‘Hamilton’ review

Miranda was trying to show that our founding fathers belong to all of us Americans. Regardless of your race, ethnicity or culture our founding fathers influence is something we all share in our lives as Americans. If that’s so then why not a black Thomas Jefferson? It’s the same as kafabe in professional wrestling. Suspended disbelief. If you agree to that going into the experience it’s fun entertainment.

A lot of parallels with Hamilton and Jesus Christ Superstar.

They are both topical. Both are about great historical figures. One is told from a Hippie Generation point of view and the other a HipHop point of view.

I also had the same response to watching both. I fell asleep.

There are some truly great musicals, West Side Story, Les Misérables; Fiddler On The Roof, Cabaret; Rocky Horror Show; Blue Brothers; Singing in the Rain; the Producers to name but a few. Hamilton is very minor league compared to them, Moose is right.
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It is highly unlikely that you are this out of touch with reality, the collapse of Hollywood is obvious to all.

Not about getting old, I am sure that huge talents like Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice could make a decent musical out of the Hamilton story. Who could have predicted that the tragic story of Eva Peron could have become Evita?
I really enjoyed it. I might have to watch it, again.

I get it, but you said you were hating it after 20 minutes, not after three hours.

I don't think operas and theatrical musicals are supposed to have dialogue, and anyone who buys tickets should be aware of that ahead of time.

You just didn’t like the play because it didn’t conform to your understanding of theater, probably also hated Rent, Phantom, Cabaret, and Superstar for the same reason
We saw Hamilton on Broadway it was great
I've only heard personal reviews of the play by my friends.

My Democrat friends all seemed to enjoy it.

And my Republican friends despised it with a passion.


What's it like to have seen Hamilton and not liked it, in a world where everyone is obsessed with it?

Michelle Cassell

"My husband and I could not stand it - we love Broadway musicals but this sucked. Not afraid to say it. Hate hip hop - hate it all.
Yay who loved it but I think it’s like the Elephant in the living room, if more people admitted it sucked there would be a grand sigh of relief."

Simon Furber
"I just walked out of the Sydney production of Hamilton at half time. I’ve walked out of better shows."

"I personally found it to have the worst character development in essentially any piece of theater I have seen.

Elias Fredericks
The musical is so packed tight with information, that there is basically no time to develop characters, or try to make you feel for them in any way.
The problem also comes with doubling the characters.

It was a bold move, but I don’t think it worked."

See more audience reviews here:

Wife opened up today for the first time. Said she considered leaving at intermission but paid too much for the tickets to do so. Oh well.
What's it like to have seen Hamilton and not liked it, in a world where everyone is obsessed with it?

Michelle Cassell

"My husband and I could not stand it - we love Broadway musicals but this sucked. Not afraid to say it. Hate hip hop - hate it all.
Yay who loved it but I think it’s like the Elephant in the living room, if more people admitted it sucked there would be a grand sigh of relief."

Simon Furber
"I just walked out of the Sydney production of Hamilton at half time. I’ve walked out of better shows."

"I personally found it to have the worst character development in essentially any piece of theater I have seen.

Elias Fredericks
The musical is so packed tight with information, that there is basically no time to develop characters, or try to make you feel for them in any way.
The problem also comes with doubling the characters.

It was a bold move, but I don’t think it worked."

See more audience reviews here:

Wife opened up today for the first time. Said she considered leaving at intermission but paid too much for the tickets to do so. Oh well.

From its opening, Hamilton received near-universal acclaim.[5] It premiered Off-Broadway on February 17, 2015, at the Public Theater in Lower Manhattan, with Miranda playing the role of Alexander Hamilton, where its several-month engagement was sold out.[6]

The musical won eight Drama Desk Awards, including Outstanding Musical. It then transferred to the Richard Rodgers Theatre on Broadway, opening on August 6, 2015, where it received uniformly positive reviews and high box office sales.[7]

At the 70th Tony Awards, Hamilton received a record-breaking 16 nominations and won 11 awards, including Best Musical. It received the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Drama.

List of awards
• Tony Award for Best Musical
• Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical
• Tony Award for Best Original Score
• Grammy Award for Best Musical Theater Album
• Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Musical
• Laurence Olivier Award for Outstanding Achievement in Music
• Obie Award for Best New American Theatre Work

From its opening, Hamilton received near-universal acclaim.[5] It premiered Off-Broadway on February 17, 2015, at the Public Theater in Lower Manhattan, with Miranda playing the role of Alexander Hamilton, where its several-month engagement was sold out.[6]

The musical won eight Drama Desk Awards, including Outstanding Musical. It then transferred to the Richard Rodgers Theatre on Broadway, opening on August 6, 2015, where it received uniformly positive reviews and high box office sales.[7]

At the 70th Tony Awards, Hamilton received a record-breaking 16 nominations and won 11 awards, including Best Musical. It received the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Drama.

List of awards
• Tony Award for Best Musical
• Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical
• Tony Award for Best Original Score
• Grammy Award for Best Musical Theater Album
• Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Musical
• Laurence Olivier Award for Outstanding Achievement in Music
• Obie Award for Best New American Theatre Work


I realize all that. If this was any other crap theater that at least had mixed reviews I never would've started this thread.
You can see from the quora link I posted that I (and the wife) wasn't the only one that hated it. And it wasn't just in Anchorage where people left at intermission.
But it was "universally acclaimed".
Wassup with that? :thinking:
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I realize all that. If this was any other crap theater that at least had mixed reviews I never would've started this thread.
You can see from the quora link I posted that I (and the wife) wasn't the only one that hated it. And it wasn't just in Anchorage where people left at intermission.
But it was "universally acclaimed".
Wassup with that? :thinking:
I assume they meant it had near universal acclaim from people who actually judge theater: professional critics and the theater and arts awards bureaucracy.

I don't think the opinions of obscure MAGAs were included in the assessments of critical reception.
I assume they meant it had near universal acclaim from people who actually judge theater: professional critics and the theater and arts awards bureaucracy.

I don't think the opinions of obscure MAGAs were included in the assessments of critical reception.

My OP had nothing to do w/ politics. Why make it about about MAGAs?
Or are you saying only those who are members of the LBGTQXYZ alphabet mafia get their reviews published at the exclusion of non-aligned, apolitical folks?

There's a lot I don't agree with Hawkeye on but he's spot on with his assessment here:
I have the same rules for plays as I have for Hollywood product....anything after 2010 is highly iffy...anything after 2016 is almost certainly crap not to be bothered with without some evidence that it is good.

Hamilton is 2015.
I assume they meant it had near universal acclaim from people who actually judge theater: professional critics and the theater and arts awards bureaucracy.

I don't think the opinions of obscure MAGAs were included in the assessments of critical reception.

Nobody with a lick of sense pays any attention to todays deeply dishonest and corrupt critics, they judge art on political/religious grounds (WOKE), not the quality of the art.
Nobody with a lick of sense pays any attention to todays deeply dishonest and corrupt critics, they judge art on political/religious grounds (WOKE), not the quality of the art.

I agree with you on the making of everything political & racial.

As a civilized society, we are doing it all wrong.

What's it like to have seen Hamilton and not liked it, in a world where everyone is obsessed with it?

Michelle Cassell

"My husband and I could not stand it - we love Broadway musicals but this sucked. Not afraid to say it. Hate hip hop - hate it all.
Yay who loved it but I think it’s like the Elephant in the living room, if more people admitted it sucked there would be a grand sigh of relief."

Simon Furber
"I just walked out of the Sydney production of Hamilton at half time. I’ve walked out of better shows."

"I personally found it to have the worst character development in essentially any piece of theater I have seen.

Elias Fredericks
The musical is so packed tight with information, that there is basically no time to develop characters, or try to make you feel for them in any way.
The problem also comes with doubling the characters.

It was a bold move, but I don’t think it worked."

See more audience reviews here:

Wife opened up today for the first time. Said she considered leaving at intermission but paid too much for the tickets to do so. Oh well.

Moose, it's OK!

I'm really not all that into plays anyway, unless it's Shakespeare.

It seems like, ever since going to my High School plays, every time I sat through one, it seems it was always a female that dragged me off to see them.

I do prefer comedy plays though, if I have to sit through one- not so much Docu-dramas with a twist!

Listening to the entire soundtrack allowed it to grow on me. I'll listen to it again this week and also watch it on Disney+ : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8503618/
I get that a hermit like you who makes 100 posts a day every day on an anonymous forum would looove a play you've never seen.
I get that there are males that enjoy having another male ram their dick up their asses and enjoy tasting other males' cum.
I get that. Just don't con me into believing I will enjoy those things too.
Hamilton is not the beloved musical a la 'Sound of Music', 'Camelot', 'Oliver!', etc.
Anyway, I implore you to go see it. I'd like you to waste your time and money too. I bet you won't.
You'll never see a survey of folks that have seen it that thought it was anywhere between the worst show ever or anything less than the greatest.
The woke illuminati (of which you are obviously a member) regime will not allow it.
I get that a hermit like you who makes 100 posts a day every day on an anonymous forum would looove a play you've never seen.
I get that there are males that enjoy having another male ram their dick up their asses and enjoy tasting other males' cum.
I get that. Just don't con me into believing I will enjoy those things too.
Hamilton is not the beloved musical a la 'Sound of Music', 'Camelot', 'Oliver!', etc.
Anyway, I implore you to go see it. I'd like you to waste your time and money too. I bet you won't.
You'll never see a survey of folks that have seen it that thought it was anywhere between the worst show ever or anything less than the greatest.
The woke illuminati (of which you are obviously a member) regime will not allow it.
Your fantasies are interesting and common among JPP Trumpers. Does your wife know about them? Or is she still not talking to you after the Hamilton debacle?

Did she want to see The Little Mermaid and you pitched a fit?
Your fantasies are interesting and common among JPP Trumpers. Does your wife know about them? Or is she still not talking to you after the Hamilton debacle?

Did she want to see The Little Mermaid and you pitched a fit?

I was hoping to get more of a reaction. Either you're doing better or I'm not as sharp as before.
From its opening, Hamilton received near-universal acclaim.[5] It premiered Off-Broadway on February 17, 2015, at the Public Theater in Lower Manhattan, with Miranda playing the role of Alexander Hamilton, where its several-month engagement was sold out.[6]

The musical won eight Drama Desk Awards, including Outstanding Musical. It then transferred to the Richard Rodgers Theatre on Broadway, opening on August 6, 2015, where it received uniformly positive reviews and high box office sales.[7]

At the 70th Tony Awards, Hamilton received a record-breaking 16 nominations and won 11 awards, including Best Musical. It received the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Drama.

List of awards
• Tony Award for Best Musical
• Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical
• Tony Award for Best Original Score
• Grammy Award for Best Musical Theater Album
• Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Musical
• Laurence Olivier Award for Outstanding Achievement in Music
• Obie Award for Best New American Theatre Work


Classic demonstration of the Emperor's New Clothes in action.
What's it like to have seen Hamilton and not liked it, in a world where everyone is obsessed with it?

Michelle Cassell

"My husband and I could not stand it - we love Broadway musicals but this sucked. Not afraid to say it. Hate hip hop - hate it all.
Yay who loved it but I think it’s like the Elephant in the living room, if more people admitted it sucked there would be a grand sigh of relief."

Simon Furber
"I just walked out of the Sydney production of Hamilton at half time. I’ve walked out of better shows."

"I personally found it to have the worst character development in essentially any piece of theater I have seen.

Elias Fredericks
The musical is so packed tight with information, that there is basically no time to develop characters, or try to make you feel for them in any way.
The problem also comes with doubling the characters.

It was a bold move, but I don’t think it worked."

See more audience reviews here:

Wife opened up today for the first time. Said she considered leaving at intermission but paid too much for the tickets to do so. Oh well.

No surprise that Fanlight Phanny loved it, she's woke to the max. Glad to see that her hubby Bud detested it he's sounds like a good person.