent Dunes. The Saudis have also decided they are useless boondoggles much beloved by ignorant fuckers like you.
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It's never been practical. Its costs are astronomical and waste disposal costs even more than that- if you can discover the safe places to put it that don't exist.

You are totally wrong. The casks for storage and transport are virtually indestructible. The waste itself is really no more dangerous than the ore it originally came from. It's all alpha and beta emitters. Storage in places like Yucca Mountain are safe and viable. What stops it being done is idiots who don't know anything beyond "It's nuclear!" and haven't got so much as a clue about how any of it actually works. Nuclear power is safer than coal, safer than oil, and more environmentally friendly than solar or wind.
You're such a slimy worm, fuck off!

You've been caught out- again- Comrade maggot. Apologize for your dumbass case of mistaken identity . Better yet- grovel and beg for forgiveness, old chap.
I see you've already launched round one of your loser's bluster.

Haw, haw, haw, haw.....................haw.

Silly old fucker.
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You are totally wrong. The casks for storage and transport are virtually indestructible. The waste itself is really no more dangerous than the ore it originally came from. It's all alpha and beta emitters. Storage in places like Yucca Mountain are safe and viable. What stops it being done is idiots who don't know anything beyond "It's nuclear!" and haven't got so much as a clue about how any of it actually works. Nuclear power is safer than coal, safer than oil, and more environmentally friendly than solar or wind.

Believe that crap if you can. I don't. Nuclear is astronomically expensive, from the mining through to the unsafe storage of deadly waste. Then there are the ' accidents '.
The sun provides all the energy the earth needs daily. Only myopic fools want to mine it. Of course, as there's no Planet B you have to be stopped- as a matter of urgency.
Anybody seen Comrade maggot ?


Haw, haw...........................haw.
Believe that crap if you can. I don't. Nuclear is astronomically expensive, from the mining through to the unsafe storage of deadly waste. Then there are the ' accidents '.
The sun provides all the energy the earth needs daily. Only myopic fools want to mine it. Of course, as there's no Planet B you have to be stopped- as a matter of urgency.

The casks have been tested far beyond any reasonable level of damage expected.

I already showed that nuclear isn't astronomically expensive. That's a complete lie. Mining uranium is being done today and safely. You clearly and obviously know NOTHING about nuclear power, or anything else nuclear. Your response is based solely on nonsense, lies, and propaganda spread by the same sort of scientific illiterates in the environmental movement.

The worst nuclear accident in the US has been Three Mile Island. Nobody died from that. Nobody even got cancer from it. It's been cleaned up. The cost of that clean up was less than for the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion and fire that killed 11 and caused massive environmental damage over hundreds of thousands of square miles. Nuclear isn't cooking birds like Ivanpah solar. It isn't getting smacked with huge environmental fines like the Solana array got in Arizona. It isn't subject to the weather either. Solana in Arizona got hit by a microburst thunderstorm that destroyed nearly half the array. Nuclear doesn't create new weather through heat island effects like solar.

Nuclear also works 24/7 whether the sun shines or not. It works at night too. Solar is grossly inefficient and costly. It is utterly uncompetitive with other means of electrical generation. It is a complete loser.