Harris calls young adults "stupid."

It was understood to be facetious.
Okay, not good for a presidential candidate

facetious (adjective)

  1. treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant
There's a time and a place for facetious humor and it isn't when making a serious speech to voters.
Nothing quite like shooting yourself in the foot. Harris says out loud the unspoken part for the Left ( go to about 20 seconds for it):

She then adds insult to injury by singling out college students--as if every 18- to 24-year-old goes to college--as "stupid."

Kamel Toe = stupid wtih a capital STUPID!
There goes another 100K votes for Harris . Nothing like insulting the voters. She obvious is out of touch with the voters.
Here's some context.

"So we designed this program around the 18 through 24 [age range] mostly but it was usually up to 30 [years old]. First time, low-level drug sales offender... And here's what we did. We recognized the fact that 18 through 24 — when I was at Howard University and we were in college, we were 18 through 24, and you know what we were called? College kids. But when you turn 18 and you're in the system, you are considered an adult, period. Without any regard to the fact that, that is the very phase of life in which we have invested billions of dollars in colleges and universities knowing that, that is the prime phase of life during which we mold and shape and direct someone to become a productive adult.

What's the other thing we know about this population? And it's a specific phase of life, remember, age is more than a chronological fact. What else do we know about this population of 18 through 24? They are stupid. [Crowd laughs.] That is why we put them in dormitories, and they have a resident assistant. They make really bad decisions. So we focused on that age population."

Many college kids do push the limits. They do stupid things. Of course that is not every one of them.
Nothing quite like shooting yourself in the foot. Harris says out loud the unspoken part for the Left ( go to about 20 seconds for it):

She then adds insult to injury by singling out college students--as if every 18- to 24-year-old goes to college--as "stupid."

Kamel Toe = stupid wtih a capital STUPID!
The Republicans need to put that in an ad.