Report me.
Avoid me, please. You are an unwanted hindrance and an asset to trolls.
Got mooned again. Wonder when the real unwanted bare it & share it assets come out ? After more global warming for appearance of the Swedish bikini team ?
Moron- take stock of your fool self. If you attack me again you'll be sorry.
You threatened saltydancin with grave consequences if he replied to you again. He did. And that's all he got?
Moron- take stock of your fool self. If you attack me again you'll be sorry.
Avoid me, please. You are an unwanted hindrance and an asset to trolls.
That is what you wrote. You couldn't punch your way out of a paper bag. And, we can all see that you are attempting to bait people into a 12 b. That is creepy all by itself.
Well, first the troll shit made a threat and then he begged.![]()
Greta Thunberg: New beetle named after climate activist
A newly discovered species of beetle has been named after young climate activist Greta Thunberg.
Nelloptodes gretae bears little resemblance to its namesake - it is less than 1mm long, and has no wings or eyes.
The insect does, however, have two long pigtail-like antennae.
Scientist Dr Michael Darby said he chose the name because he was "immensely impressed" by the Swedish teenager's environmental campaigning.
N. gretae was first found in Kenya in the 1960s by William Block, who donated his samples to the Natural History Museum in London in 1978. It has been held in one of the museum's collections since.
Dr Darby was studying this collection when he came across the then-nameless species.
' Wow- so kewl ! '
The strategy is to accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of and the dummies buy into it. You know what they call that, don't you? Keep trying, though...
Yes, that's what I said- and then some slimy stirrer wrote ' You threatened saltydancin with grave consequences if he replied to you again.' Oh ....wait- that was YOU ! Haw, haw...........haw.
You really should direct your bile somewhere else at this point- before your punchy stupidity bores people.
Oh yeah- what sort of a paper bag did you have in ?
Here is a comparison for you.
I admire Tulsi Gabbard. I will write her in for the next POTUS. She is an attractive adult. If I were to continuously post photos of her, and captioning them as if we were personally corresponding, people would be calling me weird.
Well- they would NOW, dickhead. Haw, haw..........................haw.
They'd call you a pathetic plagiarist too.
I haven't paid much attention to you, my dear stalker, lately. Here, some crumbs of attention that are sorely needed!
Your strategy of accusing others of mental illness, stalking, obsession, hate/anger, etc. is a great example of your stolen quote being ironic. Let's review!
"(It is fun when everyone works together...until it's taken to a level of insanity...and I believe she even mentioned that in one of her sad rants....)
She should be in school...(she even said so and her parents and teachers agree)....followed by therapy...intense therapy...after school...."
You meant this to be about Greta but we know it's really self-accusation: "It's so sad that you don't see just how damaged she is;("
And ditto: "....they are simply too distraught, depressed, and devastated to leave home for periods of time..."
Mirror, mirror: "She's clearly not "fine"...." and "She's not "fine"...How odd for anyone to applaud and encourage a child who most likely has lived a life of being mocked and shamed to literally use mocking and shaming as her platform to "change the world"...."
Your imaginary Greta childhood, but really reflections of your own: "She's a child with very special needs and issues, so she is different than the average teen...but yes, they've all taken advantage of her....and will continue to until she's really very sad because, "more than likely", she will...beyond repair...." and also "She's crying out for her parents ....or some responsible adults in her life... to take her home where she belongs.....before she crumbles again, beyond repair..." (The "beyond repair" definitely fits you (and your quote about '...accuse others of what you yourself are').
Check out this irony! lol "So far, nothing but personal attacks on others here, there, everywhere...."
These are just a few of your hypocritical slime taken from this discussion alone. But please do continue to make us laugh with your "what you yourself are guilty of" meme.![]()
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Tell me something my little bigoted closed minded bumpkin, are you looking in the mirror when you type out these little bits of mental flatulence? I mean, a regurgitative rebuttal from Lindzen gets your little heart all a flutter? GMAFB! Typical out of context quoting coupled with "guilt by association" prose and lindzen's personal interpretations.
Your boy's rep ain't exactly solid on this subject and hasn't been for a LONG time:
But since you're puffing out your chest like you know something, I'll put to you the same questions that I stymied Lord Monckton with a few year's ago:
- With regards to climate change, how can you say that increasing deforestation on a global scale over 2 centuries has either marginal or negligible effect on the environment? Trees produce oxygen, take Co2 out of the air, and release that when burned.
- subsequently the same question goes regarding urbanization. Removal of grass, trees, foliage in general, lakes...replacing them with heat reflective glass & concrete.
- And how can you say that pumping increasing industrial waste into the air and water on a global scale over two centuries has no effect on the environment/climate?
This requires YOUR response, toodles...not a plethora of links from jokers the likes of Lindzen. Hop to it, I'll wait.
She doesn't say it's a hoax per se. However she is vehemently against climate alarmism, which is primarily driven by politics not science.
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