Judy Johnstone
Verified User
Mason, why are your avatars all dead women?
I don't know,Dr Freud?
Mason, why are your avatars all dead women?
Wake up to what? She has always been nice to me. When asked what it is all about, you spout some shit about giving her an account and then forging posts in her name. Let it go.
I’m T-R-I-G-G-E-R-E-D.
What grudge?You're still wired that Top is a victim!
Let me tell you pal,she wants attention.Any attention,if it's somebody shiting on her face,she don't care as long as it's attention!
What do you think going from thread to thread saying, "good morning" is all about!
It's her way to scream,me,me,me,give me attention!
Wise up fool!
You have no idea how much off site,correspondence I have.
I think it is about saying "good morning."
My tale of having been left for dead in a vacant lot was just dismissed as a "one off," but some social media posts from years ago are still traumatic.
You're naive!Who goes to 5 and six sites saying goodmorning?
I hope you two have a beautiful life together!Till you cross her!
You're naive!Who goes to 5 and six sites saying goodmorning?
I hope you two have a beautiful life together!Till you cross her!
Poor-poor Mason, the JPP victim.
I have no reason to cross her, but if I ever do, I can handle it without dragging it out for years. There is always the ignore feature. You know, the one I recommend that you use.
Still naive!Ya know how I crossed her?
By becoming friends with Owl.
She couldn't handle me having another female friend.
Still naive!Ya know how I crossed her?
By becoming friends with Owl.
She couldn't handle me having another female friend.
You are a woman? Really? Come on now. Do you have dick?
I doubt that very much, but your story keeps changing and I can't keep track of the versions. It's is more likely, I think, that TOP rejected you.
Why do you ask?
Is it that hard to answer or figure out?
Oh I get it!
No I won't date you!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Really? Besides copy and pasting an opinion laden, fact free drivel by some right wing wonk, what posts have you done that systematically deconstructs her speech? Should be easy to copy the link and paste for you. Just search under your name on the thread. I'll wait.
I've done the same two step with you many times, you've always proved impervious to logic and reason in the past. You do the same shit time and time again, totally hysterical over reaction and an insistence on bringing politics into what should be a purely scientific discussion. You're just full of shit, attempting to disparage and dismiss any evidence or opinions you dislike as right wing.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Ahh, but we are not alone, as our European, Asian and even some South American brethren have dirty hands in this as well. It's just that since America is the big boy on the block, our messes are bigger and more noticeable.
The US has reduced CO2 far more than any other country on the planet asides from the UK. I am pretty damn sure that news to you as indeed most facts about climate are, you're truly an emotional bedwetter.
Maybe you should read my thread on the distinguished Japanese climate scientist Dr. Mototaka Nakamura, perhaps you'll stop your bullshit and bluster for a while?