‘Hamilton’ review

I'm finishing watching it on Disney plus.

It's really good.

Even if you don't like rap or spoken word performance, the choreography and music are top tier. It's also a brilliant concept to have 21st century black performance artists interpret the story of revolutionary America.
I really enjoyed it. I might have to watch it, again.
I didn't know it was on Disney plus, I'll have to ask my wife if she wants to watch it.

They put it on Disney plus on July 4th 2020, We watched it that night. Right in the middle of Covid, it was a really pleasant surprise to see it.
Easily the worst play I’ve seen in my life.

I dunno. Don’t really care. All musicals on historical topics are off in artistic lala land divorced from reality. I’ve never understood the appeal of a conversation spontaneously breaking into song and dance. That’s art though. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

If you come out of this with anything positive it’s, I hope, that you read Ron Chernof’s biography on Hamilton. I’d be hard pressed to say I’ve ever read a better Biography. It’s straight up history too. It’s not even remotely divisive or politically correct or liberal leaning. Chernof is a legitimate professional historian and a great writer.

Chernof has three biographies that should be on your “Must Read” list. All three are great reads if you’re a true history buff. Those would be Washington, Hamilton and Grant. Chernof is very fair in his writing. He will lay out clearly why these were very great men. Equally he also goes into their flaws and humanizes them.

I can’t recommend Hamilton enough. It is the best of his three main works in biography.
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I have the same rules for plays as I have for Hollywood product....anything after 2010 is highly iffy...anything after 2016 is almost certainly crap not to be bothered with without some evidence that it is good.

Hamilton is 2015.

That just tells us you’re getting old. Welcome to the club. LOL
If my wife hadn’t dragged me to go see it I would’ve walked out after 30 minutes at most. I started looking at my watch 20 minutes into it.
I did feign a coughing attack twice to go out into the lobby for silent relief.

I tried watching it on TV once. Lost interest in about 15-20 minutes. It just wasn’t intended for my generation. Well that and I’ve never been particularly fond of Broadway Musical.
I dunno. Don’t really care. All musicals on historical topics are off in artistic lala land divorced from reality. I’ve never understood the appeal of a conversation spontaneously breaking into song and dance. That’s art though. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder....

It's entertainment. Agreed on beauty. What makes this particular thread remarkable is the hatred expressed by the Alt-Right towards Americans of color, rap and hip-hop.
I guess the playwright was trying to make some kind of statement with mostly black actors dressed in 18th century period aristocratic costumes but what that statement was supposed to be was completely lost on me.

Miranda was trying to show that our founding fathers belong to all of us Americans. Regardless of your race, ethnicity or culture our founding fathers influence is something we all share in our lives as Americans. If that’s so then why not a black Thomas Jefferson? It’s the same as kafabe in professional wrestling. Suspended disbelief. If you agree to that going into the experience it’s fun entertainment.

A lot of parallels with Hamilton and Jesus Christ Superstar.

They are both topical. Both are about great historical figures. One is told from a Hippie Generation point of view and the other a HipHop point of view.

I also had the same response to watching both. I fell asleep.
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Miranda was trying to show that our founding fathers belong to all of us Americans. Regardless of your race, ethnicity or culture our founding fathers influence is something we all share in our lives as Americans.

He doesn't care. Anymouse has expressed his racism and support for the Trumpian MAWA agenda quite clearly over the past year.

It's entertainment. Agreed on beauty. What makes this particular thread remarkable is the hatred expressed by the Alt-Right towards Americans of color, rap and hip-hop.

That’s a generational thing. To me Hamilton is like for the HipHop generation what Jesus Christ Superstar was for the Hippie generation and I’m a child of the Hippie generation. We had our thing and they have theirs. Much of their complaints boil down to “Get off my lawn.”.
That’s a generational thing. To me Hamilton is like for the HipHop generation what Jesus Christ Superstar was for the Hippie generation and I’m a child of the Hippie generation. We had our thing and they have theirs. Much of their complaints boil down to “Get off my lawn.”.

Each to their own is fine by me. What I dislike is, to use your example, someone from the Hippie generation shitting all over the HipHop generation. It's fine to say "not for me", but wrong to throw shade on others for liking something one personally doesn't care to see. Worse is to taint that shade with racism and white supremacy as anymouse did.
He doesn't care. Anymouse has expressed his racism and support for the Trumpian MAWA agenda quite clearly over the past year.


Hmmm I’ve always found Moose to one of the more reasonable conservative posters. He’s certainly one of the smartest conservatives that’s ever been on JPP.
Each to their own is fine by me. What I dislike is, to use your example, someone from the Hippie generation shitting all over the HipHop generation. It's fine to say "not for me", but wrong to throw shade on others for liking something one personally doesn't care to see. Worse is to taint that shade with racism and white supremacy as anymouse did.
LOL That’s what 75% of JPP members come here for.
Miranda was trying to show that our founding fathers belong to all of us Americans. Regardless of your race, ethnicity or culture our founding fathers influence is something we all share in our lives as Americans. If that’s so then why not a black Thomas Jefferson? It’s the same as kafabe in professional wrestling. Suspended disbelief. If you agree to that going into the experience it’s fun entertainment.

A lot of parallels with Hamilton and Jesus Christ Superstar.

They are both topical. Both are about great historical figures. One is told from a Hippie Generation point of view and the other a HipHop point of view.

I also had the same response to watching both. I fell asleep.
It’s why I don’t take my hubby to musicals.
Hmmm I’ve always found Moose to one of the more reasonable conservative posters. He’s certainly one of the smartest conservatives that’s ever been on JPP.

Like Terry Gardner, he's shifted further right over the past year. This thread is simply one example.