‘Hamilton’ review

I'd say about 35 - 40% was rap, mostly in the 1st act.
Could've been R and B but my mind would have been elsewhere by then. Like I said, I first looked at my watch 20 min. into it and would have walked out at 30 if I was alone. Can't piss off wifey!

The secret is out! Another JPP RW WSE admits he doesn't like rap. :rofl2:

Did your wife like it, anymouse?
Hamilton is a sung-and-rapped-through biographical musical with music, lyrics, and book by Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Then whoever wrote this for wiki didn't see it.
First you're an expert on the military and now you're a play critic. Unsurprising.

The soundtrack is on Spotify so I'll listen to it tomorrow. You might be doing for Hamilton what Obama did for gun sales, anymouse. Congrats! :thup:
Nothing like a good jazz blues club.
One of the most incredible concerts I ever saw was Wynton Marselis in N.O. around 89 or 90. He did one set of classical trumpet then a set of jazz trumpet.
I hate N.O. but the music scene there was phenomenal. At least until I left in '91.
First you're an expert on the military and now you're a play critic. Unsurprising.

The soundtrack is on Spotify so I'll listen to it tomorrow. You might be doing for Hamilton what Obama did for gun sales, anymouse. Congrats! :thup:
If you like it, fine with me. Like I said earlier to one of your buddies, you might be one that takes a dump then admires it for a few minutes.
My wife dragged me to this one.
After a play or concert we normally talk about it on the way home.
This time… total silence. I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut around her when she comes up with a fail.
This was yesterday afternoon and still not a peep from her about the play.
Very telling.

Because you did nothing but telegraph how much you hated the fucking thing 20 minutes into the play?
If you like it, fine with me. Like I said earlier to one of your buddies, you might be one that takes a dump then admires it for a few minutes.
That sounds more like something you did with your wife before the first half hour of the play. It explains the silent treatment....and why you came to JPP to bitch and moan about it.
Because you did nothing but telegraph how much you hated the fucking thing 20 minutes into the play?

Does anybody know if this ^ freak has any semblance of a normal conversation with his fellow leftists? Because I really don't follow him around like he does me.
Just mildly curious.
Does anybody know if this ^ freak has any semblance of a normal conversation with his fellow leftists? Because I really don't follow him around like he does me.
Just mildly curious.
....and there it is! LOL

First you stalk me with my post count, now you gaslight others claiming I'm the one stalking you. Step three is you claiming you have me on ignore and step four is you thread banning me. LOL

Stupid Tommy never saw it yet pontificates on it , what a putz

I've seen a fair bit of it, however it's so full-on dreary and woke to the max that I couldn't face watching all of it. It has something of the Emperor's New Clothes about it. I can see why the Wokerati love it though.
I've seen a fair bit of it, however it's so full-on dreary and woke to the max that I couldn't face watching all of it. It has something of the Emperor's New Clothes about it. I can see why the Wokerati love it though.

Woke only because rap music is used and the actors aren't all lily-white?

I fail to see in the story anything woke: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton_(musical)
I've seen a fair bit of it, however it's so full-on dreary and woke to the max that I couldn't face watching all of it. It has something of the Emperor's New Clothes about it. I can see why the Wokerati love it though.

My Shot is about the only decent rap song, at least it's catchy.

I've seen a fair bit of it, however it's so full-on dreary and woke to the max that I couldn't face watching all of it. It has something of the Emperor's New Clothes about it. I can see why the Wokerati love it though.
That’s a very good description. Just dreary all the way through. From beginning to end. I could tell 20 minutes into it when there had been no dialogue, just mediocre music . And I was right, Nothing changed.
Actual spoken dialogue with the occasional song may have made it a somewhat interesting historical tale.

It certainly would have been an improvement.
As far as being woke, I’ll never know. I was too bored to pay it much attention.
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