‘Hamilton’ review

No surprise that Fanlight Phanny loved it,
She didn't love it. Probably hated like most others. She just can't be honest about hating it. Goes against the Illuminati.
That would be like FoulWoman having to admit she doesn't have a clue about Native American culture after getting an M.A. in it (online of course) for the sole purpose of virtue signalling and establish that she's woke.
Telling that he studiously avoids saying if he's seen it, draw your own conclusion.

He would not pay the $80, to sit in the nosebleed section after reading the QUORA reviews I posted. Certainly not $200 to sit closer to that crap. Nobody would. Guarantee it.
Those are reviews from real folks, not trannies and other deviants from the world of theater.
Telling that he studiously avoids saying if he's seen it, draw your own conclusion.
Scroll up, Thai man. Your support to deposing monarchies like the Americans did in 1776 is noteworthy.

#whydoweneedaking #กษัตริย์มีไว้ทําไม

"If you meet a king on the road, kill him!" LOL
She didn't love it. Probably hated like most others. She just can't be honest about hating it. Goes against the Illuminati.
That would be like FoulWoman having to admit she doesn't have a clue about Native American culture after getting an M.A. in it (online of course) for the sole purpose of virtue signalling and establish that she's woke.
That's too funny... how did I miss that story for every occasion?
That's too funny... how did I miss that story for every occasion?

Oh it’s laughable. She’ll tell you all about the pride they have speaking their native language. Very few do in reality.
She’ll tell you how they subsistence hunt to survive but not how they chase down caribou with their snow machines and shoot them at point blank range.