T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Serious question: if, as many gun advocates claim, the government does start a massive over-reach requiring the good citizens to take up arms against the evil government, how long do you think American freedom fighters would last armed with their allowed arms (ie no automatics or almost none. Having mostly hunting rifles and handguns) vs the US Military?
You may look at things like Afghanistan where a plucky group of religious zealots sacrificed themselves for decades living in the most horrific conditions in caves in the mountains, but how long do you think AMERICAN Mujahedeen would last?
We had a small staging in January 6th when many American "patriots" decided to try to overthrow the results of an election but they could only last about 6 hours before disbanding and going home to their shows and back to their jobs.
I honestly don't hold out much hope for the 2A advocates in America to save me from the horrors of the evil empire. Maybe I'm wrong, but I have yet to see any hard data suggesting it will go anywhere but utter failure.
Answer, probably quite a while, years at least, more likely decades. And, that assumes the US military and other government law enforcement don't mutiny and join the revolutionaries... All the while, the government would have to become increasingly draconian across the board to keep the revolution from succeeding.