Gun prices going down

Are you saying that Gore-inspired Cap and Trade is a punishment against Republicans? Are you still trying to dodge the real issue here, that gunners got suckered by the NRA and gun manufacturers? Because what I said about your dumbass comparison to Gore has NO relation to your continued attempt to dodge here.

I'll leave the large urban areas to you urbanites.

"urbanites"? :palm: I live in the suburbs, you twit. Get the crack out of your pipe son, because your blatherings have NOTHING to do with the subject at hand...of which you obviously have no logical position on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Sorry bunky, but that is one dumb ass comparison on your part. Bottom line: gunner's got played for the fools they are.....while Gore's lame attempt to actually reduce pollution emissions are a result of dopes like you supporting industries who fought against ANY regulation or change. Yeah, next time you're in a large urban area, suck up that smog with pride....and then wince when you see that new low price for the gun you bought at nearly twice the rate during the "Obama gonna get your guns" run.

Rates only rose under Obama because of decrease in supply, it wasn't a producer mark up for profit. And again, it supported an all American industry, so how is it a bad thing? We kept people employed and feeding their families. And prices are going down because gun makers have added a lot more to their production line, in order to bring costs down. Now who lost out here?

So everything is cool so long as money is being made? Gee, I'm sure the hucksters that gave us the S&L scandal, Enron and the recent Wall St. debacle adhere to that same philosophy?

Give me a fucking break.

The neocon noise machine in collusion with the gun manufacturers and the NRA fog machine told gunners Obama's a socialist who's gonna take your guns and enslave you. Subsequently, gun sales went through the roof...and now the prices are going down AFTER the killing was made...and now people are realizing they've been had.

The article is what it is...trying to make excuses otherwise is just that.
That is just about what one would expect from a redneck.

when ones position/argument has been reduced to complete and total idiocy, like yours was, ad homs is all they are reduced to.

whats truly sad is you look at your situation of being kidnapped but not harmed as totally acceptable. you're a practical slave to whatever force meets you.
when ones position/argument has been reduced to complete and total idiocy, like yours was, ad homs is all they are reduced to.

whats truly sad is you look at your situation of being kidnapped but not harmed as totally acceptable. you're a practical slave to whatever force meets you.

No, my dear chap. It is you and your life that is different. We live in comparative peace. I do not consider it smart, clever or macho to go out looking for violence. You quite seriously have absolutely no idea of what it is like to live in a civilised society. I do not feel sorry for you. Frankly I dont give a shit. I hope you enjoy your shoot first ask questions later existence. Do us all a favour. Stay where you are. Dont even think of mixing with ordinary people.
Jeez. What a fucking idiot you are. The only saving grace is that with a brain the size of yours, shooting yourself in the foot would be the least painful way to live the rest of your violent existence. Bang bang bang. Do you drool when you caress your gun, is it better that what you think sex is like?
No, my dear chap. It is you and your life that is different. We live in comparative peace. I do not consider it smart, clever or macho to go out looking for violence. You quite seriously have absolutely no idea of what it is like to live in a civilised society. I do not feel sorry for you. Frankly I dont give a shit. I hope you enjoy your shoot first ask questions later existence. Do us all a favour. Stay where you are. Dont even think of mixing with ordinary people.
Jeez. What a fucking idiot you are. The only saving grace is that with a brain the size of yours, shooting yourself in the foot would be the least painful way to live the rest of your violent existence. Bang bang bang. Do you drool when you caress your gun, is it better that what you think sex is like?

You consider it a civilized society where you can accept being kidnapped and held against your will HOPING your family, employer, or someone else in the world will care enough to pay your abductors to release you, and I'M the idiot? you live in wholly twisted reality of which I'm thankful that i'm not a part of. Being subject to the whims of criminals is NOT comparative peace, nor is it civilized. The rest of your idiot comment is indicative of your jealousy and envy at not being man enough to defend your own freedom. Live with that well, knowing you cannot and will not defend your family and loved ones. It is the way of cowards.
You consider it a civilized society where you can accept being kidnapped and held against your will HOPING your family, employer, or someone else in the world will care enough to pay your abductors to release you, and I'M the idiot? you live in wholly twisted reality of which I'm thankful that i'm not a part of. Being subject to the whims of criminals is NOT comparative peace, nor is it civilized. The rest of your idiot comment is indicative of your jealousy and envy at not being man enough to defend your own freedom. Live with that well, knowing you cannot and will not defend your family and loved ones. It is the way of cowards.

Pure, unadulterated twaddle.
Good night, bore.
whats stupid about your argument here is you completely ignore whos hands the guns are in. They are not in the right hands, because those sheeple have been led astray by the vitriol and hatred of the anti gun, so called civilized people while those that understand the true laws of nature victimize you. You can get back to me when you have an explanation as to why criminals still have guns but it's still illegal.

Please let me interject.
How did the guns get into the wrong hands if not for the collusion of the gun industry and gun organizations standing in the way of effectively tracking those weapons, using "gun rights" as a subterfuge? Mexican drug rings, as well as US criminals are using that means for obtaining weapons to kill, here and in Mexico, because of stupid and deadly arguments by the gun lobby.
Is there no correlation between exploding gun ownership over the years and the corresponding expanding crime rate?
I have been a multiple gun owner for years, but I have absolutely no fear of enforceable effective arms tracking and resulting criminal punishment for those in violation of gun sales laws who, for profit, allow guns to get into the wrong hands.
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"urbanites"? :palm: I live in the suburbs, you twit. Get the crack out of your pipe son, because your blatherings have NOTHING to do with the subject at hand...of which you obviously have no logical position on.
How ironic. Again, are you saying that Gore-inspired Cap and Trade is a punishment against Republicans?

Dude, your concept of suburb where you live is indeed urban using federal standards.
Please let me interject.
How did the guns get into the wrong hands if not for the collusion of the gun industry and gun organizations standing in the way of effectively tracking those weapons, using "gun rights" as a subterfuge? Mexican drug rings, as well as US criminals are using that means for obtaining weapons to kill, here and in Mexico, because of stupid and deadly arguments by the gun lobby.
It's a fallacy argument used to emotionally charge an issue in the hopes of swaying the lesser educated to their side. It's not in any way, shape, or form 'subterfuge' to protect your right to bear arms in the face of totally useless registration laws. It's also a strawman to blame criminals illegally using weapons on the gun industry. Do you blame automakers for drunk driving?

Is there no correlation between exploding gun ownership over the years and the corresponding expanding crime rate?
No, the federal government has found none. You'll hear all day about how anti gun states and cities have, but it's also a fallacious argument designed to emotionally charge the issue.

I have been a multiple gun owner for years, but I have absolutely no fear of enforceable effective arms tracking and resulting criminal punishment for those in violation of gun sales laws who, for profit, allow guns to get into the wrong hands.
current gun laws prevent criminals from buying guns at FFL gun stores. Gun manufacturers also abide by federal laws when they sell weapons to gun stores. Another fallacious argument, not much different than the ones above. You might be a gun owner, but you're not a gun rights activist. You no more believe in the second amendment than you do in santa claus.
It's a fallacy argument used to emotionally charge an issue in the hopes of swaying the lesser educated to their side. It's not in any way, shape, or form 'subterfuge' to protect your right to bear arms in the face of totally useless registration laws. It's also a strawman to blame criminals illegally using weapons on the gun industry. Do you blame automakers for drunk driving?

No, the federal government has found none. You'll hear all day about how anti gun states and cities have, but it's also a fallacious argument designed to emotionally charge the issue.

current gun laws prevent criminals from buying guns at FFL gun stores. Gun manufacturers also abide by federal laws when they sell weapons to gun stores. Another fallacious argument, not much different than the ones above. You might be a gun owner, but you're not a gun rights activist. You no more believe in the second amendment than you do in santa claus.

I don't care to sway anyone, nor would I waste my time trying, but you avoid the issue using LaPierre/gun industry claptrap.
You or someone said guns got into the wrong hands. I asked how did they get there? Was it totally through theft or was it, just possibly, through illegal sales by supposedly legitimate sources? Why cannot those sales be tracked from ALL gun sources? When was the last prosecution you can find anywhere for illegal gun sales, or should I assume, in spite of ineffective or no laws at all, that they don't exist? Does the industry have any responsibility whatsoever to correct the situation?
I do believe in the 2nd Amendment, however, I prefer viewing it with 21st Century realism, not emotion.
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I don't care to sway anyone, nor would I waste my time trying, but you avoid the issue using LaPierre/gun industry claptrap.
I didn't avoid it, there's simply no issue.
You or someone said guns got into the wrong hands. I asked how did they get there? Was it totally through theft or was it, just possibly, through illegal sales by supposedly legitimate sources?
If gun manufacturers or dealers are making illegal sales, there are no more federal gun laws that are going to stop them. As it stands, every manufacturer or dealer MUST perform a 4473 check for every sale. What more do you think you can do? Place an ATF agent in every gun store or maybe have the government be the only gun seller?

Why cannot those sales be tracked from ALL gun sources? When was the last prosecution you can find anywhere for illegal gun sales, or should I assume, in spite of ineffective or no laws at all, that they don't exist? Does the industry have any responsibility whatsoever to correct the situation?
The 'industry' has abided by every gun law out there and the FEW that haven't have been prosecuted and had their dealers license revoked. Usually though, the main portion of gun dealer prosecutions that get talked about have 'authorized journalists' neglecting to detail that these prosecutions are for not filling forms out correctly, i.e. putting TX in the state field instead of Texas. Yeah, that's gonna have an impact on the number of guns in criminal hands. :rolleyes:

I do believe in the 2nd Amendment, however, I prefer viewing it with 21st Century realism, not emotion.
and what 'realism' would there be now that didn't exist in the 18th century?
good night. let me know when you're ready to face actual reality instead of your fantasy civilization.

Good morning. Remember its Sunday today so no school.
My 'fantasy' as it pleases you to call it, is mostly peaceful and 'relatively' harmonious. You obviously treat that with disdain I can't help that. As I said before,I am sure your grandchildren will evolve with the ability to open their eyes. You want to live with the daily fear of robbery and murder and the necessity to own a gun with the commensurate likelihood that you might be shot, it's up to you.
You demonstrate the very worst of the American way. It permeates far too much of America and makes them at once the most dangerous and the most stupid people on earth.
I do not expect you to agree. You do not have the ability to think. You have been manipulated by the profit machine (that feeds from you and gives you nothing in return) to believe that its the American way or the highway. I think it was Prince Charles who said, in one of his more lucid moments several years ago, people will never understand poverty or the result of their selfish actions until they travel abroad.
Once again, you silly misguided little man, save your pennies. Visit Bangladesh, help with the flood damage, visit Uganda, Kenya. pop over to India and see how the poor are getting poorer because people like you are too thick to give a shit.
Go to Indonesia and visit the palm oil plantations, take a break in the Maldives - you'll have to be quick, they'll be under water in a few years. Will you house their people?
Should you have the balls to leave your little OK Corral I can promise you that you will not need your guns.
How ironic. Again, are you saying that Gore-inspired Cap and Trade is a punishment against Republicans?

Hey asshole, the conversation is about gun prices going down. Got that? If you can't refute or disprove anything I've said on this subject, then have to stones to say so or just don't post......but as usual, you'll just put forth a question that has nothing to do with the subject, then claim some sort of victory because no one will indulge your lame dodge. Enjoy your delusion.

Dude, your concept of suburb where you live is indeed urban using federal standards.

You're not making sense, as NOTHING I've previously stated regarding gun prices going down has to do with were I live. Somehow, in your convoluted logic, areas of residence warrant either praise or codemnation on any subject. You should really pay attention to what you say and what the response is. Well, you've already displayed ignorance as to my residence...and in true form, you don't have the maturity to acknowledge that. Instead, you stubbornly persist in pushing forth some absurd notion based on nothing but supposition and conjecture.

Continue to bray, jackass.
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You want to live with the daily fear of robbery and murder and the necessity to own a gun with the commensurate likelihood that you might be shot, it's up to you.
robbery and murder happen where you live too, just remember, you aren't fearing it, you just ignore it. ignoring it does not mean it can't or won't happen to you, as it obviously has at least once. To even intimate that it doesn't shows extreme ignorance on your part.
You demonstrate the very worst of the American way. It permeates far too much of America and makes them at once the most dangerous and the most stupid people on earth.
I am prepared to defend my life and that of my loved ones. That is the very best of America. You are completely willing to be ordered around by anyone that uses force. that is the very worst of men.

I do not expect you to agree. You do not have the ability to think. You have been manipulated by the profit machine (that feeds from you and gives you nothing in return) to believe that its the American way or the highway.
you can choose to maintain that illusion for your own well being, but it's a farce and will one day prove to be your undoing as your wife or daughter is brutally raped and murdered while you are unable to help.

Once again, you silly misguided little man, save your pennies. Visit Bangladesh, help with the flood damage, visit Uganda, Kenya. pop over to India and see how the poor are getting poorer because people like you are too thick to give a shit.
blah blah blah. you know nothing of my life and daily occurrences, so this is just idiotic assumption on your part.

Should you have the balls to leave your little OK Corral I can promise you that you will not need your guns.
are you trying to say that those places experience absolutely no crime whatsoever?
robbery and murder happen where you live too, just remember, you aren't fearing it, you just ignore it. ignoring it does not mean it can't or won't happen to you, as it obviously has at least once. To even intimate that it doesn't shows extreme ignorance on your part.
I am prepared to defend my life and that of my loved ones. That is the very best of America. You are completely willing to be ordered around by anyone that uses force. that is the very worst of men.

you can choose to maintain that illusion for your own well being, but it's a farce and will one day prove to be your undoing as your wife or daughter is brutally raped and murdered while you are unable to help.

blah blah blah. you know nothing of my life and daily occurrences, so this is just idiotic assumption on your part.

are you trying to say that those places experience absolutely no crime whatsoever?

I will address your final point only. The rest of what you say is the product of ignorance.
No, I am NOT saying there is no crime in those places. That would mean that, like you, I can only see things in terms of black and white.
You would not meet crime if you went with good intentions and in many places carrying a gun would make YOU the criminal. When I travelled in rural China and visited cave villages or walked round old markets I was never threatened with anything more than a smile. In the back streets of Manila, despite warnings on bar doors to leave weapons at the door, I felt reasonably safe. I did not feel safe travelling on a jeepney at stupid miles per hour or in a taxi that totally ignored red lights but a gun would have done little to help. Now I have had enough of your stupid, redneck naivety. When you go to bed, be sure to check beneath.
How can I possibly know anything of what you call your life? I know nothing of the life of a creature from another world except that it probably has a better understanding of that life than you do of yours.
I don't care to sway anyone, nor would I waste my time trying, but you avoid the issue using LaPierre/gun industry claptrap.
You or someone said guns got into the wrong hands. I asked how did they get there? Was it totally through theft or was it, just possibly, through illegal sales by supposedly legitimate sources? Why cannot those sales be tracked from ALL gun sources? When was the last prosecution you can find anywhere for illegal gun sales, or should I assume, in spite of ineffective or no laws at all, that they don't exist? Does the industry have any responsibility whatsoever to correct the situation?
I do believe in the 2nd Amendment, however, I prefer viewing it with 21st Century realism, not emotion.

I've been wondering how cars, that are used for illegal activities, end up in the wroing hands??