Has the left shown that we should repeal the 1st Amendment?

The Reign of Terror was the lynch mob.


Look, history repeats itself a lot. Many left wing movements might have good cause for revolts, but they tend to result in a whole lot of bloodshed and worse authorities than their predecessors.

The American Revolution was an anomaly. We got lucky that the Founding Fathers weren't typical revolutionaries. They actually did support the concept of limited government more than most.

I guess guillotine wasn't a thing. ;)

Know what is funny? The British caused so much bloodshed in the name of their King.

So who were the "left" and the "right" at that time?
lol ok you got me on that one

The Founding Fathers would have been left. Granted, Classical Liberals are quite different from Progressive Liberals.

I think the SJW nutjobs can go fuck themselves. You can say that I am a classical liberal but even those posters wouldn't believe me.
I think the SJW nutjobs can go fuck themselves. You can say that I am a classical liberal but even those posters wouldn't believe me.

I believe you. It's consistent with your previous posts. I think it's part of why I get along better with you than a lot of other people on the left.

What's funny is that I actually liked Bernie somewhat in 2015 and early 2016. I didn't agree with many of his policies, but I liked his focus on corporate corruption. He reminded me of what the Democrats used to be like in their focus on labor issues and fighting corporatism. Somewhere around 2012, the SJW stuff really escalated. Bernie seemed to resist most of it at first, but then BLM started hijacking his rallies. He eventually caved to it, but I guess he didn't have much choice. They would have called him an old racist white guy otherwise.
I believe you. It's consistent with your previous posts. I think it's part of why I get along better with you than a lot of other people on the left.

What's funny is that I actually liked Bernie somewhat in 2015 and early 2016. I didn't agree with many of his policies, but I liked his focus on corporate corruption. He reminded me of what the Democrats used to be like in their focus on labor issues and fighting corporatism. Somewhere around 2012, the SJW stuff really escalated. Bernie seemed to resist most of it at first, but then BLM started hijacking his rallies. He eventually caved to it, but I guess he didn't have much choice. They would have called him an old racist white guy otherwise.

I named you as one of my favorite posters in this thread. ;)

A: No, of course not....The solution to bad speech is better speech...the solution to bad ideas is better ideas along side of having wise and decent citizens.

One upon a time when America was better most people learned this along the way somewhere.

If democracy is left wing, then how come the governments that have been born out of the most left wing movements have largely been dictatorships? (Soviet Union, Maoist China, Khmer Rouge, North Korea, etc.)

Because those governments were founded by opportunistic tyrants, not Leftists.

During the Russian Provisional Government, they took a vote as to what kind of government they wanted Russia to have. The Liberals, who were in the majority, voted for a Liberal Democracy. The reason that didn't happen is because the Bolsheviks violently took over the government and enforced a dictatorship. So the Soviet Union was not born out of a left-wing movement, it was the result of tyrants who hijacked a left-wing movement. And it's not like there was even an effort by the Bolsheviks to have collective ownership.
And after this happened, Leftists were the main critics of the USSR government. Unlike the Right, Leftists don't support Authoritarianism when it gives them some of what they want.
I'm tempted to argue that the left, lacking any virtue or morality to speak of, has made the case for why the 1st Amendment can no longer be viable in a God-fearing society.

The left seeks a society that is too enlightened to be "God-fearing," as should everybody.

But the First Amendment is not our problem.
The Tenth Amendment is what prevents us from being a REAL nation.

Right now, we're just an uneasy alliance of fifty separate states, sophisticated blue ones trying with no success to co-exist with uncivilized, socially regressive red ones.
The left seeks a society that is too enlightened to be "God-fearing," as should everybody.
Such a thing is nonsense and merely evidence of the unenlightened left and its bestial ways. Enlightenment, of course only comes from God; to suggest otherwise mere denial.

The only 2 types of fear, is the regressive and bestial fear which the left and its decadent rabble wallow in due to their own immorality, materialism, and bestiality; having no concept of anything which is good, true and beautiful.

So of course, the left's notion of "fear" is fear of being told that it is abominable to murder, to rape, to be addicted to pornography, to educate in the manner of an enlightened and godly ruler or philosopher king.

The only "true" fear, of course, is fear of losing the light of God, and being cast into the darkness - since the left wallows in the darkness and fears the light much as a vampire does, only an enlightened and Godly ruler or philospher king can guide them into the light, akin to a flock of sheep in need of a shephard.

But the First Amendment is not our problem.
The Tenth Amendment is what prevents us from being a REAL nation.
Yes and no.

If a 1-party right-wing nationalist was established as the only option, then the 10th Amendment would be unnecessary, as it would simply a means for the degenerate left to subvert their natural and enlightened rulers in favor of their savage and bestial ways, unbecoming of a man or a woman, but rather a feral dog with no concept of "humanity" to speak of to begin with, and therefore no "pretense" of having any rights at all but what come out of the barrel of a gun.

Right now, we're just an uneasy alliance of fifty separate states, sophisticated blue ones trying with no success to co-exist with uncivilized, socially regressive red ones.
How malformed this is to the point of satire. Only one who knows not even a high schooler's understanding of "civilziation" could postulate something so ignorant.

All modern nations and states are "civilized"; the era of "civilization" allegedly began in the fertile crescent thousands of years ago.

So ultimately, there are only 2 types of civilization - a degenerate, savage, and bestial one governed by degeneracy, savagery and vice (the type of state which a left-wing sub-human would salivate over, as did the denizens of Sodom and Gomorrah) - or a civilization ruled and governed by virtue, God, and enlightenment; only the 2nd kind is desirable, while the former kind should be destroyed by any means necessary.
So ultimately, there are only 2 types of civilization - a degenerate, savage, and bestial one governed by degeneracy, savagery and vice (the type of state which a left-wing sub-human would salivate over, as did the denizens of Sodom and Gomorrah) - or a civilization ruled and governed by virtue, God, and enlightenment; only the 2nd kind is desirable, while the former kind should be destroyed by any means necessary.

MarcusA, every keystroke from your keyboard is a blatant waste of bandwidth. Between your politically regressive perversions and your moronic religious superstitions, you serve no useful purpose to humanity.
Only a harmful one. The end of your era is clearly imminent, not to mention profoundly necessary.

The only question is whether your kind troglodyte, a clearly sub-human group both intellectually and morally, has left America salvageable or not. Only time will tell.
MarcusA, every keystroke from your keyboard is a blatant waste of bandwidth. Between your politically regressive perversions and your moronic religious superstitions,
Superstitions are what you, pagans, and atheists believe in - silly nonsense such as ghosts, goblins, flying spaghetti monsters, and other varieties of inferior, superstitious religion and folklore.

Your degenerate and pagan religion comprised of imaginary and powerful mortals has always been called out as regressive and inferior since the days of Plato's Republic and beyond.

God, as in the Supreme Being of all the cosmos, is only discernable through logic and mathematics, something which defectives and sub-human vermin like you aren't capable of comprehending; preferring your quaint little atheistic and heathen archetypes. ooga booga, and superstitious much as atheists and inferior pagans have as far back as the days of Socrates, who condemned the degenerate rabble for their worship of such atheistic and material idols rather than God or the Supreme Being.

There is nothing regressive here, the regressiveness is that of the feral, diseased, deviant left, which, being less than human, cannot contemplate anything above the level of a beast - Godly and heavenly pleasures, whether art, philosophy, nature, mathematics are lost on such barbarians in favor of feral desires, whether sodomy, pornography, bestiality, or other wastefulness.

- for the ultimate destiny of humanity is global Unification under God

you serve no useful purpose to humanity.
Only a harmful one. The end of your era is clearly imminent, not to mention profoundly necessary.

The only question is whether your kind troglodyte, a clearly sub-human group both intellectually and morally,
You're an intellectual lightweight and defective, both evolutionary and culturally, as a MENSA-level intellect I and others gladly assert from the comfort of our ivory tower.

The atheist, the heathen, the primate, is decidedly less human than the superior man and woman.

Humanism, of course is only realized through God and the adaption of Godly and transcendent values; such as appreciation for mathematics, art, beauty, nature, and things such as this, which are at the pinnacle of mankinds evolution toward unity with God.

The atheist, the pagan, the degenerate, the mouth-breather, the heathen, is noting but a less evolved species, not worthy of human rights, more akin to an animal - as a result of its evolutionary defects, it cannot contemplate the higher, the mathematical, the spiritual - only the lower, having only feral vices, instincts and impulses to satisfy, whether porn, masturbation, incest, rape of animals and children, lusts for the temporal and carnal over the intellectual and spiritual - or things of that nature.

Much like other feral animals serving no purpose to humanity's realization of unity with God under a new Platonic republic; they have no reason or right to live, but should be eradicated with all the zeal of an exterminator ridding a home of roaches.

has left America salvageable or not. Only time will tell.
America isn't "salvageable", it deserves to be actively destroyed and rebuilt from the ground up and re-created in the image of a right-wing nationalist and internationalist nation with the purpose of bringing all man and women to unity under God and under the new Platonic Republic which has a natural right to rule and govern the world according to heavenly, mathematical principles, as opposed to barbaric heathen, atheist, pagan lusts, inferiorities, philistinism, and vices).
I'm tempted to argue that the left, lacking any virtue or morality to speak of, has made the case for why the 1st Amendment can no longer be viable in a God-fearing society.

It's been shown that the left, if "left" to their own devices will simply use and abuse it in the name of inferior heathen pleasures and pursuits, whether childish porn addictions, spreading lies and misinformation, or other rather deleterious things which those of a righteous and Godly mind would naturally find repellant and repulsive.

At this point, I believe that repelling the 1st Amendment may be the next step in the right direction; "frees peach" in public should be limited solely to that speech which helps to build a Kingdom of God on earth, elect candidates known for their righteous values and virtues.

The use and abuse of "speech" to promote degenerate and inferior causes, such as helping to elect left-wing candidates, promote social ills such as abortion, sodomy, "transgender" rights, racist and sexist "identity politics" and other things that only the base, the vulgar, and the bestial would find interesting, akin to a feral dog licking up its own vomit, since it lacks the palate and discretion by which a man or woman of superior taste and refinement would find in a healthy meal.

Much akin to a spoiled child or untamed animal, it is apparent that the left simply cannot be trusted to speak, or to be able to produce anything other than feral grunts and groans which no women or man of higher virtue, vocabulary, and character would even find being worthy of calling "speech" to begin with.

So yes, it is time to remove the archaic notion of "frees speech" from the base and vile underclass left, the atheist, the heathen, the inferior, much like gleaning wheat from chaff, or the body's immune system removing toxins, to remove and censor such inferior speech is merely to cleanse, to purify, to enlighten the lost and the damned in the right direction. Such a thing is, therefore ultimately autlristic, not oppressive at all, and those who'd diagree have no opinion worth uttering to begin with, let alone one that the virtuous should bother to consider.

no. wrong. you're dumb.
no. wrong. you're dumb.
"Free speech" is a luxury which only the enlightened can appreciate.

Inferiors such as the atheist, the neanderthal, the primate, the savage, by virtue of their own ferality do not deserve it or other "human" notions which only the enlightened, the Godly, and the sophisticated can rightfully enjoy. It is the righteous and altruistic duty of the enlightened to govern those who are lost in the darkness of Plato's cave.

The never deserved it to begin with; so no, all "free speech" which doesn't conformed to the values and virtues of the nationalist right and it's philosopher-kings and queens should be banned as the dangerous
and subversive propaganda that it is!

With contemporary computer technology, monitoring and policing speech which is subversive to the right and right-wing nationalism may be easier than ever before. I recommend it.
It is always fascinating watching the so called conservative religious right - MarcusA is the example here - define the other side. It is a kinda mindless finger pointing that neglects to look at itself and its lack of accomplishments or even justice and good. Caging children and breaking up families is now ok in their moral universe. Taking healthcare from the needy ok too for Jesus would have agreed? Would he have? Of course not. Conservatives are moral less single issue tribes today. They love control of the other thus the defining, as for looking into their own soul. No way Jose.

Truman nailed them long ago, they haven't changed much. "I do not believe there is a problem in this country or the world today which could not be settled if approached through the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount." Harry S. Truman

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home - but not for housing. They are strong for labor - but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage - the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all - but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine - for people who can afford them. They consider electrical power a great blessing - but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They think the American standard of living is a fine thing - so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire the Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it." Harry S. Truman


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It is always fascinating watching the so called conservative religious right - MarcusA is the example here - define the other side. It is a kinda mindless finger pointing that neglects to look at itself and its lack of accomplishments or even justice and good. Caging children and breaking up families is now ok in their moral universe. Taking healthcare from the needy ok too for Jesus would have agreed? Would he have? Of course not. Conservatives are moral less single issue tribes today. They love control of the other thus the defining, as for looking into their own soul. No way Jose.

Truman nailed them long ago, they haven't changed much. "I do not believe there is a problem in this country or the world today which could not be settled if approached through the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount." Harry S. Truman

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home - but not for housing. They are strong for labor - but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage - the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all - but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine - for people who can afford them. They consider electrical power a great blessing - but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They think the American standard of living is a fine thing - so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire the Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it." Harry S. Truman



you think someone suggesting mass murder and censorship is your average trump supporter or the religious right?

where are you on abortion? euthanasia? censorship? cps taking children?

you're closer to this nut than a trump supporter or an actual Christian.
you think someone suggesting mass murder and censorship is your average trump supporter or the religious right?

Yes, they just don't openly talk about it like this guy is doing. But I have no doubt that the average Trumpcuck would support Trump becoming dictator and removing "unpatriotic" people from society.
you think someone suggesting mass murder and censorship is your average trump supporter or the religious right?

where are you on abortion? euthanasia? censorship? cps taking children?

you're closer to this nut than a trump supporter or an actual Christian.

The opening post is well written and very entertaining. I knew when he posted right in the beginning that he was "tempted to argue" that I was in for some fun reading.
Yes, they just don't openly talk about it like this guy is doing. But I have no doubt that the average Trumpcuck would support Trump becoming dictator and removing "unpatriotic" people from society.
you're wrong. it's the dems that are most hostile to the bill of rights. that's an obvious observable fact. open your eyes, rubberneck.