Grinds Official data circa 2016





I agree with Gary Johnson 92% of the time. I understand that, I am libertarian.

I just found it funny how isidewith decided that you somehow support all of those candidates on "foreign policy" views at the same time when they all have very different foreign policy views.
i am not a fake libertarian. i am a 90% libertarian. gauntlet thrown to the other fake libertarians here, like rstring

But you will still shill (probably vote) for Trump. The poll does not have an appropriate level to indicate the importance of your collectivist view of property. I am working on mine at this minute.
I side with Gary Johnson on most 2016 Presidential Election issues
Candidates you side with...
92% Gary Johnson
Gary Johnson Libertarian
on foreign policy, economic, domestic policy, social, immigration, healthcare, environmental, and education issues.

84% Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders Democratic
on foreign policy, domestic policy, immigration, social, criminal, and electoral issues.

80% Jill Stein
Jill Stein Green
on foreign policy, domestic policy, social, immigration, criminal, and electoral issues.

78% Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Democratic
on foreign policy, immigration, social, criminal, and electoral issues.

28% Donald Trump
Donald Trump Republican
on environmental, education, and science issues.

Candidates you side with by issue...
Most important to me
I side with Bernie Sanders on most electoral issues
Most important to me
I side with Bernie Sanders on most criminal issues
More important to me
I side with Hillary Clinton on most immigration issues
More important to me
Foreign Policy
I side with Gary Johnson on most foreign policy issues
More important to me
I side with Gary Johnson on most healthcare issues
Somewhat important to me
Domestic Policy
I side with Bernie Sanders on most domestic policy issues
Somewhat important to me
The Economy
I side with Gary Johnson on most economic issues
Somewhat important to me
I side with Gary Johnson on most social issues
Somewhat important to me
I side with Donald Trump on most science issues
Somewhat important to me
The Environment
I side with Gary Johnson on most environmental issues
Less important to me
I side with Donald Trump on most education issues
Your candidate results visualized...

Left-Wing Libertarian
Your political beliefs would be considered moderately Left-Wing Libertarian on an ideological scale, meaning you tend to support policies that will reduce elitism and provide freedom and equality for citizens.

Your political themes
Privacy vs Security
You side strongly towards “Privacy”, meaning you strongly believe the government should not undermine the rights and privacy of its citizens under the guise of national security. This theme is most important to you.

Tough vs Tender
You side moderately towards “Tender”, meaning you believe in showing compassion, empathy, and rehabilitation for small-time criminals or those struggling with addiction. This theme is more important to you.

Pacifism vs Militarism
You side moderately towards “Pacifism”, meaning you believe we should use non-violent diplomatic discussion to resolve conflicts. This theme is more important to you.

Isolationism vs Imperialism
You side extremely towards “Isolationism”, meaning you very strongly believe we should focus attention on our most pressing issues at home instead of involving ourselves in non-threatening issues abroad. This theme is more important to you.

Traditional vs Progressive
You side moderately towards “Progressive”, meaning you believe we should be a nation that values personal freedom, expression, and diversity. This theme is more important to you.

Multiculturalism vs Assimilation
You side moderately towards “Multiculturalism”, meaning you believe we should celebrate and embrace cultural diversity. This theme is more important to you.

Centralization vs Decentralization
You side strongly towards “Decentralization”, meaning you strongly believe that administrative power and decision making should be handled at the local level and serve the best interests of the local community. This theme is somewhat important to you.
And I am more libertarian than Gary but then I am not running for office...


Should prisons ban the use of solitary confinement for juveniles? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: No, it is necessary for violent criminals who are a danger to themselves and other inmates S
You: Yes


Should the federal government require children to be vaccinated for preventable diseases? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: No S
You: This is a state issue. The states should require it for those attending public schools.

Foreign Policy

Should the U.S. continue to support Israel? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: Yes, but respect Israel’s sovereignty and do not dictate how it should interact with its neighbors S
You: No, we should not give aid to any foreign nations

Should foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: No, they should be tried in military tribunals but not subject to torture S
You: Yes


Should the government fund space travel? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: Yes S
You: No

The Environment

Should producers be required to label genetically engineered foods (GMOs)? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: Yes, consumers have a right to know what is in their food S
You: No, we have selectively bred crops for thousands of years and labeling just adds an unfounded stigma to the science


Should local law enforcement be allowed to detain illegal immigrants for minor crimes and transfer them to federal immigration authorities? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: No, only if they are convicted of a violent crime S
You: Yes

Domestic Policy

Do you support affirmative action programs? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: No, and minority groups should not receive any favorable treatment S
You: Yes, for the government and government contractors.

Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: No, only for criminals and the mentally ill S
You: IDK. Maybe in some states, maybe not in others.

Should there be term limits set for members of Congress? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: Yes, term limits will increase performance and prevent corruption S
You: Don't care.

Should the government be allowed to seize private property, with reasonable compensation, for public or civic use? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: No, and the government should never be allowed to seize private property S
You: Yes, but only for public projects and never for private projects

Should the Senate hold hearings and a vote on President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee? stats discuss
Gary Johnson has not given a stance on this issue
You: Yes

The Economy

Would you favor an increased sales tax in order to reduce property taxes? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: No S
You: Yes, but dramatically reduce government spending instead of raising taxes

Do you believe labor unions help or hurt the economy? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: Hurt S
You: Help

Do you support the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: No S
You: Yes, it will bring economic growth to all countries involved

Should the U.S. government bailout Puerto Rico? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: No S
You: Yes, and make them the 51st state so we can help prevent this from happening again


Should health insurance providers be required to offer free birth control? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: Yes S
You: No, the government should not decide what services a private business can provide

Should a business be able to deny service to a customer if the request conflicts with the owner’s religious beliefs? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: No, all customers deserve to be treated equally S
You: Yes, any business should be able to deny service for any reason

Should states be allowed to display the Confederate flag on government property? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: Yes, each state should have the right to display any flag they choose S
You: I reject this question due to the ambiguity of "allow." Who is doing the allowing. The states should stop doing it of their own volition.

Should the government continue to fund Planned Parenthood? stats discuss
Gary Johnson: Yes S
You: No, and the government should not give funds to any organizations

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RS was originally libertarian, he slid to the left over time.

Maybe in the way I pitch things. I always scored as a slightly left libertarian. I have strongly supported a moderate or pragmatic approach for the LP since joining.

Grind is just a vulgar libertarian if he is not an NRxer.
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Uhhggg, I'm closer to Trump than you.

Most of the things that I agreed with Trump are were immigration issues, for instance, not thinking that illegal immigrants should get in-state tuition. I'm not anti-immigrant, I just think it should be done through a legal, orderly process. Illegal immigration also isn't important to me at all and I probably should've represented that by lowering my importance a bunch. While the parts of immigration that Trump and I disagree on (banning an entire ethnicity from the US) are extremely important to me.
Also, I'm of the position that consumption taxes should be abolished. They are the most regressive taxes in existence. A rich person may pay 1% or less of their income in a year in consumption taxes, whereas a poor person will often have debts that push their burden under a sales tax above what it would be under an income tax of an equivalent rate. Property taxes are actually fairly progressive in comparison, so there's no way that I'd support eliminating property taxes at the expense of raising the sales tax. That would be a massive reallocation of the tax burden from the wealthy to the poor and middle class.
Uhhggg, I'm closer to Trump than you.

Most of the things that I agreed with Trump are were immigration issues, for instance, not thinking that illegal immigrants should get in-state tuition. I'm not anti-immigrant, I just think it should be done through a legal, orderly process. Illegal immigration also isn't important to me at all and I probably should've represented that by lowering my importance a bunch. While the parts of immigration that Trump and I disagree on (banning an entire ethnicity from the US) are extremely important to me.

Where did you read, in your safe place, that Trump wanted to "ban an entire ethnicity from the US"??

I'll understand if you run from this question or have nothing to support your assertion.
Also, I'm of the position that consumption taxes should be abolished. They are the most regressive taxes in existence. A rich person may pay 1% or less of their income in a year in consumption taxes, whereas a poor person will often have debts that push their burden under a sales tax above what it would be under an income tax of an equivalent rate. Property taxes are actually fairly progressive in comparison, so there's no way that I'd support eliminating property taxes at the expense of raising the sales tax. That would be a massive reallocation of the tax burden from the wealthy to the poor and middle class.

Yeah, I am not sure why I answered that way. I guess, I wasn't sure hit the other answers and went for the reduced spending.
my list is libertarians all the way down. you are in the 80's with a bunch of socialists. tsk tsk.

i miss it when you were the cool libertarian that rode a motorcycle. (did i make that up or is that real?)

I'm high as balls right now

My goal of the last 1.5 years is to get a motorcycle. Have always been putting it off. I guess I'll be the new cool libertarian on JPP that rejects the cager lifestyle. I'm gonna be free
my list is libertarians all the way down. you are in the 80's with a bunch of socialists. tsk tsk.

i miss it when you were the cool libertarian that rode a motorcycle. (did i make that up or is that real?)

I'm high as balls right now

My goal of the last 1.5 years is to get a motorcycle. Have always been putting it off. I guess I'll be the new cool libertarian on JPP that rejects the cager lifestyle. I'm gonna be free

LOL, cause they removed the other Libertarians. I had a bike for a little while but I did not want to be mistaken for a white supremacists, like usf.
my list is libertarians all the way down. you are in the 80's with a bunch of socialists. tsk tsk.

i miss it when you were the cool libertarian that rode a motorcycle. (did i make that up or is that real?)

I'm high as balls right now

My goal of the last 1.5 years is to get a motorcycle. Have always been putting it off. I guess I'll be the new cool libertarian on JPP that rejects the cager lifestyle. I'm gonna be free

I was thinking about getting a motorcycle too. Then I looked up much more likely you are to die per mile driven on a motorcycle compared to a car, and it's like 30x. Nah.
I was thinking about getting a motorcycle too. Then I looked up much more likely you are to die per mile driven on a motorcycle compared to a car, and it's like 30x. Nah.

nah here is the problem

there are a lot of retards that ride motorcycles that distort those numbers.

people that will ride without helmets or proper gear

and morons that like do wheelies on the highway going 100

If you factor out deaths by not wearing the right gear, and deaths from beinga dumbass, it's a much smaller rate.
my list is libertarians all the way down. you are in the 80's with a bunch of socialists. tsk tsk.

i miss it when you were the cool libertarian that rode a motorcycle. (did i make that up or is that real?)

I'm high as balls right now

My goal of the last 1.5 years is to get a motorcycle. Have always been putting it off. I guess I'll be the new cool libertarian on JPP that rejects the cager lifestyle. I'm gonna be free

Get one Grind.
There's no better therapy, to blow your problems away, then going for a long ride with friends.
It's like the wind just blows the dust off of you and it rejuvenates you.

Just don't get a city ride, get one that will get you out of the city and down the road.