Harry Reid


This is good. Reid isn't going to let them quietly fillibuster this bill. They are going to have take the heat and the press that comes with it. And the phone calls. No ducking out of the limelight. They are going to own this.

And each time, more will turn, because of pressure from their own constituents. Until finally there is a veto-proof majority.

Monday, July 16, 2007
Reid To Force Senate Into All-Night Session Tuesday
Forcing his Republican colleagues to put up or shut up on the notion of an up-or-down vote, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) just moments ago announced that he will immediately file a cloture motion on the Reed-Levin troop redeployment bill and, if Republicans follow through with a filibuster, will place the Senate in a prolonged all-night session Tuesday to force a true continuation of debate.

"Now, Republicans are using a filibuster to block us from even voting on an amendment that could bring the war to a responsible end," said Reid. "They are protecting the President rather than protecting our troops. They are denying us an up or down – yes or no – vote on the most important issue our country faces."

The Reed-Levin amendment to the Department of Defense (DoD) Authorization Bill requires George W. Bush to "commence the reduction of the number of United States forces in Iraq not later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act" and mandates a withdrawal of most combat forces by April 30, 2008.

The legislation, S.AMDT.2087, has bipartisan support and is cosponsored by Gordon Smith (R-OR), Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME).
"I would like to inform the Republican leadership and all my colleagues that we have no intention of backing down," said Reid this afternoon. "If Republicans do not allow a vote on Levin/Reed today or tomorrow, we will work straight through the night on Tuesday. The American people deserve an open and honest debate on this war, and they deserve an up or down vote on this amendment to end it."

Reid could hold the Senate in continuous session overnight Tuesday and into midday Wednesday unless Republicans agree to a simple-majority vote on Reed-Levin.
With the whole specter of cots being dragged into Senate cloakrooms and the pure theatrics involved, I'm hopeful this will shine a white-hot spotlight on the Senate's Republican leadership and show Americans how the GOP doesn't truly support helping troops and their families at home or extricating them from pointless involvement in the Iraqi civil war.

And I'm sure more than one Democratic Senator will remind the public that Republicans screamed at the top of their lungs last year when it came to getting up-or-down votes on Bush's right-wing judicial nominees, but expressing the sentiments of most Americans and protecting America's troops gets no such treatment from them

is a joke in Northern Nevada...he tried doing that on local radio..the host blasted him...Harry likes to control the diatribes...therefore he avoids local radio talk shows...the callers tear him apart!
is a joke in Northern Nevada...he tried doing that on local radio..the host blasted him...Harry likes to control the diatribes...therefore he avoids local radio talk shows...the callers tear him apart!

anyone with sense would avoid the talk shows.
Participating or listening.
is a joke in Northern Nevada...he tried doing that on local radio..the host blasted him...Harry likes to control the diatribes...therefore he avoids local radio talk shows...the callers tear him apart!

Who gives a fuck about Northern Nevada you buffoon?

He's the Senator from Nevada and doesn't seem to have problems winning there.

And he's making life real difficult for your boy. Learn to love it.
So essentially what we have is...

1) The Dems and some Reps are not going to wait until Septembers report as they said they would

2) The Dems and some Reps want to strip the CIC duties from the President and take over that responsibility

Enough with the whole withdrawal timetables based on completely arbitrary dates (or dates that benefit those running for office in 2008). If they truly want the troops home, cut off the funding (other than what is required to bring the troops home of course). All this posturing is pathetic at best.
So essentially what we have is...

1) The Dems and some Reps are not going to wait until Septembers report as they said they would

2) The Dems and some Reps want to strip the CIC duties from the President and take over that responsibility

Enough with the whole withdrawal timetables based on completely arbitrary dates (or dates that benefit those running for office in 2008). If they truly want the troops home, cut off the funding (other than what is required to bring the troops home of course). All this posturing is pathetic at best.

LOL. Why is it pathetic? Because it's working? Because each week another major republican breaks with their party on Iraq? Because, when all gets said and done, it's going to work?

Yeah, that's what Cindy Sheehan wants. For the dems to defund the war and impeach bush.

You know, I think Harry Reid is a tad smarter. Sorry.
We Nevadians do...

Who gives a fuck about Northern Nevada you buffoon?

He's the Senator from Nevada and doesn't seem to have problems winning there.

And he's making life real difficult for your boy. Learn to love it.

Thats why the State Capitol is in Northern Nevada...and Harry is on his last leggs...next election he will be hitting the unemployment rolls!
I don't think there are too many Dems who agreed to wait until September.

As for Republicans defecting for political purposes...it's about time! I don't care what ends this war; I just want it done. Bush abdicated his CIC role, or most of it, awhile ago when he started advertising for a "war czar"
anyone with any respect for adult discussion would avoid RWradio.

Thats MY boy Harry Go Get Em!

Down in south Nevada love it!
I don't think there are too many Dems who agreed to wait until September.

As for Republicans defecting for political purposes...it's about time! I don't care what ends this war; I just want it done. Bush abdicated his CIC role, or most of it, awhile ago when he started advertising for a "war czar"

My feelings exactly.
It is pathetic because they don't have what it takes to stand by their convictions. Instead they attempt to violate not only their word, but their authority. They said they would wait until the September report. Quite obviously they lied. I also believe it will be held as unconstitutional for them to try to take over the role of CIC. So this whole thing is political posturing for next years elections.
Thats why the State Capitol is in Northern Nevada...and Harry is on his last leggs...next election he will be hitting the unemployment rolls!


Whatever buffoon.

This election, he is going to cause your boys plenty of grief. Not nearly even 1 percentile of the grief they've caused in this world, but...it's a start.
It is pathetic because they don't have what it takes to stand by their convictions. Instead they attempt to violate not only their word, but their authority. They said they would wait until the September report. Quite obviously they lied. I also believe it will be held as unconstitutional for them to try to take over the role of CIC. So this whole thing is political posturing for next years elections.

I guess you haven't noticed the Republicans who have broken with bush, due to pressure.

This is more of that pressure.

Ergo, it's working. It's taking longer than you and Cindy Sheehan want it to, but it is working.

Three Cheers for Harry Reid!
anyone with any respect for adult discussion would avoid RWradio.

Thats MY boy Harry Go Get Em!

Down in south Nevada love it!

Yes 'Lost Wages'...Californias smoking zone...and California transplants...they ruined California... now working on ruining Southern Nevada...yeah baby :cheer:
for Harry...he surely needs the help...but too little too late...he is on his way out!
I don't think there are too many Dems who agreed to wait until September.

As for Republicans defecting for political purposes...it's about time! I don't care what ends this war; I just want it done. Bush abdicated his CIC role, or most of it, awhile ago when he started advertising for a "war czar"

The point is... I don't think this will end it. Even if they do get this passed, I don't believe Bush is required to listen to their timetables. He is the CIC. They are not. His putting someone in the role of "war czar" does not change that fact. Please correct me if I am wrong on this. Is it not unconstitutional? Or is there some recourse for Congress to assume control of CIC duties?
The point is... I don't think this will end it. Even if they do get this passed, I don't believe Bush is required to listen to their timetables. He is the CIC. They are not. His putting someone in the role of "war czar" does not change that fact. Please correct me if I am wrong on this. Is it not unconstitutional? Or is there some recourse for Congress to assume control of CIC duties?

I'd be interested in looking at the language of the original resolution giving Bush authority, which was not a declaration of war. Were there any limitations at all to that resolution?