There is nothing regressive here, the regressiveness is that of the feral, diseased, deviant left, which, being less than human, cannot contemplate anything above the level of a beast - Godly and heavenly pleasures, whether art, philosophy, nature, mathematics are lost on such barbarians in favor of feral desires, whether sodomy, pornography, bestiality, or other wastefulness.
- for the ultimate destiny of humanity is global Unification under God
you serve no useful purpose to humanity.
Only a harmful one. The end of your era is clearly imminent, not to mention profoundly necessary.
The only question is whether your kind troglodyte, a clearly sub-human group both intellectually and morally,
You're an intellectual lightweight and defective, both evolutionary and culturally, as a MENSA-level intellect I and others gladly assert from the comfort of our ivory tower.
The atheist, the heathen, the primate, is decidedly less human than the superior man and woman.
Humanism, of course is only realized through God and the adaption of Godly and transcendent values; such as appreciation for mathematics, art, beauty, nature, and things such as this, which are at the pinnacle of mankinds evolution toward unity with God.
The atheist, the pagan, the degenerate, the mouth-breather, the heathen, is noting but a less evolved species, not worthy of human rights, more akin to an animal - as a result of its evolutionary defects, it cannot contemplate the higher, the mathematical, the spiritual - only the lower, having only feral vices, instincts and impulses to satisfy, whether porn, masturbation, incest, rape of animals and children, lusts for the temporal and carnal over the intellectual and spiritual - or things of that nature.
Much like other feral animals serving no purpose to humanity's realization of unity with God under a new Platonic republic; they have no reason or right to live, but should be eradicated with all the zeal of an exterminator ridding a home of roaches.
has left America salvageable or not. Only time will tell.
America isn't "salvageable", it deserves to be actively destroyed and rebuilt from the ground up and re-created in the image of a right-wing nationalist and internationalist nation with the purpose of bringing all man and women to unity under God and under the new Platonic Republic which has a natural right to rule and govern the world according to heavenly, mathematical principles, as opposed to barbaric heathen, atheist, pagan lusts, inferiorities, philistinism, and vices).