Greta Thunberg

It has been less than a year since Scenes from the Heart was published and, during that time, Greta has become a global celebrity. This week, she was named one of the world’s 100 most influential people by Time Magazine. She has briefly met the Pope, who encouraged her to “Keep doing what you’re doing.” She has received numerous awards, including, most recently, the German Golden Camera award. She has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. She has been featured and interviewed in most of the world’s leading media. She has appeared on a panel with the UN Secretary General António Guterres, addressed the European Parliament, and lunched with the Financial Times.

I can understand your crippling jealousy.
Greta Thunberg awarded The German Camera Award.

Hey- dummkopfs- keep supplying the material.
Haw, haw...................................haw.
Hopefully it's not too late for Greta to return home and can find a way to exit gracefully before her "fame" implodes in even more embarrassing ways.
(Can she really see CO2, as her mother claims?)
Hopefully it's not too late for Greta to return home and can find a way to exit gracefully before her "fame" implodes in even more embarrassing ways.
(Can she really see CO2, as her mother claims?)

You know- you really ARE a jealousy-consumed fool. Useful though. Haw, haw..............................haw.
It's heartbreaking that the mental and physical health of this young girl is not a priority to so many....
Hopefully it's not too late for Greta to return home and can find a way to exit gracefully before her "fame" implodes in even more embarrassing ways.
(Can she really see CO2, as her mother claims?)

I can see why that cunt Moonshite posts all that crap of his, he's trying to get someone to cop for a 12b, odious fucking creep.
I can see why that cunt Moonshite posts all that crap of his, he's trying to get someone to cop for a 12b, odious fucking creep.
That would be the only reason to post the little conversations, etc...I find no support for her "platform"...just personal attacks on others here....
I can see why that cunt Moonshite posts all that crap of his, he's trying to get someone to cop for a 12b, odious fucking creep.

Make that 12pm, maggot- because you're due to turn back into a pumpkin at midnight on October 31st. Haw, haw....................haw, fucking haw.