Grinds 10 day tolerance break before 420

It used to come in small white pills. You'd take two to get 'wired', then smoke a joint to mellow out and take the edge off.

It is like cocaine since like the 80s. Crush that rock and snort it. Hard core is to melt it and shoot up.
It is like cocaine since like the 80s. Crush that rock and snort it. Hard core is to melt it and shoot up.

Jack has watched people shoot up Thunderbird Wine. Jack will pass on any thing that passes up the natural filtration system of the body. You know, like eating stuff is OK, snorting stuff is OK, smoking stuff is OK. But introducing a bunch of shit directly into the bloodstream that may have been stepped on a few times, ... no.
Since you're not a User, your opinion doesn't count.

Then; since you're not the President or an elected official your opinion doesn't count, regarding President Trump.

Yes. You don't have any 'first hand' experience. So your opinions don't carry much weight.
It's like the celibate Priest telling the young couple about sex and marriage.
(does that comparison make sense to you?)

So not smoking, means I have to knowledge of how it may affect someone??
