Q: Has the left shown that we should eliminate the 1st Amendment?
A: No.
“Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question: What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?”
― Marcus Aurelius
It is always fascinating watching the so called conservative religious right - MarcusA is the example here - define the other side. It is a kinda mindless finger pointing that neglects to look at itself and its lack of accomplishments or even justice and good. Caging children and breaking up families is now ok in their moral universe. Taking healthcare from the needy ok too for Jesus would have agreed? Would he have? Of course not. Conservatives are moral less single issue tribes today. They love control of the other thus the defining, as for looking into their own soul. No way Jose.
Truman nailed them long ago, they haven't changed much. "I do not believe there is a problem in this country or the world today which could not be settled if approached through the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount." Harry S. Truman
"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home - but not for housing. They are strong for labor - but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage - the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all - but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine - for people who can afford them. They consider electrical power a great blessing - but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They think the American standard of living is a fine thing - so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire the Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it." Harry S. Truman
you think someone suggesting mass murder and censorship is your average trump supporter or the religious right?
where are you on abortion? euthanasia? censorship? cps taking children?
you're closer to this nut than a trump supporter or an actual Christian.
1. Elective abortion should be outlawed, but abortion or euthenasia should be mandatory in the case of defectives (e.x. transgenders) and others, whom it would be a greater evil to let stay alive due to their aberrant condition. (Whores will, indeed give up their imaginary and non-existant "right" to an abortion when faced with the barrel of a loaded gun; much as they did just as easily play a part in electing Trump.
If banning abortion leads to more underground or "back-alley" abortions, this is a good thing, since subhumans, defectives and mongrels who have multiple abortions are not worth anything to society to begin with, so more deaths via back-alley abortions is simply nature's way of purifying the gene pool and population.
2. CPS should take children away from atheist or degenerate homes, and redistribute them to Christian or religious homes, or state-run religious boarding schools - indoctrinating children with atheism, evolutionist degeneracy, and other moral ills and plague should be a crime worthy of life imprisonment death.
(Family and "individual" is subordinate to God and state, just as has always been the case in theocratic, nationalist governments; advocating familial sovereignty at the expense of God and nation is degenerate, left-wing heresy, and pluralistic nonsense; which promotes the LIE that families or individuals should have a right to exist regardless of merit or benefit to the establishment of the Kingdom of God; much as degenerate families of low morality and intelligence are frequently associated with social ills such as child abuse, neglect, molestation, and other deviant crimes and savagry which the atheist, the heathen, the traitor, and the godless wallow in due to being devoid of anything resembling humanity or worth of rights to begin with).
An atheist, by virtue of its own degeneracy and inferiority cannot be trusted around children anymore than a child molestor, a rapist, or other ne'er do wells. Atheists should be universally condemned not only by Christians but all world religions or those who answer to a higher power; atheists should be society's deplorables and second-class citizens for the foreseeable future.
so dems should look at their own cancel culture before criticizing others for tyranny?
Just a message to the OP!
He doesn't seem to be a true follower of Marcus Aurelius philosophy- His mentor!
maybe his mentor is jean jaques marcuse. in that case, he's on point.
Just a message to the OP!
He doesn't seem to be a true follower of Marcus Aurelius philosophy- His mentor!
maybe his mentor is jean jaques marcuse. in that case, he's on point.
Not to mention, we already have too many Children for a rignt-wing nationalist or Christian state to properly regulate.
As a result, many children, such as those born of aberrant families with no love of God or nationalism will be indoctrinated into evils such as pornography or masturbation addictions, atheism, and the other associated ills which atheism and its inherant worthlessness leads to.
Some type of state-imposed limit on children may be good and necessary; to ensure that children are not produced at a rate faster than what the state can control; can educate in state-run religious boarding/military schools, and so on.
your take on christianity and god is fucked up. god loves even the crippled and inferior. you're just a deranged mass murderer.
you're wrong. it's the dems that are most hostile to the bill of rights. that's an obvious observable fact. open your eyes, rubberneck.
Give me some examples of mainstream Democrats promoting violence or talking about taking away freedom of speech like Trump does.