Harris calls young adults "stupid."

if you still believe that a registered libertarian is a Republican you're as stupid as Harris thinks young adults are..........
Libertarians are nothing more than REPUBLICANS that are ashamed and embarrassed to call themselves REPUBLICANS anymore! Trump fucks up everything he touches! [Geeko Sportivo]

Run- But you can't hide! LOL!
Hmm, no matter how you slice it, Harris made a BAD mistake. 18 year olds have the right to vote ... you don't piss on potential voters. Hell, she should've remembered the basis for the 26th Amendment that lowered the voting age from 21 to 18, "if they're old enough to draft into a war, they're old enough to vote"

This will be a bull horn for the Dump/Little Dump campaign, rest assured.
The trumpers will need to play this up big. I'm a Dem and I don't follow her speeches, so what are the odds that a lot of 18-21 year olds did?
Any sane and reasonable person would. The Left is responsible for more deaths, misery, poverty, oppression, hate, and every other human negative than the rest of the political spectrum combined. Nature can't in all her fury do as much damage to humanity as the Left does. The Left is truly evil. Would any sensible person vote for evil?
:rolleyes: I think you're posting under the influence.
The most depressing thing that I ever see is cable or broadcast news field reporters interviewing "typical voters" on the street.

Most of these "typical voters" say things so stupid that they would seem to be JPP Reichnuts... but they all can't be.

First of all, it's Kamala Harris against Donald Trump.
How can anybody be undecided?
If you haven't yet chosen between Kamela Harris and Donald Trump,
purely based on their very different policy positions, disregarding their personalities,
the you're TOO FUCKING STUPID to be allowed within 1000 feet of a ballot.
Realistically, you should be euthanized for both your own good and society's.

Then there are those looking for somebody who can "bring this nation back together."
When I hear somebody say that,
I wish that they had a motorcade
and I had a grassy knoll.

Totally incompatible people don't need to be brought together.
They need to be split apart.
Pollyannas may not be as dangerous as complete assholes,
but they may be even more annoying to me.

Are American's pathetically dumb?
Far too many obviously are.
We've never made an adequate commitment to public education.
Many of us are the descendants of people who weren't cutting it where they came from.
AND we were saddled with a constitution that gave some of our gene pool's most sorry specimens
political power far beyond what their percentage of the population warrants.

What chance do we have?
Our fuckwits are dragging the rest of us down
and goodie-two-shoes types on our own side are too polite to make an issue of it.
Nothing quite like shooting yourself in the foot. Harris says out loud the unspoken part for the Left ( go to about 20 seconds for it):

She then adds insult to injury by singling out college students--as if every 18- to 24-year-old goes to college--as "stupid."

Kamel Toe = stupid wtih a capital STUPID!
Edited no context video clip.

IOW fake news, kid.
Libertarians are nothing more than REPUBLICANS that are ashamed and embarrassed to call themselves REPUBLICANS anymore! Trump fucks up everything he touches! [Geeko Sportivo]

Run- But you can't hide! LOL!
sure.....and demmycrats are nothing more than communists afraid of being ostracized if they were honest about themselves......
Honesty is not your strong suit. They are all rightys who took the peoples rights away. That is what Trump and 2025, want to do.
The trumpers will need to play this up big. I'm a Dem and I don't follow her speeches, so what are the odds that a lot of 18-21 year olds did?
Ooooops....... I think you may have proved Kamala wrong. They are not the stupidest group. :chicken:
The trumpers will need to play this up big. I'm a Dem and I don't follow her speeches, so what are the odds that a lot of 18-21 year olds did?
Hmm, interesting point. But I do believe that there are large swaths of the "youth vote" that do indeed pay attention, despite what the MSM likes to portray. Time will tell.
They are. They were warned about the Supreme Court being at stake, but...Bernie.
We'll see how they feel about Roe.
I saw that as more of the SOS from the establishment political parties .... BOTH of whom drink from the same donor troth.
Remember, when it was obvious that Obama was more "right of center" Democrat than left, the majority of younger people who voted for him abstained from a congressional vote as protest to what they saw as "too conciliatory" policies and actions. THAT is what gave the GOP its majority rule to this day.
The Dems sandbagged Sanders who had the majority youth vote. Would he have faired better in the electoral vote than Hillary will forever be a point of discussion.
And in closing, a combination of Ginsberg NOT stepping down and pure obstructionism from McConnell & company screwed up the SCOTUS to what we see now.

Matters of fact, matters of history.
I saw that as more of the SOS from the establishment political parties .... BOTH of whom drink from the same donor troth.
Remember, when it was obvious that Obama was more "right of center" Democrat than left, the majority of younger people who voted for him abstained from a congressional vote as protest to what they saw as "too conciliatory" policies and actions. THAT is what gave the GOP its majority rule to this day.
The Dems sandbagged Sanders who had the majority youth vote. Would he have faired better in the electoral vote than Hillary will forever be a point of discussion.
And in closing, a combination of Ginsberg NOT stepping down and pure obstructionism from McConnell & company screwed up the SCOTUS to what we see now.

Matters of fact, matters of history.
Obama had a super majority for a very brief moment when you consider the recount of Franken, and Kennedy's brain tumor. It was the teabag mid terms that gave Republicans control of Congress, which is often typical. Bush's mid term saw Republicans take an ass beating.

The point about kids is that they were warned under no uncertain circumstances that allowing trump to be elected would destroy their futures. They didn't care.

I'm curious what they think about refusing to vote all these years later, as their rights are being stripped away each day?

Ginsberg was the final straw. The Supreme Court was already gone because kids refused to vote for Hillary. Nothing more...once you realize that McConnell orchestrated the entire thing starting with the Garland denial in Feb. of '16.