Hanoi Kerrys War Record...


For the liberals who cannot see the comparrison to IVAW and VVAW which was headed by Lt.Kerry...both groups are a communist Organization...akin to Code Pink! Before ya go off the deep end read the entire article/presentation..
It will bring you up to speed and address Lt.Kerrys real war record and the atrocities/fraud he committed....


what a load of dog shit

You know what's funny? I have him on ignore, I needed the break.

But I still laughed at your post, because I don't have to see what he wrote, to know that you are absolutely right with your comment.
Its all just more attempts to smear those who serve this country.

I love how the cons "support the troops" by lying about their service if they dont like their politics.

Support the Troops*if they vote for Rs
For the liberals who cannot see the comparrison to IVAW and VVAW which was headed by Lt.Kerry...both groups are a communist Organization...akin to Code Pink! Before ya go off the deep end read the entire article/presentation..
It will bring you up to speed and address Lt.Kerrys real war record and the atrocities/fraud he committed....



I will neither condemn nor defend Kerry. what I will say is that he is Old news have you nothi9ng current to contribute??
Its all just more attempts to smear those who serve this country.

I love how the cons "support the troops" by lying about their service if they dont like their politics.

Support the Troops*if they vote for Rs

Kerry is a lying fraudulent fuckstick.

Hey. He threw someone elses medals over the wall in protest. That's all we need to know.
For the liberals who cannot see the comparrison to IVAW and VVAW which was headed by Lt.Kerry...both groups are a communist Organization...akin to Code Pink! Before ya go off the deep end read the entire article/presentation..
It will bring you up to speed and address Lt.Kerrys real war record and the atrocities/fraud he committed....



Screw you, Kerry is a veteran and due our respect. Anyone who endured Nam has my respect.
Umm BB to quote the repubs, Kerry is not running for pres ;)

dig up some dirt on peewee herman while you are at it :)
I don't care that he protested the war. I dont know the honest to god truth about his service either. If he was a medal chaser, fuck him, otherwise I dont care. He's in the same boat that I am more or less. I dont support our actins over here, especially as they are counter intuitive to our overall strategic goals.
I don't care that he protested the war. I dont know the honest to god truth about his service either. If he was a medal chaser, fuck him, otherwise I dont care. He's in the same boat that I am more or less. I dont support our actins over here, especially as they are counter intuitive to our overall strategic goals.

What's disgusting is the swiftboating of the swiftboaters, though their recollections and knowledge is no worse than his. You don't have to be on kerry's boat to know the truth. You could be on the boat next to it. Or standing on shore watching. they paid off everyone on the boat and thought that would be enough. Suprise, Suprise,
Sorry froggie...

Screw you, Kerry is a veteran and due our respect. Anyone who endured Nam has my respect.

Read the whole article Lt.Kerry did not endure Nam...he went with a purpose and exited stage right after three minor injuries...some who were there say were staged...he asked to be sent home per regs about three purps and home you may go...albeit he only lost one day of duty for all three...and he managed to get all three in 4months...and what about his shooting a VC in the back at close range...oh yeah he is a grand fellah...read the article froggie..he was not what he said he was...end of story!
Read the article...

I will neither condemn nor defend Kerry. what I will say is that he is Old news have you nothi9ng current to contribute??

The opening of the article was a letter (Lt.)Kerry wrote GW about the Iraq war...this is recent and needed to be addressed...!
Kerry is still a Lt ? I thought he was a Senator or somesuch ?

Well he did at least go to Nam not like Bush who did not...

Kerry is still a Lt ? I thought he was a Senator or somesuch ?

Well he did at least go to Nam not like Bush who did not...

I was being sarcastic about the rank in ( ) he wrote a letter to GW about the handeling of the Iraq war..y'all call GW a 'chimp' all the time I was nicer to Kerry and addressed him by his former thrown away Navy rank...thats all!