Gunz, and more gunz

So how is your approach of unlimited guns everywhere workin' out for ya?
Well, it's lowered the prices considerably. I saw a S&W AR15 yesterday for under $400 and handguns, especially Springfields, have come down to a point where they are nearly giving them away. 9mm ammo in bulk @$200/m + shipping is not much more than what it costs me to reload them and makes a 9mm carbine practical to run at the range. Get primers back down to $30/m and times will be really great.
Well, it's lowered the prices considerably. I saw a S&W AR15 yesterday for under $400 and handguns, especially Springfields, have come down to a point where they are nearly giving them away. 9mm ammo in bulk @$200/m + shipping is not much more than what it costs me to reload them and makes a 9mm carbine practical to run at the range. Get primers back down to $30/m and times will be really great.

That's a great response. Seriously. It sums up the debate perfectly.

You are more worried about how much a gun will cost you.
That's a great response. Seriously. It sums up the debate perfectly.

You are more worried about how much a gun will cost you.
NO, I don't care what they cost? I have no guns. I am just glad they are priced "fairly"
NO, I don't care what they cost? I have no guns. I am just glad they are priced "fairly"

That way MORE people can buy MORE guns and MORE shootings can happen! Fairly priced suicides, just down the street today at WalMart! Hey, kids, are you looking for a reasonably priced weapon of your mighty vengeance against all who have harmed you? Then look no further than our BLOW-OUT SALE ON TODAY! Have mom or dad buy it for you!

And criminals...all you need to do is wait because SOME of the many, many, many, many, many guns bought by "good people" will be stolen or otherwise wind up in the hands of you criminals! Then you can file off the serial numbers and enjoy the theater for a nice Friday evening.

Gunz, and more gunz?​

Dick Extensionz and more Dick Extensionz!

I've never seen more people so fascinated by dicks than the anti-gun crowd. Tell me, if your house was broken into (while you were home), and by the grace of God the criminals let you live, would you handle it yourself, or would you call on a bunch of dick-obsessed guys (and girls) carrying their dick extensions (aka, the cops)?
Well, it's lowered the prices considerably. I saw a S&W AR15 yesterday for under $400 and handguns, especially Springfields, have come down to a point where they are nearly giving them away. 9mm ammo in bulk @$200/m + shipping is not much more than what it costs me to reload them and makes a 9mm carbine practical to run at the range. Get primers back down to $30/m and times will be really great.
Powder, bullets and brass is still expensive.