Grinds 10 day tolerance break before 420

Yes. You don't have any 'first hand' experience. So your opinions don't carry much weight.
It's like the celibate Priest telling the young couple about sex and marriage.
(does that comparison make sense to you?)

Not smoking, doesn't mean I don't have first hand knowledge though.

Yes. You don't have any 'first hand' experience. So your opinions don't carry much weight.
It's like the celibate Priest telling the young couple about sex and marriage.
(does that comparison make sense to you?)

You just described his sex life!
Then where did the part about 1 finger 2 fingers, and 3 fingers come from??

Probably from hearing other people talk about it.
Look, go ahead and give your opinions here, but unless you actually experience getting loaded, you aren't really qualified to be discussing it.
I'm not going to respond to you anymore, you sound like all you want to do is argue about your vast knowledge of a subject you've never indulged in.
Probably from hearing other people talk about it.
Look, go ahead and give your opinions here, but unless you actually experience getting loaded, you aren't really qualified to be discussing it.
I'm not going to respond to you anymore, you sound like all you want to do is argue about your vast knowledge of a subject you've never indulged in.

To Jack!
It certainly wasn't anything like what Grind smokes now!Grind wouldn't smoke that crap!

Oh yeah. I'm sure it's not. But ... how blitzed do you need to be? Most people have a lot of shit to do. I'm at a point now where the 'edibles' might be my preference, just to ease the aches and pains.
Oh yeah. I'm sure it's not. But ... how blitzed do you need to be? Most people have a lot of shit to do. I'm at a point now where the 'edibles' might be my preference, just to ease the aches and pains.

I wish I could still smoke,but doesn't agree with my 3 bp meds
Probably from hearing other people talk about it.
Look, go ahead and give your opinions here, but unless you actually experience getting loaded, you aren't really qualified to be discussing it.
I'm not going to respond to you anymore, you sound like all you want to do is argue about your vast knowledge of a subject you've never indulged in.

Then any of your ASSertions, regarding President Trump, should be ignored; see as how you've never been President and therefore have no 'firs hand knowledge".

We have arrived on day 10.

There were times where i was tempted. But I stuck to my guns.

I feel clean. Pure. Not because of the absense of THC, but because of the strength of my mind.

Funny thing, I got distracted all day and at 11:55 I see the time and I went "OH SHIT!" because .... me not vaping on 420... I can't even imagine how that would throw the universe out of balance. I feel that would have brought on some bad juju.

My pen was empty.

I had to Grind.

I was using two grinders. First the rough chop then my finishing grinder.

Then the load..

Then the kief. Had to get it into a pile. The clock is ticking. Just get a little bit to top it off. Don't need a lot.

Get that cap on. Get the battery. Load it up. Twist it tight. Hit that button. Click.

I actually fucking coughed.


11:58. Seemed like it took longer than it did. I went into the zone. I zigged and zagged.

I'll be at peak in I say... T minus 5 minutes..

I am reborn again. I am rising now like the phoenix.

Happy 420.
and I know this posting is now on 4/21 but the session started on 420, and thus the spirit of the day continues.
We have arrived on day 10.

There were times where i was tempted. But I stuck to my guns.

I feel clean. Pure. Not because of the absense of THC, but because of the strength of my mind.

Funny thing, I got distracted all day and at 11:55 I see the time and I went "OH SHIT!" because .... me not vaping on 420... I can't even imagine how that would throw the universe out of balance. I feel that would have brought on some bad juju.

My pen was empty.

I had to Grind.

I was using two grinders. First the rough chop then my finishing grinder.

Then the load..

Then the kief. Had to get it into a pile. The clock is ticking. Just get a little bit to top it off. Don't need a lot.

Get that cap on. Get the battery. Load it up. Twist it tight. Hit that button. Click.

I actually fucking coughed.


11:58. Seemed like it took longer than it did. I went into the zone. I zigged and zagged.

I'll be at peak in I say... T minus 5 minutes..

I am reborn again. I am rising now like the phoenix.

Happy 420.

You don't see the connection between Easter and he has risen,in your own experience?
Genesis 3:22 "What if the man ate of the Tree of Life,and lived forever".
I unintentionally and irreligiously went through a form of mental and spiritual purification and reflection these last ten days and by sheer coincidence I complete my mission attaining a better version of myself. When we discipline ourselves for pure intentions, we are always left a better, newer, fresher and more polished version of our previous self. In that way I am reborn. And the julian calendar coincidentally put 420 right before easter. Cool beans.
I unintentionally and irreligiously went through a form of mental and spiritual purification and reflection these last ten days and by sheer coincidence I complete my mission attaining a better version of myself. When we discipline ourselves for pure intentions, we are always left a better, newer, fresher and more polished version of our previous self. In that way I am reborn. And the julian calendar coincidentally put 420 right before easter. Cool beans.

I don't believe in coincidence!
The fact that we as mankind don't look out into the behemoth expanse of space, this lovecraftian nightmare, and don't actually go fucking insane from the mere awareness of it, is amazing. Such a fact has to be testament to our will, optimism, and tenacious spirit. We may actually deserve this place.