The old responsible gun owners meme. The guy whose son was in a diaper and was waving a gun, said he is a responsible gun owner. I suppose he is. You all are. As the body count climbs, you gun lovers can keep telling lies to us, and yourselves. But the numbers show the truth.
Why have police give drivers tickets, It infringes on your imaginary rights. A small part of drivers get in accidents or during and drunk drive, so we should just let it go.Why should you restrict my rights because an extremely small number of all gun owners commit crimes?
Why should you restrict my rights because an extremely small number of all gun owners commit crimes?
Why have police give drivers tickets, It infringes on your imaginary rights. A small part of drivers get in accidents or during and drunk drive, so we should just let it go.
How many commit murder? It is such a small number of people.
So your lust for guns comes before a 1st grade class at Sandyhook!
Why have police give drivers tickets, It infringes on your imaginary rights. A small part of drivers get in accidents or during and drunk drive, so we should just let it go.
How many commit murder? It is such a small number of people.,onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=1920,fit=scale-down/ [/ig][/QUOTE]
Cope, cope, cope, cope.
So your lust for guns comes before a 1st grade class at Sandyhook!
It's always low crime until a mass shooting happens. I'm sure the Aurora, CO theater was "low crime" for much of its existence. As was Newtown Elementary school. Or Uvalde school.
It's always low crime until a mass shooting happens. I'm sure the Aurora, CO theater was "low crime" for much of its existence. As was Newtown Elementary school. Or Uvalde school.