Greta Thunberg

Which has what to do with anthrax frozen in permafrost for thousands of years? Ah never mind.

I thought you had a background in biology... aren't you a dentist, or am I mistaking you for someone else?

Simplified explanation: We all have immunities to germs we have encountered in our lives. What do you think will happen if you were to encounter an ancient strain of s. aureus from, say, a dead animal you found emerging from the permafrost? Do you think you'd have an immunity to that strain? Suppose the animal had perished from rabies. Do you think the current rabies vaccine would be effective against a 10,000-year-old virus?
I see your point. Humans have mutated making them resistant to vaccines that were developed 10,000 yrs ago.

The organisms in/on/around our modern bodies have mutated to become different than the organisms our ancestors encountered 10,000 years ago. Our immune systems have created antibodies to modern "bugs." We do not have antibodies to bugs from 10,000 years ago -- or even 200 years ago.
I thought you had a background in biology... aren't you a dentist, or am I mistaking you for someone else?

Simplified explanation: We all have immunities to germs we have encountered in our lives. What do you think will happen if you were to encounter an ancient strain of s. aureus from, say, a dead animal you found emerging from the permafrost? Do you think you'd have an immunity to that strain? Suppose the animal had perished from rabies. Do you think the current rabies vaccine would be effective against a 10,000-year-old virus?
That's better. But to be perfectly honest I hated micro. Learned enough to pass my boards and moved on.
Ding ding ding! And we have a winner! If the relentless spite she's flung at Ms. Thunberg was an isolated incident you might believe that it's political. But not when the personal attacks go on against nearly every successful accomplished female who makes the news. The situation gets even uglier when the target is a woman of color. Beyonce, Oprah, that princess lady and her family....... the hateful creature lives only to fling poo on her betters. Watch her bump this thread for that reason.

OH - LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl bitchy cunt hypocritical self"??

Thanks. Like you pretend to believe about your Holy Orange Tyrant, I tell it like it is. :laugh:

I don't care much for Trump as I've stated many times but the Dem's alternatives are just too awful to contemplate. I mean holy fuck how can anybody believe that Fauxcohontas, Colonel Sanders or Biden would make a good President is beyond me.
I don't care much for Trump as I've stated many times but the Dem's alternatives are just too awful to contemplate. I mean holy fuck how can anybody believe that Fauxcohontas, Colonel Sanders or Biden would make a good President is beyond me.

You stick with your Bozzie Johnson, maggot. Statesmanship personified.


Haw, haw...........................haw.