‘Hamilton’ review

I gave my reasons for not liking it and none were political in the least.
Bad music (really bad) and no dialogue.

I can respect everyone's personal opinions.

Being a musician myself, makes me a natural born critic of other musicians.

My girlfriend once dragged me off to see a play, that I didn't think I would like. The show was very popular here in Dallas, as it played for over 3 years here or more at a playhouse theater. It was a Christmas Comedy play, all men playing women characters dressed up as old women. And it was rumored that the men actors were gay. Well, my first thought was, NO! NO WAY was I going to enjoy watching that kind of a play.

But, I suppose I defied the Pygmalion Theory or proved it wrong, as I actually thought the damn thing was hilariously entertaining after I saw it. It had an hilarious script, and the acting was some of the very best I ever saw. The audience was rolling in the aisles with laughter- AND TEARS- and there was a standing ovation in the end!
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I can respect everyone's personal opinions.

Being a musician myself, makes me a natural born critic of other musicians.

My girlfriend once dragged me off to see a play, that I didn't think I would like. The show was very popular here in Dallas, as it played for over 3 years here or more at a playhouse theater. It was a Christmas Comedy play, all men playing women characters dressed up as old women. And it was rumored that the men actors were gay. Well, my first thought was, NO! NO WAY was I going to enjoy watching that kind of a play.

But, I suppose I defied the Pygmalion Theory or proved it wrong, as I actually thought the damn thing was hilarious after I saw it. It had an hilarious script, and the acting was some of the very best I ever saw. The audience was rolling in the aisles with laughter and there was a standing ovation in the end!
My wife dragged me to this one.
After a play or concert we normally talk about it on the way home.
This time… total silence. I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut around her when she comes up with a fail.
This was yesterday afternoon and still not a peep from her about the play.
Very telling.
No doubt you believe a local play in Buttefock, Alaska is comparable to the Broadway production.

Consider the backwoods Alaskan white supremacist encampment where he watched it.

Many researchers and clinicians have noted that a variety of mental disorders co-occur with IAD.

When Borderline Personality Disorder Becomes Stalking
Nearly half of people who engage in stalking behaviour have borderline personality disorder although more research is needed about the prevalence among convicted stalkers [1]. Seeking help could prevent symptoms of the disorder developing into stalking.

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They are singing, or in your understanding, rapping the dialogue, be honest, you never saw Hamilton
I guess concart never did either.
Where did I get that program?
I guess I have to repeat myself - the music was so bad it hardly passed for music therefore didn’t pass for dialogue.
Absolute abomination.
And don’t try to compare sophomoric noise by Lin-Manuel Miranda with Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Maybe Miranda’s book was good but the play sucked.
But if you liked it who am I to argue?
Maybe you’re the type of person that takes a dump then stands over it admiring what you just did.
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Hamilton wasn’t written for old fogies. If you didn’t like Hamilton, chances are you’re an old fogy.
Hamilton wasn’t written for old fogies. If you didn’t like Hamilton, chances are you’re an old fogy.

Could be. I remember progressive rock, e.g., Yes and Genesis pre-pop when they literally wrote and performed masterpieces.
I remember real music by Andrew Lloyd Weber.
There's still good music out there. I recently discovered Frou Frou with Imogen Heap and some electronika musik by Skinshape, Matchbox Heroes, e.g.. I like Billie Eilish. That's not old fogy stuff, at all.
I just don't see how any music critic could possibly appreciate beginner to intermediate (at best) music to go with hip hop lyrics.
Even Taylor Swift has gotten more complex and interesting with age.
The band was a pianist, guitarist, bassist, drummer and a violin.
I play classical piano so I know that part was simpleton.
I used my spy glasses to watch the guitar and bass players’ fingering (out of boredom) and all they played were a few chords and notes. The drums kept the beat.

There was a string quartet
I guess concart never did either.
Where did I get that program?
I guess I have to repeat myself - the music was so bad it hardly passed for music therefore didn’t pass for dialogue.
Absolute abomination.
And don’t try to compare sophomoric noise by Lin-Manuel Miranda with Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Maybe Miranda’s book was good but the play sucked.
But if you liked it who am I to argue?
Maybe you’re the type of person that takes a dump then stands over it admiring what you just did.

Miranda didn’t write a book, and the music is rap, pop, and R+B, you didn’t see it
Could be. I remember progressive rock, e.g., Yes and Genesis pre-pop when they literally wrote and performed masterpieces.
I remember real music by Andrew Lloyd Weber.
There's still good music out there. I recently discovered Frou Frou with Imogen Heap and some electronika musik by Skinshape, Matchbox Heroes, e.g.. I like Billie Eilish. That's not old fogy stuff, at all.
I just don't see how any music critic could possibly appreciate beginner to intermediate (at best) music to go with hip hop lyrics.
Even Taylor Swift has gotten more complex and interesting with age.

I’m not a fan of rap and hip hop, and I agree that it is not complex musically. That doesn’t make it bad. It makes it not something for you. That said I know for a fact that the touring company you saw had a ten piece orchestra including a string quartet and you seem to be claiming it was a five piece band. So I’m taking your review with a huge grain of salt.
Many researchers and clinicians have noted that a variety of mental disorders co-occur with IAD.

When Borderline Personality Disorder Becomes Stalking
Nearly half of people who engage in stalking behaviour have borderline personality disorder although more research is needed about the prevalence among convicted stalkers [1]. Seeking help could prevent symptoms of the disorder developing into stalking.
Agreed on the definitions of IAD and BDP.

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Good example of stalking. :thup:

Do you think your stalking of my online presence is normal or do you think it crosses the line into BPD?
I’m not a fan of rap and hip hop, and I agree that it is not complex musically. That doesn’t make it bad. It makes it not something for you. That said I know for a fact that the touring company you saw had a ten piece orchestra including a string quartet and you seem to be claiming it was a five piece band. So I’m taking your review with a huge grain of salt.
The parents of many JPP white supremacist nitwits said something similar about Rock'n'Roll. They called it Jigaboo music and similar racial terms.

Jazz is the only musical genre that was created in America. Guess who invented it? Not the European assholes...they just quickly tried to own it. LOL
The parents of many JPP white supremacist nitwits said something similar about Rock'n'Roll. They called it Jigaboo music and similar racial terms.

Jazz is the only musical genre that was created in America. Guess who invented it? Not the European assholes...they just quickly tried to own it. LOL

Most rock and pop is four chords. That’s its. Not complex. Some rappers have transcended that. I thought Biggie was a genius musically. But it’s very true that most music in general tends to be somewhat formulaic. I found Hamilton nterestng because it was a unique and socially relevant way to tell this story. And it was IMHO done very well. This was a touring Broadway company. The review just does not seem consistent. I saw the same tour although the cast has changed some.

Nothing like a good jazz blues club.
Miranda didn’t write a book, and the music is rap, pop, and R+B, you didn’t see it

I'd say about 35 - 40% was rap, mostly in the 1st act.
Could've been R and B but my mind would have been elsewhere by then. Like I said, I first looked at my watch 20 min. into it and would have walked out at 30 if I was alone. Can't piss off wifey!
I’m not a fan of rap and hip hop, and I agree that it is not complex musically.
The instrumentals were not complex and completely inconsistent w/ rap.
That said I know for a fact that the touring company you saw had a ten piece orchestra including a string quartet and you seem to be claiming it was a five piece band.
You know for a fact? Really? You were at the AK Performing Arts Center yesterday?
So I’m taking your review with a huge grain of salt.
TBH, I don't care. I was just so pissed about wasting 3 hours of my life yesterday afternoon that I'm just blowing off steam.
Why else would I make the effort to review that crap?
I certainly didn't do a fake review on Barbie which I didn't see because of the trailer. Too bad they don't have trailers for plays.
There was a white gal at the end that sang pretty good. Now how would I know that?
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Most rock and pop is four chords. That’s its. Not complex. Some rappers have transcended that. I thought Biggie was a genius musically. But it’s very true that most music in general tends to be somewhat formulaic. I found Hamilton nterestng because it was a unique and socially relevant way to tell this story. And it was IMHO done very well. This was a touring Broadway company. The review just does not seem consistent. I saw the same tour although the cast has changed some.

Nothing like a good jazz blues club.

Not a musicologist, but most country music is three chords. What's your point? :D

If people like it and will pay for the pleasure of listening to it, then it's a success. I've read about some musicians, actors and other artists complaining about those who "sold out". That's just immature stupidity, IMO. The American dream is about being successful at something you like doing. If someone writes music for movies, commercials, plays, etc, that doesn't stop them from writing or singing in a Punk Rock band on the weekends.

Like all genres, there's always songs that appeal to me. The annual Grammy album has the best of everything on it.