Grinds 10 day tolerance break before 420

im not doing it for any moral reason. My tolerance is just way too fucking high now. I used to be able to only need a couple of hits off my vape, now I typically will do multiple bowls + edibles + concentrates and just be meh.

Like I am full pro at this point.

I'll probably get some sick lucid dreams out of this break. I always get crazy ass dreams when I go on a tolerance break

This is no difference, then someone who drinks.

After a while, the body builds up a tolerance and more is required to have the same effect.

In moderation is always a good choice.

Most addicts end up "chasing the pony"; which means they're trying to find that original feeling they got, the first time they used.

The sad reality is that they'll never find it and they end up using larger amounts, trying to find it.

And NO, I'm not saying your an addict.

For some reason, the first time you smoke, there isn't any effect. (Don't ask me why)

In moderation is always a good choice.

Most addicts end up "chasing the pony"; which means they're trying to find that original feeling they got, the first time they used.

The sad reality is that they'll never find it and they end up using larger amounts, trying to find it.

And NO, I'm not saying your an addict.

pfff I buy lab tested medical grade weed. As I said, I am legit pro. Snoop levels.

My brother scoffs at those. His strains are carefully crafted he says.... If you start talking to him about different strains etc, not even your snobbiest wine snob would compare to him.
For some reason, the first time you smoke, there isn't any effect. (Don't ask me why)

I had the exact opposite affect. First time I had it, I couldn't order my favorite pancakes and milkshake at my favorite diner because I was laughing at everything, and I mean everything.
I guarantee you smoke todays Chronic Weed you will feel it!
You sure you weren't using it as a suppository Jack?

Two other lads and I at a San Diego State parking lot. They were laughing and carrying on, I was ... waiting. It was one joint between 3 people, and I never copped a buzz.
I have no idea how he takes meth (which supposedly he has quit), but that has nothing to do with his supposed Marijuana knowledge.

Logic, learn it.

It used to come in small white pills. You'd take two to get 'wired', then smoke a joint to mellow out and take the edge off.