Harris calls young adults "stupid."

She would be condescending to you if she knew you. Men of that age are a bit crazy. That does not mean every single one is all the time.
She would quickly devolve into her word salad nonsense talking to me. Her intellect is an inch deep and an inch wide. She talks in platitudes and generalities most of the time. Pressed for some actual factual details she collapses into that rhetorical nonsense she has done so many times now.
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Harris is condescending to everyone.
She is indeed... And i'm never seen a less serious candidate for any elected office... Let her continue to play out this game they've concocted.... Unless they get a new script writer she won't have a chance... She needs a do over on the planned obama endorsement phone call...lol...
She would quickly devolve into her word salad nonsense talking to me. Her intellect is an inch deep and an inch wide. She talks in platitudes and generalities most of the time. Pressed for some actual factual details she collapses into that rhetorical nonsense she has done so many times now.
Absolutely correct...
On what planet do you live? All you have to do is watch and listen to her speak. She talks to her audience like they are little kids. He body language and gestures do the same. She is condescending whether she intends to be or not.
:rolleyes: When I ask for "proof", I refer to valid, documented sources that PRECISELY IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS support the original contention of someone. What you and your ilk CONSTANTLY do is just blather your opinions, supposition and conjecture AS IF IT'S FACT, OFFERING NOT A SHRED OF "PROOF".

Any high school teacher in English or Science or History will tell you that ain't cutting it!

But that is all the Dump/Little Dump ticket needs. Sad.
:rolleyes: When I ask for "proof", I refer to valid, documented sources that PRECISELY IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS support the original contention of someone. What you and your ilk CONSTANTLY do is just blather your opinions, supposition and conjecture AS IF IT'S FACT, OFFERING NOT A SHRED OF "PROOF".

Any high school teacher in English or Science or History will tell you that ain't cutting it!

But that is all the Dump/Little Dump ticket needs. Sad.
What you are demanding is a reductio ad absurdum fallacy. No matter how much proof I provide it will never be enough.
What you are demanding is a reductio ad absurdum fallacy. No matter how much proof I provide it will never be enough.
You need to fully understand how to use words properly in the construction of your sentences .... makes you look less foolish. I mean, all that blather of yours to avoid conceding that you cannot factually (must less logically) prove your assertions like an adult. So much more to pity you.
The GOP is the party of hate.
The DNC is the Party of HATRED, intolerance, slavery, WOKE, DEI, Transing children, open borders, defenselelssness zones, killing living humans who have not commited any crime, repeal of individual liberties, looting, lawlessness, two-tier injustice, punishing patriotism, stealing elections, hating LGBTQIAMPPIPSUVPSAE+ as sexual deviant FREAKS, and superdelegate inequality.

Can I get an "Amen, brother!"?
:rolleyes: When I ask for "proof", I refer to valid, documented sources that PRECISELY IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS support the original contention of someone. What you and your ilk CONSTANTLY do is just blather your opinions, supposition and conjecture AS IF IT'S FACT, OFFERING NOT A SHRED OF "PROOF".

Any high school teacher in English or Science or History will tell you that ain't cutting it!

But that is all the Dump/Little Dump ticket needs. Sad.
She does none of that. She simply speaks as an adult explaining her positions and plans. That is not what Trump does . If she spoke like he does, they would have a reason to criticize her.
Rightys like Trump because he also speaks in superlatives. Everything is the worst ever, the best ever, the smartest ever. Who speaks like that? Who cannot see shades and nuances? Well, Top and Gardner do not.