Harry Reid

I guess you haven't noticed the Republicans who have broken with bush, due to pressure.

This is more of that pressure.

Ergo, it's working. It's taking longer than you and Cindy Sheehan want it to, but it is working.

Three Cheers for Harry Reid!

Please stop lumping me in with that lunatic. I have not suggested impeachment. I have only suggested the Dems either put up or shut up. Quit bitching about it and DO something.
The point is... I don't think this will end it. Even if they do get this passed, I don't believe Bush is required to listen to their timetables. He is the CIC. They are not. His putting someone in the role of "war czar" does not change that fact. Please correct me if I am wrong on this. Is it not unconstitutional? Or is there some recourse for Congress to assume control of CIC duties?

Congress never declared war, but that didn't bother you. No worries about the constitution then. Since war was never declared by Congress, I'd like to see how ending it is unconstitutional.

Why don't you call these radicals and ask them if it's "constitutional" or not?

The bill...is cosponsored by Gordon Smith (R-OR), Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME).
I'd be interested in looking at the language of the original resolution giving Bush authority, which was not a declaration of war. Were there any limitations at all to that resolution?

A good question. I do not have an answer to that. Does anyone recall the resolution number by chance? If not, I will attempt to find it.
Darla.. in addition... by politicizing this issue in this manner, the Dems are no better than Bush.


The bill...is cosponsored by Gordon Smith (R-OR), Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME).

And I told you guys I read recently that Harry Reid had come to believe that it is his moral imperative to stop this war.

That doesn't sound political to me.
Laugh away...Pink Cheeks....


Whatever buffoon.

This election, he is going to cause your boys plenty of grief. Not nearly even 1 percentile of the grief they've caused in this world, but...it's a start.

Harry gets his bank roll from casinos and how should I say this...'Ladies of the Night' Even the Casinos are having second thoughts and the Ladies...well they and their employers make good money...but not enough to carry Harry next time around!
It is pathetic because they don't have what it takes to stand by their convictions. Instead they attempt to violate not only their word, but their authority. They said they would wait until the September report. Quite obviously they lied. I also believe it will be held as unconstitutional for them to try to take over the role of CIC. So this whole thing is political posturing for next years elections.

This is desparate spin, coming from one of the last remaining dead-enders: the 26 percenters who still defend bush.

Please stop with the whine about the Democrats "promising to wait until september".

Maybe a handfull did. I don't recall Democrats broadly speaking, "promising" to wait until september.

Democrats are doing the people's will: They're trying to end your war. I'm sorry you can't accept it - but your war is a failure and a disgrace. Americans want it over.

And the best way to end it? vote after vote, after vote, putting republicans on record saying they support Bush and the surge. Some of them are eventually gonna have to cave and abandon bush if they want to save their political skins.
Harry gets his bank roll from casinos and how should I say this...'Ladies of the Night' Even the Casinos are having second thoughts and the Ladies...well they and their employers make good money...but not enough to carry Harry next time around!

This is nothing but lies!
Please stop lumping me in with that lunatic. I have not suggested impeachment. I have only suggested the Dems either put up or shut up. Quit bitching about it and DO something.

But they are doing something. And every week they get more Republicans to join them. So what they are doing, is slowly becoming effective.

Sorry SF that Harry Reid didn't decide to take yours and Cindy Sheehans advice and defund the war. Sorry the Democratic party isn't going to be decimated.
You have got to be kidding!

So what is your proof that Cali is in ruins?

Mass exodus by those with money and those without so much money...Nevada is close by so the exodus is noted in our rolls! I would bet dollars to donuts ya are a Cali transplant...ya sure talk like one...you are not very familiar with Harry!