Gun prices going down

I doubt you'd have even been excepted to an average college. NASCAR rednecks like you who ignore the fact that France and England have 3x less murders per capita , who intilect limits them to a come back with a retarded NRA talking point are exactly the problem the Hong Kond dude is talking about.

France also has about 19,000,000 private registered guns. What do you say about that? What about England's crime being lower then ours before their gun laws? What about the rise in violent crime currently occurring in England?
France also has about 19,000,000 private registered guns. What do you say about that? What about England's crime being lower then ours before their gun laws? What about the rise in violent crime currently occurring in England?

that doesn't matter to topper. rape, assault, and burglary could skyrocket out of control, just so long as people don't die from gunshots.
Originally Posted by Lowaicue
Research has shown (and no I will not spend time googling that for you), that macho behaviour, the ownership of ridiculously big cars, guns and the like, tend to suggest that the purchasers are less than fully confident about their sexuality. That is why, or one reason why, sex sells.

it also is reason to show that their idiot research is bullshit because it doesn't explain why WOMEN buy and carry guns.
Probably because you frighten them. Definitely the most stupid comment I have heard in a long while. Read the millions of books and research articles that show it to be true. By doing that for you I would lift you out of your ignorance and you clearly enjoy that.
Originally Posted by Lowaicue
My own safety has never been in doubt and I lead a much freer life than you.

no, you don't. you live being subject to any and all kinds of force upon you, whether perpetrated by a criminal or the government. That is not freedom, that is submission.
Yes I do. Our crime rate is a minute fraction of yours. Anyone, male or female, young oe old, can travel alone at night. Our kids can go to school on their own without fear. I can do anything I like within the law (obviously) and that means go where I like, say what I like, pursue happiness how I like, start a company when and how I like. What 'force' do you honestly think I am subject to.
Originally Posted by Lowaicue
I have never seriously handled a gun, I have never had to resort to any kind of violence to protect myself, I have never been under threat. I have never been attacked.

you lie, as indicated by your confession to being kidnapped.
The kidnapping was not unpleasant. There was no violence. In fact when I got to the 'room' there was a meal waiting for me. I small ransome was paid and they took me home. Oh, that was not in HK.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lowaicue
I have been kidnapped and I have travelled to some rather unpleasant places but never, not once, in my reasonably long life, have I ever thought my situation would be improved with the ownership of a gun.

then YOU, sir, are a bonafide idiot. You were kidnapped against your will and COULD have been subject to all kinds of criminal misconduct, including rape and murder, and you still see no reason to protect yourself. You're a fool. plain and simple.

Then I must, according to your unfortunate standards, be a bone fide idiot. But, and this makes me very happy, I'm not a brain dead yank.
Originally Posted by Lowaicue
But, please be my guest. Own your guns if you need their safety. My god where the hell do you live???

I live in the real world. A world where there are violent two legged predators that don't give an ounce of care about you, your family, or your lives. These predators would have no problem with beating you within an inch of your life, then raping your wife and daughter multiple times in front of you, and after they are done, slowly choking the life out of them while you watch. How do you answer your loved ones pleas for help when you're guilty of failing to protect them because of your own cowardice?
Sounds as if you live as far away from the real world as I am from America. You are a fool if you think the shit you call life bears any resemblance to civilised existence. Predators? You have predators where you live? We don't. You live in permanent fear? We don't. You think your world is dangerous? Mine isnt. You need to learn to read. You obviously live in a place that has yet to be touched by civilisation. That must be why even idiot yanks marvel when they come here.
Sounds as if you live as far away from the real world as I am from America. You are a fool if you think the shit you call life bears any resemblance to civilised existence. Predators? You have predators where you live? We don't. You live in permanent fear? We don't. You think your world is dangerous? Mine isnt. You need to learn to read. You obviously live in a place that has yet to be touched by civilisation. That must be why even idiot yanks marvel when they come here.

I'll re-iterate for you, you are a bona fide idiot. You were kidnapped and held for ransom, obviously paid, and you still consider yourself living in safety. It's mindboggling that you actually believe that. I almost feel sorry for you.
Probably because you frighten them. Definitely the most stupid comment I have heard in a long while. Read the millions of books and research articles that show it to be true. By doing that for you I would lift you out of your ignorance and you clearly enjoy that.

Please show me one.

And civilization has a Z, not an S.
I'll re-iterate for you, you are a bona fide idiot. You were kidnapped and held for ransom, obviously paid, and you still consider yourself living in safety. It's mindboggling that you actually believe that. I almost feel sorry for you.

That's what these Euro-pansies do. Tom Jefferson put and end to that shit for America back in the 18th Century. :good4u:
I'll re-iterate for you, you are a bona fide idiot. You were kidnapped and held for ransom, obviously paid, and you still consider yourself living in safety. It's mindboggling that you actually believe that. I almost feel sorry for you.

You really are a bloody fool. You have absolutely no freakin idea of life outside America. Save your pennies. Travel. Learn.
If not you are most welcome to your world of ignorance.
You really are a bloody fool. You have absolutely no freakin idea of life outside America. Save your pennies. Travel. Learn.
If not you are most welcome to your world of ignorance.

good sir, if your idea of a safety filled utopia is being kidnapped, fed, and returned upon payment of a ransom by your family, I want absolutely no freaking part of it. I'll stay a bloody fool yank if that's what it takes.
For those who don't follow, since Obama was elected there was a drastic rise in the price of guns and ammo, caused by nearly everyone buying as much as they can 'before the ban' in anticipation of new sweeping gun control laws (which have been proposed but gone no where).

Thankfully we all can see this hasn't happened and prices, along with surplus of arms, have increased accordingly. Not that we as gun owners shouldn't remain vigilant of government action, but we should understand that a direct affront to our 2A rights isn't on the near horizon and must instead concentrate our efforts elsewhere.

In other words, the gun manufacturing lobby played you all for suckers...and made a killing! :rolleyes:
Not as much as the Carbon Credit folks, like your hero, Algore.

Sorry bunky, but that is one dumb ass comparison on your part. Bottom line: gunner's got played for the fools they are.....while Gore's lame attempt to actually reduce pollution emissions are a result of dopes like you supporting industries who fought against ANY regulation or change. Yeah, next time you're in a large urban area, suck up that smog with pride....and then wince when you see that new low price for the gun you bought at nearly twice the rate during the "Obama gonna get your guns" run. :cof1:
good sir, if your idea of a safety filled utopia is being kidnapped, fed, and returned upon payment of a ransom by your family, I want absolutely no freaking part of it. I'll stay a bloody fool yank if that's what it takes.

I suggest you use your finger to move along the lines of type. It might help.
I did not say my family paid a ransom. I did not say who paid. In fact it was my employer. The whole thing was so unimportant really, that it hardly made even the local rag although it was a little scary for the first half hour or so.
If I had lived in a society where guns were readily available I am sure they would have had a veritable armoury. As it was I was completely unaware. I was taken by more people than I could do anything about by simple force. There were no guns. Had I had a gun I probably would not have been here to tell the tale.
So had it happened to you, you undoubtedly would have pulled a gun and been despatched within a nano second.
See, what I am really saying, my message if there is one, is rather as the oft quoted saying from the bible. If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword.
If you believe the worst in people then people will show you their worst. It seems that many Americans have violence instilled into them from the day they are born. Crime on the streets, rape coming at night, robbery, shootings etc. It is a wonderful example of how to run a country. When violence is uppermost in the minds of the masses it is easy in the extreme to get you to agree to an unjustified war. At the bottom of the heap you are easily frightened and will give up your freedoms, your democracy and your money to those for whom those three values are used almost exclusively to make them rich.
Sound crazy? Of course it does, to you. After all you are one of the exploited.
That is why you believe that YOU live in the real world and not me. That YOU have freedom and not me. THAT you have a wonderful life and not me.
I guess it is too late for you now. Maybe your grandchildren will have more chance. Maybe they will learn to open their eyes and see.
Sorry bunky, but that is one dumb ass comparison on your part. Bottom line: gunner's got played for the fools they are.....while Gore's lame attempt to actually reduce pollution emissions are a result of dopes like you supporting industries who fought against ANY regulation or change. Yeah, next time you're in a large urban area, suck up that smog with pride....and then wince when you see that new low price for the gun you bought at nearly twice the rate during the "Obama gonna get your guns" run. :cof1:

Are you saying that Gore-inspired Cap and Trade is a punishment against Republicans?

I'll leave the large urban areas to you urbanites.
Sorry bunky, but that is one dumb ass comparison on your part. Bottom line: gunner's got played for the fools they are.....while Gore's lame attempt to actually reduce pollution emissions are a result of dopes like you supporting industries who fought against ANY regulation or change. Yeah, next time you're in a large urban area, suck up that smog with pride....and then wince when you see that new low price for the gun you bought at nearly twice the rate during the "Obama gonna get your guns" run. :cof1:

Rates only rose under Obama because of decrease in supply, it wasn't a producer mark up for profit. And again, it supported an all American industry, so how is it a bad thing? We kept people employed and feeding their families. And prices are going down because gun makers have added a lot more to their production line, in order to bring costs down. Now who lost out here?
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I suggest you use your finger to move along the lines of type. It might help.
I did not say my family paid a ransom. I did not say who paid. In fact it was my employer. The whole thing was so unimportant really, that it hardly made even the local rag although it was a little scary for the first half hour or so.
If I had lived in a society where guns were readily available I am sure they would have had a veritable armoury. As it was I was completely unaware. I was taken by more people than I could do anything about by simple force. There were no guns. Had I had a gun I probably would not have been here to tell the tale.
So had it happened to you, you undoubtedly would have pulled a gun and been despatched within a nano second.
See, what I am really saying, my message if there is one, is rather as the oft quoted saying from the bible. If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword.
If you believe the worst in people then people will show you their worst. It seems that many Americans have violence instilled into them from the day they are born. Crime on the streets, rape coming at night, robbery, shootings etc. It is a wonderful example of how to run a country. When violence is uppermost in the minds of the masses it is easy in the extreme to get you to agree to an unjustified war. At the bottom of the heap you are easily frightened and will give up your freedoms, your democracy and your money to those for whom those three values are used almost exclusively to make them rich.
Sound crazy? Of course it does, to you. After all you are one of the exploited.
That is why you believe that YOU live in the real world and not me. That YOU have freedom and not me. THAT you have a wonderful life and not me.
I guess it is too late for you now. Maybe your grandchildren will have more chance. Maybe they will learn to open their eyes and see.

you are totally and completely delusional. :palm:
Gun prices going down

For those who don't follow, since Obama was elected there was a drastic rise in the price of guns and ammo, caused by nearly everyone buying as much as they can 'before the ban' in anticipation of new sweeping gun control laws (which have been proposed but gone no where).

Thankfully we all can see this hasn't happened....

LOL, oh man that was great!

Let me get this straight....some teabaggers thought Obama was going to ban, or otherwise impose sweeping restrictions on guns, so said teabaggers went on a gun shopping spree?

LOL, man it doesn't get any better than this. Gracias, man!
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LOL, oh man that was great!

Let me get this straight....some teabaggers thought Obama was going to ban, or otherwise impose sweeping restrictions on guns, so said teabaggers went on a gun shopping spree?

LOL, man it doesn't get any better than this. Gracias, man!

Obama and a democratic majority in Congress. And their voting records support that assumption. And this is before the tea parties, so the whole 'teabaggers' remark does not apply.