Happy Phuck England Day

Well, legally they are, until the case is looked into by a higher court or some sort of enquiry, I suppose. With your police, I admit, the matter is unsure, since they seem to have been developed mainly to kill black people, which I don't think British soldiers were, even back then. I think our rather less symbolic method of fighting arbitrary power was to turn out, in the long run, a great deal more effective, though it took more time.
You don't even enjoy free speech of all things.
Your defense of fracking, nukes, BP and opposition to all forms of alternative energy are your primary sins.
Your support of rape culture is right up there as well, along with your support of Trump.

Yes and I stand behind all of them, you're just a fool that thinks renewables can cut the mustard despite all evidence to the contrary. I also sent vehemently your crap about "rape culture" that's just Snarla bullshit. That by the way is not called lying, it's called having a different viewpoint to yours. That you can't accept that says volumes about you.
Yes and I stand behind all of them, you're just a fool that thinks renewables can cut the mustard despite all evidence to the contrary. I also sent vehemently your crap about "rape culture" that's just Snarla bullshit. That by the way is not called lying, it's called having a different viewpoint to yours. That you can't accept that says volumes about you.
Nah, it means you are an enemy of the planet, the people and democracy.
You are one of the people of the lie, inherently evil.
At least the conservatards have their stupidity to blame. You are not stupid.
Nah, it means you are an enemy of the planet, the people and democracy.
You are one of the people of the lie, inherently evil.
At least the conservatards have their stupidity to blame. You are not stupid.

Oh God you're so melodramatic ffs. Fourth Gen nuclear and hydrogen is the future!
First of all, the cotton gin was an American invention. Another American invented the steel plow.
The actual origin of the Industrial Revolution was in the Blackstone River Valley in Massachusetts.

In what hilarious manner could the English have improved cotton farming?

As an aside, the British killed a great number of American Indians so WTF are you agreeing with the Limey for?

Not interested in going into all of the reasons........... IMHO we would have been much more like Canada then the murder capital of the world.......

I don't see that as a bad thing...........

That is my opinion, if others share it, so be it...............:cool:
Wow, I knew you were smarter than the average bear! If they repeated what happened to the First Nations in Canada then you're right.

I believe it would have been most certainly better.......

The history of Canada & the Native ppl's is certainly not perfect, but compared to the ethnic cleansing & genocide we had from shore to shore~no comparison.............

Here is a nice song giving a lil piece of that history, maybe you''ll like it (I do).. Kind of a twist on Louie, Louie, a 90's I think, English girl band, Medway style..

Bill is a fair man but also kind enough to patronize idiots if they demand it of him.


That is simply my opinion....... Nothing to do w/ his view..... I hardly knew what his particular view is....

He & I disagree all the time....

Most of the time amicably........

My relationship w/ him, you or anyone is not based on how much you agree w/ me.......

We are all from different situations, cultures, histories, experiences etc etc etc....

That we would come to varying conclusions is a given~ & affords us an opportunity to add to our own understandings & conclusions.....:thup:
I had some last year in Bang Saen at a restaurant run by a Norwegian ex-pat. He was eulogising about it as well, all I can say it was white and pretty bland.

I was in NorthEastern Iowa which has a pretty high Norwegian population.. You see that flag on many houses & they even have a Norwegian bank..

They didn't have one Norwegian restaurant......lol My GF mom was Norwegian, we were visiting her & she kinda laughed about it.. Other than those crackers which are good, not many of them care much about their food either......

One of our gastronomical highlights was driving 30+ miles on a country road to a town that had actual "real" Mexican food, & chefs/servers that were "believed to be" authentic Mexicans from Mexico.........

The other was a fried chicken place which was ok, but not the best I ever had.....:dunno: small town delights in the heartland.....lol
I was in NorthEastern Iowa which has a pretty high Norwegian population.. You see that flag on many houses & they even have a Norwegian bank..

They didn't have one Norwegian restaurant......lol My GF mom was Norwegian, we were visiting her & she kinda laughed about it.. Other than those crackers which are good, not many of them care much about their food either......

One of our gastronomical highlights was driving 30+ miles on a country road to a town that had actual "real" Mexican food, & chefs/servers that were "believed to be" authentic Mexicans from Mexico.........

The other was a fried chicken place which was ok, but not the best I ever had.....:dunno: small town delights in the heartland.....lol

It is true that basic Norwegian food is similar to American so much so that a Norwegian Restaurant wouldn't stand out much, roast meat, potatoes, multiple vegetables, gravy but there is also a plethora of fine pastry cakes and candies which are not available here and then there is the seafood.
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It is true that basic Norwegian food is similar to American so much so that a Norwegian Restaurant wouldn't stand out much, roast meat, potatoes, multiple vegetables, gravy but there is also a plethora of fine pastry cakes and candies which are not available here and then there is the seafood.

Yes, I would have preferred to go & try some of them while there~something different but it wasn't an option..... Mexican food here is as common as it gets..

I had some dishes one new years eve. Including pickled herring, which I thought would be terrible, tasted noting like I thought. Was kind of a family gathering w/ folks to Minni....... The real surprise for me was the elk sausage baked in sauerkraut.. Since most ppl there are from Calif & never seen it I helped out & took a couple pounds home...:)

That is simply my opinion....... Nothing to do w/ his view..... I hardly knew what his particular view is....

He & I disagree all the time....

Most of the time amicably........

My relationship w/ him, you or anyone is not based on how much you agree w/ me.......

We are all from different situations, cultures, histories, experiences etc etc etc....

That we would come to varying conclusions is a given~ & affords us an opportunity to add to our own understandings & conclusions.....:thup:

Well said Bill!
Not interested in going into all of the reasons........... IMHO we would have been much more like Canada then the murder capital of the world.......

I don't see that as a bad thing...........

That is my opinion, if others share it, so be it...............:cool:

Sadly Rune is not good at dealing with dissenting opinions, he's always been that way seemingly.