Grinds Official data circa 2016

nah here is the problem

there are a lot of retards that ride motorcycles that distort those numbers.

people that will ride without helmets or proper gear

and morons that like do wheelies on the highway going 100

If you factor out deaths by not wearing the right gear, and deaths from beinga dumbass, it's a much smaller rate.

When I worked in Tempe, I used to see the dumbass college kids on the freeway; riding their crotch rockets and wearing shorts, no shirt, and tennis shoes.
The only thing I could imagine that they were going to be a plastic surgeons new boat. :palm:
my list is libertarians all the way down. you are in the 80's with a bunch of socialists. tsk tsk.

i miss it when you were the cool libertarian that rode a motorcycle. (did i make that up or is that real?)

I'm high as balls right now

My goal of the last 1.5 years is to get a motorcycle. Have always been putting it off. I guess I'll be the new cool libertarian on JPP that rejects the cager lifestyle. I'm gonna be free
Or dead.
nah here is the problem

there are a lot of retards that ride motorcycles that distort those numbers.

people that will ride without helmets or proper gear

and morons that like do wheelies on the highway going 100

If you factor out deaths by not wearing the right gear, and deaths from beinga dumbass, it's a much smaller rate.
I have had three friends killed on motorcycles and one of my best friends, who was wearing all the proper gear and just cruising down the highway, when a silver fox hit him and his girlfriend. He lost his left leg and his GF is a paraplegic.

The three that were killed was a couple that I knew in the 80's who were cruising down a highway behind a truck when a sheet of glass came loose and slid off the back of the truck and decapitated them. A girl I had dated I college was riding with her boyfriend in the 90's, wearing all the proper gear, when a dear ran out in front of them and they hit it at speed. The deer was killed, the driver sustained minor injuries due to the wind fairing. His girlfriend was catapulted off the back of bike and into a tree. She died of her injuries.

Point being all were wearing proper safety gear and none of the accidents were their fault.

If you know anyone into motorcycles, and I know quite a few, they almost all have stories of friends who died in accidents that were not their fault.

Point being is even with proper gear and not fucking off on a bike your odds of a life altering injury or death are significantly higher than driving a car. The smart ones never drive in heavy traffic, or on interstates or limited access highways. Even then it's a calculated risk and if you do buy a bike you had better give that some serious thought.

Bikes are awesome and a great way to travel and feel free in the open air and wide open road but you still taking a calculated risk. Smart riders know this and drive accordingly but also appreciate the consequences of the risk they take.
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86% Douchebag Donald
74% Gary Johnson
53% Crooked Hillary
44% Bernmaster Sandy
43% Jill Stein

I agree with DD on elections, social issues, healthcare, education and foreign policy
I agree with Gary on immigration and domestic policy
I agree with Hillary on the economy(?)
I agree with Gary and CH on science
I agree with BS and CH on crime
If you need a quiz to tell you who you support, you have a problem.

It's more the surprises than the confirmations. For example, I'm not surprised that I am below 90% with Gary, and below 50% with Bernmaster Sandy and Jill Stein. I am surprised that I'm above 80% with Douchebag Donald, and that I agree with Crooked Hillary on the economy.

Every candidate except Gary supports single-payer, but, because I said I oppose the ACA, I align with DD, because he's the Republican nominee.
It's more the surprises than the confirmations. For example, I'm not surprised that I am below 90% with Gary, and below 50% with Bernmaster Sandy and Jill Stein. I am surprised that I'm above 80% with Douchebag Donald, and that I agree with Crooked Hillary on the economy.

Every candidate except Gary supports single-payer, but, because I said I oppose the ACA, I align with DD, because he's the Republican nominee.

Do you believe because a quiz result said it, that's where you stand?
A little bit. The basic percentage from Republican-Libertarian-Mainstream Democrat-Fringe Democrat-Green makes sense. If the Republican was not a conman and known leftist, it would make more sense.

Another point that jumped-out at me. I side with Douchebag Donald on electoral issues (the area I seem most passionate about), despite supporting a contested convention and contested election, in which state delegates and state delegations deny him the vote in both cases. :D
A little bit. The basic percentage from Republican-Libertarian-Mainstream Democrat-Fringe Democrat-Green makes sense. If the Republican was not a conman and known leftist, it would make more sense.

Another point that jumped-out at me. I side with Douchebag Donald on electoral issues (the area I seem most passionate about), despite supporting a contested convention and contested election, in which state delegates and state delegations deny him the vote in both cases. :D

You would probably both agree that hemorrhoids are a pain in the butt too, but does that mean you support him?
My point is; even if elected he would never change the way delegates are selected and vote.
The quiz is very narrow. It only aligns you with a candidates policy positions. That, to me, isn't the be all and everything for a candidate. Although where they stand on policy is important to me I also care about their professional experience, their education, their accomplishments, their life experiences, their leadership skills, their values and their character all are part of the equation.
86% Douchebag Donald
74% Gary Johnson
53% Crooked Hillary
44% Bernmaster Sandy
43% Jill Stein

I agree with DD on elections, social issues, healthcare, education and foreign policy
I agree with Gary on immigration and domestic policy
I agree with Hillary on the economy(?)
I agree with Gary and CH on science
I agree with BS and CH on crime

lmao so you espouse platitudes of #nevertrump and yet you are objectively one of his biggest supporters when it comes to the issues. Everyone is confused as fuck this election, that's for sure.
I have had three friends killed on motorcycles and one of my best friends, who was wearing all the proper gear and just cruising down the highway, when a silver fox hit him and his girlfriend. He lost his left leg and his GF is a paraplegic.

The three that were killed was a couple that I knew in the 80's who were cruising down a highway behind a truck when a sheet of glass came loose and slid off the back of the truck and decapitated them. A girl I had dated I college was riding with her boyfriend in the 90's, wearing all the proper gear, when a dear ran out in front of them and they hit it at speed. The deer was killed, the driver sustained minor injuries due to the wind fairing. His girlfriend was catapulted off the back of bike and into a tree. She died of her injuries.

Point being all were wearing proper safety gear and none of the accidents were their fault.

If you know anyone into motorcycles, and I know quite a few, they almost all have stories of friends who died in accidents that were not their fault.

Point being is even with proper gear and not fucking off on a bike your odds of a life altering injury or death are significantly higher than driving a car. The smart ones never drive in heavy traffic, or on interstates or limited access highways. Even then it's a calculated risk and if you do buy a bike you had better give that some serious thought.

Bikes are awesome and a great way to travel and feel free in the open air and wide open road but you still taking a calculated risk. Smart riders know this and drive accordingly but also appreciate the consequences of the risk they take.

I didn't say they were the same risk as cars, I said it was lower once you factored out some dumbass-ness. I can give you anecdotes of people that died in car crashes too.

Also some of the accidents DO sound like your friends fault. They hit a deer at speed (probably on a back road going way too fast). The actual driver was fine, it was the passenger that was catapulted. If I am driving behind a truck with a bunch of shit in it, I am going to either keep my distance or not being in the same lane.
I didn't say they were the same risk as cars, I said it was lower once you factored out some dumbass-ness. I can give you anecdotes of people that died in car crashes too.

Also some of the accidents DO sound like your friends fault. They hit a deer at speed (probably on a back road going way too fast). The actual driver was fine, it was the passenger that was catapulted. If I am driving behind a truck with a bunch of shit in it, I am going to either keep my distance or not being in the same lane.

Grind, literally every crash can be made to sound like its the fault of the person involved. If you go around victim blaming enough you can justify anything. I'm sure you do some dumb shit as well and are not literally perfect in every regard, you will may very well make a mistake one day, and then you're much more likely to die than if you had made the same mistake in a car.