Hello dukkha,
of course -clearly though your socialist/alamist bent has never occurred to yourself the same enlightenment
I have considered it. I always like to weigh out the arguments for each side of an issue. Then gather information. Then make up my mind. It's a logical process.
In this case I find more convincing arguments on the side of science, but the one over-riding and inescapable factor is asking what are the consequences of being wrong on this one?
Well, if we believe the majority and do everything we can to end as much CO2 emissions as possible, what's lost? What's the downside? We get some new technology which is likely to be cleaner and longer lasting, more reliable than what we had? Lots of new jobs to be had building and replacing what's required? Whether or not that would even cost any more than what we are doing is even debatable, so I don't see that as a big deterrent to going with this.
But if we do nothing we risk the habitability of the planet. That is too much to risk in any case.
We have no proof that either way is the correct choice, but we know that one way leads to dire consequences, and the problem with going the other way is some currently rich people get their gravy train cut off. There might POSSIBLY be some cost increases for certain things, but that is not proven. It could just as well lead to cost reductions, and most certainly will in at least some cases.
The smart thing to do if you don't know which way to go is to assume the worst case, prepare for that, and then hope for the best, hope that all your preparations were not needed. Of course if we do limit CO2 emissions with clean new tech, and then it turns out we didn't need to, oh darn. We got clean new energy sources. So we still got something for our effort.
If we go your way and it turns out we should have taken it seriously years back it's a dead end. We can't go back in time and have a do-over.
It is just stupid to assume the easy way out is the correct way when so much is at stake.
And if you had performed the same process in your reasoning you would reach the same conclusion.
There is no logic that says it is wise to take such a foolish risk.