Harry Reid

Harry gets his bank roll from casinos and how should I say this...'Ladies of the Night' Even the Casinos are having second thoughts and the Ladies...well they and their employers make good money...but not enough to carry Harry next time around!

Do you have any idea what a buffoon this whole board thinks you are?

You're like Forest Gump. You were there for the fall of Saigon, you were in military intelligence, you were a terrorist chaser, you were a g-man, you're in the know with all the boys in the smoky back rooms and who they are going to finance, you f'd a hooker who told you that she's not contributing to Reid's campaign anymore...

You've done shit except make your way from your bed to the local pub.

You incredible buffoon.
But they are doing something. And every week they get more Republicans to join them. So what they are doing, is slowly becoming effective.

Sorry SF that Harry Reid didn't decide to take yours and Cindy Sheehans advice and defund the war. Sorry the Democratic party isn't going to be decimated.

Bush would just leave the troops there to die, if Dems defunded it. Of that I have little doubt. It's clear already, that he's leaving them trapped there, for the next president to deal with. He's willing to LET THEM DIE, so he doesn't have a "defeat" on his legacy.

Thats why we need a legislative bill. Something with legal teeth in it, to force him to redeploy.

The bill...is cosponsored by Gordon Smith (R-OR), Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME).

And I told you guys I read recently that Harry Reid had come to believe that it is his moral imperative to stop this war.

That doesn't sound political to me.

I do believe I said the Dems and Reps were polticizing this. Just out of curiosity... are Hagel, Snow and Smith up for re-election next year?

I have no problem with their taking this position... but if they want to end the war... they have the power to stop funding. I do not believe they have the power to usurp the role of CIC. If I am right, then they are either idiots for not knowing the limits of their powers or they know it will do nothing and are just using this as a tool for 2008. If I am wrong, well... then this whole conversation never took place. :rolleyes:
But they are doing something. And every week they get more Republicans to join them. So what they are doing, is slowly becoming effective.

Sorry SF that Harry Reid didn't decide to take yours and Cindy Sheehans advice and defund the war. Sorry the Democratic party isn't going to be decimated.

Ya trying to piss me off? :pke:

If that "something" they are trying to do is unconstitutional and beyond their power, then they are using the issue purely to get re-elected.
Just those who are desperate for the dumbass votes.

I've never seen a poll that broke out the "smart" vs. "dumbass" vote.

(Yes I will save someone the trouble of saying it: there already is a 'smart' vs. 'dumbass' vote its called voting Democrat or voting Republican.
Bush would just leave the troops there to die, if Dems defunded it. Of that I have little doubt. It's clear already, that he's leaving them trapped there, for the next president to deal with. He's willing to LET THEM DIE, so he doesn't have a "defeat" on his legacy.

Thats why we need a legislative bill. Something with legal teeth in it, to force him to redeploy.

Paragraph one is bullshit. If defunded he would not leave them there to die. He would be strung up within days... and I mean literally strung up.

As for the second paragraph... Does the legislature have the constitutional authority to pass a bill that takes away CIC duties? I don't believe it does. That is why this timetable crap is just that.... crap. Unless of course they are attaching within the bill the defunding of the war on their arbitrary dates.
Did I say it was not?...It is also legal in several counties within Nevada..what was your point again?

Vegas and Reno is where the population is and that means MOST of us Nevadans are in clark county.

Yeah Im a transplant where are you from?
I've never seen a poll that broke out the "smart" vs. "dumbass" vote.

(Yes I will save someone the trouble of saying it: there already is a 'smart' vs. 'dumbass' vote its called voting Democrat or voting Republican.

Actually it is more along the lines of Independent vs. Republicrats
Paragraph one is bullshit. If defunded he would not leave them there to die. He would be strung up within days... and I mean literally strung up.

As for the second paragraph... Does the legislature have the constitutional authority to pass a bill that takes away CIC duties? I don't believe it does. That is why this timetable crap is just that.... crap. Unless of course they are attaching within the bill the defunding of the war on their arbitrary dates.

This was was never officially declared. If Congress passes a withdrawal timeline that is veto-proof, Bush has to hold to it.

And don't talk so cavalierly about just "taking away their funding." That's a 3rd rail for some, and it's something I'm not even comfortable with. To me, THAT is when you start playing politics with our military.
Paragraph one is bullshit. If defunded he would not leave them there to die. He would be strung up within days... and I mean literally strung up.

As for the second paragraph... Does the legislature have the constitutional authority to pass a bill that takes away CIC duties? I don't believe it does. That is why this timetable crap is just that.... crap. Unless of course they are attaching within the bill the defunding of the war on their arbitrary dates.

Paragraph one is bullshit

When will you learn? Over the past 5 years, I've been called a loon for suggesting the evidence for WMD was dubious, been called a loon when I called bullshit on the uraniaum claims, been called a loon for saying there was a civil war...etc.

When it comes to Iraq, I was virtually always right, all along -- while having to run a guantlet of "Bullshit!" or "Traitor!" comments the whole time.

Listen SF: Bush is smart. If the war's defunded, he'll go through some cosmetic motions to "look" like he's withdrawing. But, his intention and implementation will be like this: He will purposely leave underequipped and underfunded soliders in the battle zone as long as possible, allowing them to die -- so he and the GOP can "blame" the Dems for "hating the troops" in the next election.

These people are cold blooded. And when it comes to Iraq, I haven't been wrong on much. As for Bush fans? Not so much...they're almost always wrong.
oh, as for the withdrawl timetables?

A baloney argmument, only Rush Limbaugh and Hannity use -- which makes me wonder why the "independent" superfreak would be using them.

We've had congressionally mandated withdrawl timetables in other conflicts, I'm almost positive. No sane republican has claimed seriously, that they would challenge this Democratic bill in the supreme court. The fact that they aren't saying this speaks volumes, and tells you all you need to know SF.

Turn off the Rush Limbaugh show ;)
WRONG...Pink Cheeks...

Do you have any idea what a buffoon this whole board thinks you are?

You're like Forest Gump. You were there for the fall of Saigon, you were in military intelligence, you were a terrorist chaser, you were a g-man, you're in the know with all the boys in the smoky back rooms and who they are going to finance, you f'd a hooker who told you that she's not contributing to Reid's campaign anymore...

You've done shit except make your way from your bed to the local pub.

You incredible buffoon.

I was all of the above(not at the fall of Saigon...I ets'd in 1968)...not sure what you were implying about the Ranch Girls...are you one...do I know who you are...ya do realize ya must have a brothel license to practice your trade in Nevada..carry on Pink Cheeks...some people do go through their life with numerous experiences that are noted on their resumes...sorry ya are stuck in a dead end job and release your anxiety... parading around with a bunch of ugly losers!.... please name all those who agree with what you just said! Never mind I will help you...you,Lady T,Desh,Cippie.BAC a few others maybe...all super liberals who love the 'Code Pink' losers!
This was was never officially declared. If Congress passes a withdrawal timeline that is veto-proof, Bush has to hold to it.

And don't talk so cavalierly about just "taking away their funding." That's a 3rd rail for some, and it's something I'm not even comfortable with. To me, THAT is when you start playing politics with our military.

It may not have been officially "declared" but did you see anything under that bill that allows them to retract authorization for the use of force? I did not.

Taking away funding is not a third rail as you say IF you provide funding for the withdrawal. This is all political right now... from both sides.
and by "political" I meant to say political posturing.... I would have edited my own post, but Cypress gets cranky when you do that.

.... is politically smart - in a machivellian way. Or, maybe its just rove and cheney pulling the strings. Maybe Bush really is a retard.

Regardless, I think you know what I meant: The bush adminstration, will be cynical and smart, on how they let american troops remain trapped in iraq to die, if the war gets defunded by dems.
I was all of the above(not at the fall of Saigon...I ets'd in 1968)...not sure what you were implying about the Ranch Girls...are you one...do I know who you are...ya do realize ya must have a brothel license to practice your trade in Nevada..carry on Pink Cheeks...some people do go through their life with numerous experiences that are noted on their resumes...sorry ya are stuck in a dead end job and release your anxiety... parading around with a bunch of ugly losers!.... please name all those who agree with what you just said! Never mind I will help you...you,Lady T,Desh,Cippie.BAC a few others maybe...all super liberals who love the 'Code Pink' losers!

I think you may have hit a nerve Darla.
Southern California....

Vegas and Reno is where the population is and that means MOST of us Nevadans are in clark county.

Yeah Im a transplant where are you from?

I made my Exodus long ago...I loved California up through the late sixtees and the start of the seventees...I saw the writing on the wall way back then..I moved before moving was popular...like the song 'I was country before country was cool'...and by all means if you brought your late California mentality please stay in Southern Nevada...with the rest of the losers...ya are trying your best to get the lib population a controlling factor in order to make Nevada a perverted state...not going to happen we are actively recruiting conservatives to off set 'Lost Wages' attempt...end of story for your ilk and Harry's career!
I was all of the above(not at the fall of Saigon...I ets'd in 1968)...not sure what you were implying about the Ranch Girls...are you one...do I know who you are...ya do realize ya must have a brothel license to practice your trade in Nevada..carry on Pink Cheeks...some people do go through their life with numerous experiences that are noted on their resumes...sorry ya are stuck in a dead end job and release your anxiety... parading around with a bunch of ugly losers!.... please name all those who agree with what you just said! Never mind I will help you...you,Lady T,Desh,Cippie.BAC a few others maybe...all super liberals who love the 'Code Pink' losers!

:orang: :lolup: :lolup: