
Why aren't you banning him for the same childish behaviour exhibited by Alias?

Because Alias wasn't banned for changing quote boxes. It isn't hard to understand. Alias was banned for posting a zillion nonsense posts in (in his own words) an attempt to moderate the board as he was annoyed that we wouldn't enforce a rule we don't have on this board.

Again, if you want to post on a board with that rule then you are in the wrong place. However we do have a rule against self-moderation. I've had that rule since the board's inception.
Now you're just projecting, in an apparent attempt to make yourself feel better about your bath house behavior.
I understand why you need to try and reinvent yourself. :)

You presume to know me...I assure you, you don't. And I plan to keep it that way. I'm not projecting. You keep bringing up "gay" innuendo, and you seem obsessed with all things gay....I'd say you were the one projecting, dearie.
You presume to know me...I assure you, you don't. And I plan to keep it that way. I'm not projecting. You keep bringing up "gay" innuendo, and you seem obsessed with all things gay....I'd say you were the one projecting, dearie.

But Mary, you're the one that keeps acting like you're the "queen" of something and it's not innuendo, when it's true.
Now add in the fact that all people have to go on, is now you've presented yourself; so if the understanding of you is false, you need to rethink how you allow yourself to be perceived. :)
But Mary, you're the one that keeps acting like you're the "queen" of something and it's not innuendo, when it's true.
Now add in the fact that all people have to go on, is now you've presented yourself; so if the understanding of you is false, you need to rethink how you allow yourself to be perceived. :)

Mary? How many times do I have to tell you, you don't know me like that? So, don't even come at me like that, Bobbie Sue. I am the queen...the prince...the king...the duke and the duchess of my world. But I'm not so low, or crass that I would ever frequent a bathhouse...something, evidently, you know something about, in addition to "glory holes". What straight man, mentions stuff like that, without some knowledge or experience of it??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
So, you just told on yourself. But that's none of my business....I'm not concerned with you being "down low", or "closeted", or unable to deal with your homosexual proclivities. Work it out.
"now you've presented yourself"????? You mean, "how you've presented yourself"???? You're too lazy and trifling to do spell check, yet, want to engage me, in conversation, while lacking adequate skills to do so. Funny, the liberals here, find me remarkable and worthwhile. That's all that matters. Move around, 'cuz you don't see the laughing stock that you've become. LOL.
Mary? How many times do I have to tell you, you don't know me like that? So, don't even come at me like that, Bobbie Sue. I am the queen...the prince...the king...the duke and the duchess of my world. But I'm not so low, or crass that I would ever frequent a bathhouse...something, evidently, you know something about, in addition to "glory holes". What straight man, mentions stuff like that, without some knowledge or experience of it??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
So, you just told on yourself. But that's none of my business....I'm not concerned with you being "down low", or "closeted", or unable to deal with your homosexual proclivities. Work it out.
"now you've presented yourself"????? You mean, "how you've presented yourself"???? You're too lazy and trifling to do spell check, yet, want to engage me, in conversation, while lacking adequate skills to do so. Funny, the liberals here, find me remarkable and worthwhile. That's all that matters. Move around, 'cuz you don't see the laughing stock that you've become. LOL.


Now-now Mary, I'm sure that you've been part of the entire deck, at one time or another, and you're right; it is your world, unfortunetly, it's not the real world. :)
There's no need to try and hide your behavior; because like you said, no one on here knows you.
Except you've offered up enough information, that conclusions aren't that hard to reach. :lol:

It is now apparent that you are completely unaware of the fact that there is an unlimited amount of information available on the internet; plus you have no idea where other information may be gathered from.

Along with you becoming the spelling nazi, you seem to have the need to make yourself appear to be popular; but then, it's obvious that you are compleely unaware of how you look.
Therfore; you might want to spend some time in front of the mirror, evaluating yourself, instead of using it to apply the necessary makeup you need.

Just curious; how long have you had such thin skin Mary and your need to be so contrary? :rofl:
You presume to know me...I assure you, you don't. And I plan to keep it that way. I'm not projecting. You keep bringing up "gay" innuendo, and you seem obsessed with all things gay....I'd say you were the one projecting, dearie.

USF thinks innuendo is an Italian suppository.
USF thinks innuendo is an Italian suppository.

I've asked you before about this.
You whined constantly about the exchanges between you and I and I have pretty much ignored commenting to you; but are all of a sudden wanting things to return to where they were?
I'll take your behavior as a response to how you want this to end up. :)
That ain't gonna happen. You don't play well with others.

Obviously you realized, after making the earlier comment, that you allowed your alligator mouth to overrun your hummingbird ass and that you offered a bet that your ass is afraid you'll have to pay up on.

It's a shame that someone your age, is such a coward; Mary. :)

I won't bring the bet up anymore, seeing as how it obviously causes you stress. :lol:
I've asked you before about this.
You whined constantly about the exchanges between you and I and I have pretty much ignored commenting to you; but are all of a sudden wanting things to return to where they were?
I'll take your behavior as a response to how you want this to end up. :)

My behaviour and attitude changed when you attacked SM for his homophobic views. I then realised there was more to you than you had previously portrayed. I have already conceded that Poet has somewhat extreme views but then again if I was a black man growing up in Texas I might well feel the same. Do you treat your inmates the same way?
My behaviour and attitude changed when you attacked SM for his homophobic views. I then realised there was more to you than you had previously portrayed. I have already conceded that Poet has somewhat extreme views but then again if I was a black man growing up in Texas I might well feel the same. Do you treat your inmates the same way?

Oh, trust me....growing up in Texas, after having been exposed to life in Chicago, had much to do with my world view. Texas, very well may be, the most backward state in the Union....full of "good ol' boys and gals", who'd string you up if given half the chance. Let's not forget James Byrd of Jasper, Tx. or the "unofficial" curfews of Vidor, Tx. (don't be black and be caught outside after dark).
Oh, trust me....growing up in Texas, after having been exposed to life in Chicago, had much to do with my world view. Texas, very well may be, the most backward state in the Union....full of "good ol' boys and gals", who'd string you up if given half the chance. Let's not forget James Byrd of Jasper, Tx. or the "unofficial" curfews of Vidor, Tx. (don't be black and be caught outside after dark).

Why do you stay in Texas, surely there are many places in the US more accommodating?