Harris is ahead even in very conservative "real clear politics"

Really? How do you arrive at that?
her policies go well in San Francisco, and other extreme blue regions, but not the nation as a whole

you have nothing to counter,. she has never done well in elections outside of her ultra liberal base.

she is being propped up by a media that also was propping up Dementia Joe as just cheap fakes.

you seem to not want to see the truth - or maybe even a paid operative - who the fuck knows

. people like you are not worthy of a discussion, you simply lie and lie and pretend things are not what they are

you will likely claim Joe Biden was not forced out too. and will blow smoke up our ass and say someone that nobody has yet even voted for is actually very popular and you have the receipts and all the other bullshit I read here constantly
So now you care about FELONIES??? Need I remind you your guy has about 34 felony convictions?

I care about felonies and crimes when victims exist

the democrats would point to a slave running free - and point out the felonies once upon a time as well.

tell me I'm wrong
I care about felonies and crimes when victims exist

Ummm, I"m going to go out on a limb here and say you NEVER ONCE IN YOUR LIFE dug into a given felony conviction to make sure real individuals were harmed. Not once. And you never questioned one of those felony convictions.

Trump gets his ass handed to him in court and suddenly the trailer parks are BURSTING with legal scholars.

the democrats would point to a slave running free - and point out the felonies once upon a time as well.

I know you guys like living about 150 years in the past but you MUST know that parties change. There is literally NO ONE ON THIS PLANET who votes Dem today who would take that view.

You MUST understand that or you have a serious brain injury.

tell me I'm wrong

You are wrong by about 150 years.
I'd be interested in seeing your information but given how you've already let me know you are a moron or a loon I don't really think I'll give it much credibility.

But knock yerself out.

funny how quickly you turned uncivil for disagreeing about Kamala's likability

bigots tend to act that way
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funny how quickly you turned uncivil for disagreeing about Kamala's likability

bigots tend to act that way

You suggested the Dems did a coup. That's a big red flag that your opinion on pretty much ANYTHING is valueless to me.

Sorry if that offends you but perhaps you could take a more moderated adult type of stance on the topic.

Or you can sound like a loon or a moron.

Either way is cool with me.

(Also noted you couldn't provide any information to back up your accusations so I'll treat them with the respect YOU show them. In other words: none)
OK, now I know you have nothing to add of value to the conversation. Sorry I was mistaken. There was no "coup" sweetie. It was a free and fair election
derp derp

maybe you can go back and edit this after you find out you are a fucking retard that lost your rails.

what free and fair election did the cackling hag win?
You suggested the Dems did a coup. That's a big red flag that your opinion on pretty much ANYTHING is valueless to me.

Sorry if that offends you but perhaps you could take a more moderated adult type of stance on the topic.

Or you can sound like a loon or a moron.

Either way is cool with me.

(Also noted you couldn't provide any information to back up your accusations so I'll treat them with the respect YOU show them. In other words: none)

Harris didn't win a single vote. she was anointed in a coup. so fuck off you gas lighting little prick
derp derp

maybe you can go back and edit this after you find out you are a fucking retard that lost your rails.

what free and fair election did the cackling hag win?

My mistake, I thought you were blathering on about 2020.

As for Kamala's "coup" in the DNC I will remind you:

1. There is NO rule saying that a party cannot change it's candidate before the convention
2. We know why you are whining...you were hoping to go up against Joe and now your "strategy" (such as it is) is gone.
3. Did I mention that there are no rules saying you can't change your candidate before the convention?

Seriously you guys are fucked up if you think we OWE you a candidate you might have a chance at beating. If you are a child maybe you think you are owed a "win", but you aren't. Your guy has to go up against our guy and right now our guy is a whole lot younger, smarter, viable and capable than your bloated 78 year old rambling dumpster fire of a human being.
My mistake, I thought you were blathering on about 2020.

As for Kamala's "coup" in the DNC I will remind you:

1. There is NO rule saying that a party cannot change it's candidate before the convention
2. We know why you are whining...you were hoping to go up against Joe and now your "strategy" (such as it is) is gone.
3. Did I mention that there are no rules saying you can't change your candidate before the convention?

Seriously you guys are fucked up if you think we OWE you a candidate you might have a chance at beating. If you are a child maybe you think you are owed a "win", but you aren't. Your guy has to go up against our guy and right now our guy is a whole lot younger, smarter, viable and capable than your bloated 78 year old rambling dumpster fire of a human being.
I'm not a trumper - but you are a fucking asshole

you went dickhead over me politely saying she is not a good national candidate

so fuck you bigot - just one of the many shit stains around here
I'm not a trumper - but you are a fucking asshole

So you are for RFK? I don't understand your position. You are on here whining that the DNC selected a candidate you don't approve of so obviously I assumed you were a Trumptard.

But, like all trumptards, when you are shown to be in error suddenly you aren't a trumptard anymore.

you went dickhead over me politely saying she is not a good national candidate

No I triggered on your COUP accusation. I thought you could actually read. My bad.

so fuck you bigot - just one of the many shit stains around here

Says the shit stain ready to be flushed down the toilet.
So you are for RFK? I don't understand your position. You are on here whining that the DNC selected a candidate you don't approve of so obviously I assumed you were a Trumptard.

Trump represents the enemy of my enemy. Unlike the cackling hag, he won a national primary.

I am unhappy with it, but I do recognize that others that I preferred lost and he won

You can't turn back time. You went asshole on someone and assumed things. The mistake is all on you.

also - you are full of shit - I did not whine - I said she is a bad national candidate and the polls will eventually reflect this. stop lying and being a dickhead
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is it the fact that they keep a running average of all polls that makes you call them conservative?.......

since you didn't provide a link I thought I would help you out.....
did you notice that Harris has lost her bounce in PA?......Trump is back in the lead......

he also leads her in AR, NV, NC and GA......that is 5/7 of the swing states.....
she has gotten a bump - as she should

Biden was clearly a shell of himself.
Trump represents the enemy of my enemy.

Wow, you sure do hate Kamala. Did she hurt you personally? Or is it just because she's a woman of color?

Unlike the cackling hag, he won a national primary.

Clutch those pearls!

I am unhappy with it, but I do recognize that others that I preferred lost and he won

Who lost such that you abandoned all rational thought and supported Trump?

also - you are full of shit - I did not whine

Yet here you are whining about the Dem candidate. Funny.

- I said she is a bad national candidate and the polls will eventually reflect this. stop lying and being a dickhead

And you said she got in by a "coup". Which is a laughably moronic thing to say.
Wow, you sure do hate Kamala. Did she hurt you personally? Or is it just because she's a woman of color?

doubling down on your bigotry and dumb assumptions I see

Clutch those pearls!


Who lost such that you abandoned all rational thought and supported Trump?


Yet here you are whining about the Dem candidate. Funny.

pointing out she is a horrible candidate and the polls will soon reflect that is whining to retards.

to most people it is just a guy stating his opinion

And you said she got in by a "coup". Which is a laughably moronic thing to say.

it's an accurate description. My opinion is the Democratic party as a whole would of never went this far left this quickly without the coup either

Nobody voted for this. sorry the term coup triggers you. You Might want to look into why you are triggered so easily. seems like a personality defect to me.
it's an accurate description. My opinion is the Democratic party as a whole would of never went this far left this quickly without the coup either

Why on earth do you care? Seriously. It isn't your party, it isn't your choice. Right now almost every dem I've heard is pleased as punch.

Admit it: you wanted Joe because he was beatable even by Trump. Now you're pissed because your party may not win.

Nobody voted for this.

And again, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE? It isn't your party, it isn't your choice. If you are unhappy that's actually a GOOD thing.

sorry the term coup triggers you. You Might want to look into why you are triggered so easily. seems like a personality defect to me.

You reichwing fucks are only shedding these tears because we have a candidate now who may very well be able to sweep the floor with your orange mop thing.

So STFU about this whole "coup" thing. We know what your whine is about and it's pathetic.
Why on earth do you care? Seriously. It isn't your party, it isn't your choice. Right now almost every dem I've heard is pleased as punch.

Admit it: you wanted Joe because he was beatable even by Trump. Now you're pissed because your party may not win.

I think Joe Biden - of old - is a far better candidate.

And again, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE? It isn't your party, it isn't your choice. If you are unhappy that's actually a GOOD thing.
I said nobody voted for her as my example of how she didn't win this or earn this. it is an example of the coup

I think this amounts to a coup - and is a way for the socialist wing of the major party in this country to force far leftwing policies on a nation that would not choose them in an honest fashion

I also think it will fail badly - because she is a bad candidate nationally

how about you debate what I say and not what you think Trumpers believe .
I think Joe Biden - of old - is a far better candidate.

You are all over the map. If you are a Conservative voter were you planning on voting for Joe in 2024?

I think this amounts to a coup

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we've heard it all before. It isn't a coup. That's just stupidity and hyperbole. Give it a break. The only people who think it was a coup are those who wanted to see a Trump vs Biden race because Trump had an edge.

That's it.

- and is a way for the socialist wing

Oh jeeeeezus give it a break. Why are you guys scared of the world you already live in? You already enjoy about as much socialism as a Dem president is ever gonna get to. You enjoy free highways, you enjoy clean water, you enjoy safe food, you enjoy medicare...you love socialism. So why are you whining?

of the major party in this country to force far leftwing policies on a nation that would not choose them in an honest fashion

You guys literally said the EXACT same thing about Obama. At the end of 8 years the country was no more socialist than it was before.

Give it a rest. Think of something based in REALITY for a change.

how about you debate what I say and not what you think Trumpers believe .

You are playing coy now. I know you are a Trump voter. So why play footsy? You back Trump and now you're angry that Trump doesn't get to fight Joe. Too bad, so sad. It was NEVER your choice.
You are all over the map. If you are a Conservative voter were you planning on voting for Joe in 2024?
you seem to have memory problems. I think Joe is better than Kamala for the country - that is why I would care (which I actually don't)

I can see you have zero capability of not being an asshole, so I will leave your miserable self now to play with the other shit stains in here - as you clearly are one

so for a quick trigger summary to the resident child that can't keep calm:

this is a coup. Kamala would never of won a legit democratic primary. she was anointed, not voted for.

I am simply stating my opinion that she will lose badly and the polls will soon reflect this because of how bad she is and only a retard would think my optimistic opinion constitutes "whining"