Lt. Kerry: Silver Star, Bronze Star, Three Purple Hearts.
Battleboob: Zero medals, one fantasy vietnam tour of duty.
Draft dodger!
a wannabee who was to chicken to actually serve! by...cippie guy!
Uhhh, I was like ten years old when the draft ended.
I guess I was about nine when the vietnam war ended. They didn't have a rifle light enough for me to carry.
So, I guess I saw exactly the same amount of combat as you: ZERO
You were ten years old and you slithered out of Vietnam somehow, did you? Do you realize that some 10 year old draftee died in your place?!
Many many conflicts after nam...where were you then???
Nice try keep a kissn' darla..and just admit y'all are communists..then we can have a dialog on differences of political idiology...I say you hated the VN war and all others that took on communism...
if ya can't accept facts and debate as a adult...just put me on ignore like darla...quit being her go childish!
I don't volunteer to fight and kill in immoral, unethical wars waged by our government. I thought you were the "anti-goverment" conservative? Just because the government says we need to go kill panamanians, or granadians, doesn't mean I have to salute and say "Yes Sir!". I'm an individual of free will, and choose not to kill panamanians because some hack in the white house tells me that they're my enemy. Nor would I fight and die to rescue the Kuwaiti Royal Family, in 1991. The Kuwaiti Royal Family has nothing to do with the defense of my country.
And since your so obsessed with people's personal lives on this board, then I'll tell you that Afghanistan is the only war this country waged in the last 40 years, that was morally justified - and I did go see the National Guard recruiter a few days after 9/11.
You drink to much alcohol. Sober up dude.![]()
I don't volunteer to fight and kill in immoral, unethical wars waged by our government. I thought you were the "anti-goverment" conservative? Just because the government says we need to go kill panamanians, or granadians, doesn't mean I have to salute and say "Yes Sir!". I'm an individual of free will, and choose not to kill panamanians because some hack in the white house tells me that they're my enemy. Nor would I fight and die to rescue the Kuwaiti Royal Family, in 1991. The Kuwaiti Royal Family has nothing to do with the defense of my country.
And since your so obsessed with people's personal lives on this board, then I'll tell you that Afghanistan is the only war this country waged in the last 40 years, that was morally justified - and I did go see the National Guard recruiter a few days after 9/11.
You drink to much alcohol. Sober up dude.![]()
We can be the Kissing Kommies Cypress.
Umm if you were on ignore we would not be reading your posts. Don't you kinda have that bass ackwards ?
Just reading what you posted BB. Just reading what you posted.
Keep on a readin' then ya will learn...![]()
I don't care that he protested the war. I dont know the honest to god truth about his service either. If he was a medal chaser, fuck him, otherwise I dont care. He's in the same boat that I am more or less. I dont support our actins over here, especially as they are counter intuitive to our overall strategic goals.
we already know about crap.Keep on a readin' then ya will learn...![]()
we already know about crap.
you've been around for a while so we don't need any more LARNIN from you.
and what goals would that be seeing that you seem to be asleep at the wheel for most of the time(per your pic docs)..I cut ya some slack because ya are there now...are ya for real or just a 'pseudo combat' vet? Lt.Kerry was a pseudo vet..he documented his so called heroism with the goal of following his idol JFK...not to dish JFK he actually was a hero in WWII...Lt.Kerry tried to mock JFK with a embarrassing end result! I truly hope this is not your intent also...I understand the horror of war trust me...but ya are starting to sound a little weak in this arena!