cancel2 2022
Are you serious, I've been doing that for years. Not my fault you can't understand, try following the chronology of the posts!!![]()
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Are you serious, I've been doing that for years. Not my fault you can't understand, try following the chronology of the posts!!![]()
I also know from past experience that you rarely, if ever, argue from a scientific viewpoint, it's all about emotion, bullshit and bluster. Sadly you're in very good company as there are precious few on here that have any understanding of basic physics, chemistry and climate science.
That about describes your posts in general, toodles. Care to try and logically and factually fault any part of the kid's speech?
I also know from past experience that you rarely, if ever, argue from a scientific viewpoint, it's all about emotion, bullshit and bluster. Sadly you're in very good company as there are precious few on here that have any understanding of basic physics, chemistry and climate science.
Split personality?
Oh look! Stretch, Toxic, and the rest aren't alone in their special thoughts about Ms. Thunberg. Look who else shares their POV about the young lady. He's a Concern Troll too!
"Putin added that young people who paid attention to environmental issues should be supported, adding: "But when someone is using children and teenagers in personal interests, it only deserves to be condemned.
"I'm sure that Greta is a kind and very sincere girl. But adults must do everything not to bring teenagers and children into some extreme situations.""
(I'm starting to think Evince is on to something with her Russian bot theory.)
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
That about describes your posts in general, toodles. Care to try and logically and factually fault any part of the kid's speech?
I also know from past experience that you rarely, if ever, argue from a scientific viewpoint, it's all about emotion, bullshit and bluster. Sadly you're in very good company as there are precious few on here that have any understanding of basic physics, chemistry and climate science.
Seeing how the carbon footprint is exponentially expanding from such a veritable plethora of balderdash as problems in American politics since it's all organized crime certainly has pseudo science implications.
Really? Besides copy and pasting an opinion laden, fact free drivel by some right wing wonk, what posts have you done that systematically deconstructs her speech? Should be easy to copy the link and paste for you. Just search under your name on the thread. I'll wait.
Ahh, but we are not alone, as our European, Asian and even some South American brethren have dirty hands in this as well. It's just that since America is the big boy on the block, our messes are bigger and more noticeable.
You need to stop believing the conspiracy theories and outright lies about Hogg
The only ones I listed from Amazon who never posted here, to the best of my knowledge, are ET and Brunette. The rest of them have and still do. Except for Tomcat, who was summoned months ago by Toxic to help her out. He posted a week or so, then never returned. Not interested in continuing her years-long obsessive feud. Why are you interested?
There are no "vicious attacks" on poor widdle victim Toxic. But it's nice of you to stick up for the bimbo, given that the rest of her cabal has disbanded. Have a lovely rest of the day. Hope you're continuing to feel better.
'TOP' is a banal troll. Banality is 'TOP's' stock-in-trade and she has honed it to the point wherein some folk actually think she is discussing politics and current events.
Haw, haw........................haw.
Right, G ?
'Right, moon '.